Super Tycoon

Chapter 289: Video Game Opening

Tokyo Chiba Makuhari International Exhibition Center held the first Tokyo Video Game Exhibition today, and the number of exhibitors has set a new record for all game exhibitions in Tokyo.

Zhang Yang did not work in front of his company's booth, but went in from the door to visit other companies' booths.

He soon found an interesting picture. This time at the Tokyo Game Show, the best booth was not Nintendo, the global gaming leader at this time, but stunned.

It is rumored that the executives of Schneider have a good relationship with the organizers of this video game show. They also sponsored a large amount of money in private and helped to contact many companies.

Nintendo is more arrogant. Whoever dare not invite them to any high-end game show, video game show or the like? Without their Nintendo participation, that would be incomplete.

Therefore, Nintendo was not very enthusiastic about this matter, which caused Nintendo to only get the second seat. This made the Nintendo representative annoyed and secretly decided not to participate next year, to give this lesson a lesson!

The booth that Zhiduoxing obtained was neither good nor bad, it was regarded as the second booth. The venue is not too small, and there is a preferential price.

Ordinary companies come to the exhibition, the price is very expensive. If you have no money, it means that your company is not strong enough to qualify for exhibition.

He also saw many North American and European game companies, including Blizzard and other companies.

The exhibition is divided into several areas, the first area is a game console, the second area is an arcade game, the third area is a computer game, the fourth area is a video game, the fifth area is a handheld game, the sixth This area is the surrounding products.

Zhiduoxing Company naturally has booths in all areas, because they have all products.

This time, there were more than two hundred exhibitors and more than one thousand booths. The target audience was 100,000.

The total number of participants can certainly exceed this data, but it also includes some company staff, exhibition staff, related media personnel, and the number of visitors and visitors is not particularly large, after all, this is only the first session.

The first day was a professional visit day. There were no visitors and visitors, only representatives of various companies and related media, so the number was not particularly large, and it had not reached the point of crowding.

Zhang Yang's unexpected discovery, Atari even came to participate.

Atari, already owned by JTS, even the gaming subsidiary was sold to Zhiduoxing to promote their jaguar.

Zhang Yang wondered if JTS had sold Atari's game copyrights. What else did he do as a game console? Game consoles can't make money, even if they are sold well, it's useless.

After inquiring for a while, I found out that Atari still has a lot of Jaguar in stock. JTS originally wanted to upgrade the product to become a real 64-bit game console, but found that the product they made was still defective. Not as good as the N64, not even the PS1 of the Schneider, so what is the effort to upgrade?

They came to the exhibition this time just to cooperate with some game companies, hoping to sell the Atari Jaguar project, for which they can also take two products that have just been designed and are still in theory.

One of them is the same as Nintendo's VB.

Atari also wanted to see if VB could succeed. If they succeeded, they would immediately launch similar ones and be able to resurrect. It's a pity that even the leading VB has failed, and they haven't dared to start this project anymore.

Zhang Yang had also thought about buying Atari's game console technology, but later thought about it, it is not necessary. In fact, some designs have already fallen behind, and the purchase he bought has not greatly improved Zhiduoxing, and may disrupt the development of Zhiduoxing.

Going further, it is Bandai's PP game console booth. This is the same as Atari, hoping to sell it and return some capital, otherwise it will only be able to remove the recycled parts.

Zhang Yang saw many gaming machine brands that he hadn't noticed before, and the performance of gaming machines was also uneven. But the best performance is still Nintendo's N64.

Even Zhang Yang also found that many media people are trying to play N64, and of course they are all media people outside the island country. After all, this is already listed in the island country and has received countless praises.

There were also many people in front of the gaming console booths of Sega, Seni, Songxia and Zhiduoxing, but none of them cared about the performance of these companies' gaming consoles. After all, they already knew it.

What they care about is, when will the next-generation game consoles of these companies be launched?

Sega immediately gave an accurate answer: "We are developing a 128-bit game console with more perfect 3D functions and more fun games. It is expected to be completed within two years, so stay tuned."

Sega also learned from Nintendo. Nintendo skipped the 32-bit console, then Sega skipped the 64-bit console and went directly to 128.

As for the game, they are still in contact with Bandai, and they are trying hard to persuade Bandai to merge with them.

Bandai has contacted many companies, the closest of which are Sega and Nangong Meng, of which Nangong Meng is still only a game machine.

However, Bandai is worried that after the merger with Nangong Meng, it will continue to be subject to Nintendo's checks and balances, or it will have to join the camp of Schneider, which Bandai is unwilling to. At least in terms of animation and hand-made, Bandai is also the world's top.

Moreover, this time Bandai failed to cooperate with Apple's game console. Many people in the company did not give up. They also want to try the game console market again. This is done, which also greatly promotes their game sales.

Sega announced plans for a new game console, but the song was silent. Because at this time there are many contradictions within 3DO Except Songxia and AT&T, other companies even support 3DO company to switch to develop games, and the leading one is EA company.

When developing games, Songxia’s hardware advantage is completely unavailable. They have planned that if 3DO continues to persevere, Songxia will withdraw from this company and try to buy the relevant technology of 3DO game consoles, and later will do it by themselves. Game console!

Old opponents can be successful, why should they not?

Chang Ni also announced that their next-generation game console plan is on the agenda and is being researched and developed, and the specific time to market is yet to be determined.

Because at this time, the sales of other products of Niuni are getting better and better, and they have updated the production line, the efficiency has been greatly improved, and the price of hardware is declining. Niuni plans to lower the price of PS1 again from the end of this year to the beginning of next year. More funds will be used to acquire game companies and game copyrights.

The media finally pointed the microphones at Zhiduoxing Company, others have new product plans, how about you Zhiduoxing?

Sun Tengfei announced to the microphone: "Our Zhiduoxing company, at the latest at the beginning of next year, will launch a new game device, this device will once again be popular in the world!"

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