Super Tycoon

Chapter 294: 1 more sweetmeat

Square President Yasushi Miyamoto, sitting in his office at this time, although the company is in trouble, but he laughed for the first time these days, because he saw old friends.

"Yokoi, you come to see me, are you going to accept my invitation to join Square Encourage? You can rest assured that the conditions I told you would never change."

"I didn't expect you to come here at such a time. It's really touching."

When Square Enix made money, he invited Yokoi Junping with shares, but Yokoi Junping refused. At this time, the company lost money, and Yokoi Junping turned over, seeing the truth in trouble.

Yokoi Junping's face was a little embarrassed: "Miyamoto Jun, I came here this time not to join Square Enix, but to act as an intermediary to mediate between Square Entrepreneur and Nintendo. Both sides take a step back, forget it ."

"Impossible!" Yasushi Miyamoto refused directly. "You should know that this product cost us 3.4 billion yen, which is 3.4 billion!"

"If Nintendo sells normally, even if our game has some shortcomings, it is difficult to sell millions of sets, but it will not lose money, at least it can make a small profit."

"This is the first game we built for N64. Nintendo did this, obviously wanting to see us die! At this time you have the final say, why!"

"Miyamoto Jun, but Square Enix is ​​no match for Nintendo. The VB I developed failed, and Nintendo also lost a lot, but do you see any impact on Nintendo?"

"Nintendo also lost a fortune this time, but did you see Nintendo having a difficult time? Nintendo has a big business and you are not an opponent. I can help you and let Nintendo inject capital into Square Enix. The company is still under your control. You are still the majority shareholder."

"Yokoi!" Yasushi Miyamoto interrupted Yokoi Junping, "If you are still a friend, there is no need to continue with this. We at Square Enix do not need Nintendo's mercy. We want to invest in our company. It’s more than Nintendo. And since then, our company and Nintendo have nothing to do with each other."

"Games released by Square Enix will no longer run on Nintendo game consoles, as long as I stay in this seat for a day, this is the company's operating guidelines!"

Yokoi opened his mouth flat and said nothing more.

At the beginning, not only Yasushi Miyamoto invited him, but also many companies came to invite him. In fact, he also had the opportunity to leave Nintendo's brand and return to work in other companies.

In his fame, so gray retirement, many fans were originally dissatisfied with Nintendo. He really wants to go to other companies, and Nintendo might not dare to tear his face.

But Nintendo gave him another sum of money as retirement compensation, and agreed that if he worked again, he could only go to Nintendo.

And he really wanted to return to Nintendo, but Nintendo didn't seem to have this meaning. Perhaps Nintendo failed again in some projects to think of him.

But this time, the president of Nintendo came to him again and asked him to help. He did not refuse. If successful, he can also take this opportunity to return to Nintendo to work.

It just seems that he failed again.

When Yokoi Junping came out, he met an acquaintance, Matsuda Shiji of the Huadao Elf Company. This is a company held by Huaxia Zhiduoxing. Before that, he also wanted to ask him to work.

It seems that Square Enix is ​​indeed a sweet and sour snack. Except for their Nintendo, many companies want to send charcoal in the snow.

And as Nintendo, who pushed Square Enix into the bottom, how could Square Enix make a good face? Nintendo is really hot, but other companies are not without games that sell more than one million.

Matsuda Shiji nodded and entered the office of Miyamoto Masashi.

Just ten minutes later, Matsuda Shiji came out ugly. Did Miyamoto think that Square Enix is ​​too high, and at this time, such harsh conditions are still open?

However, Square Enix has this confidence because they are the largest game software publishers in the island country, and there are many game companies mixed with them. This is what all major game console manufacturers and game manufacturers want to fight for.

Although the status of Square Enix is ​​inferior to Bandai, the gap is not so big, mainly because Square Enix has lost too much, otherwise the conditions he opened will be more demanding.


"You said Square Encourage requested a merger? We don't accept our investment to buy shares?" Zhang Yang felt a little difficult to handle. If the merger happened, he wouldn't want to.

In particular, Miyamoto Yasushi also demanded that after the merger, they retain the right to operate independently, which Zhang Yang is even more dissatisfied with.

He still remembers that the Square Enix company in the previous life was taken by Nintendo after the millennium, and then dreamed of turning over by the movie.

They made the final fantasy into a movie, and the publicity cost 160 million US dollars. The result was a loss, and they eventually merged with Enix, mainly based on Enix.

Before this, the two companies were still competitors.

"Mr. Zhang, when I arrived at Square Enix, I was seeing Yokoi Junping come out. Do you say they will turn to Nintendo again?"

"This is definitely not true. As long as Miyamoto Yasushi has a little ambition, he will not choose to go back. I think that the firm that caused Square Enix to be sanctioned this time will be Square Enix's first choice."

In the past, Square Enix also raised funds everywhere, introduced several shareholders, and re-emerged. But in this life, the situation has changed, Nintendo started even more ruthlessly, and Square Envelop has also torn off his face with made it clear that he wants to leave the Nintendo camp, so are others willing to invest?

This is what Shyney would most like to see.

"Talk to them and buy the final fantasy game license, as long as this one can be negotiated, then it will not lose. Otherwise, don't pay attention to it."

With this game authorization, the sales of Zhiduoxing G in the island country will definitely increase again, and it will also affect Nintendo's sales. If it is taken away by Chang Ni, the competitor will become stronger.

"Okay, I see. I will try to negotiate the game license at the best price. I think at this time, Square Enix should have no better choice."

"Mr. Zhang, there is one more thing. We have developed a pet elf derivative game running on Zhiduoxing G. It has passed the evaluation. Let me show it to you?"

"Yes, you look at the development of this copyright. I hope you can make it into a game series that can compete with Super Mario, and I am also optimistic that you can do this."

A week later, Square Enix held a media conference.

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