Super Tycoon

Chapter 305: 2 hand cassette is illegal?

"You mean, Sega sued several sellers of second-hand game cassettes, saying they were illegal? The court still accepted them?"

When he heard the news, Zhang Yang also looked dazed. What is the reason? Do you want to sell second-hand products? If we don’t like it, we can only pile it in the warehouse or throw it away?

"Mr. Zhang, it should be for ND. Their ND is compatible with MD game cartridges. Many players have now updated their gaming machines, so they sold Sega’s MD. There are few people who buy second-hand MD, but MD’s second-hand game cartridges sell It’s not bad. Many people who bought ND bought second-hand game cassettes."

"And it's not just Sega, Nintendo seems to be paying attention to this case. If Sega can win the case, Nintendo will also sue the seller of the used game cassette."

Zhang Yang understood it when he thought about it. It should be Sega, Nintendo, etc. that the second-hand game cassette market is hot, affecting the sales of their new cassettes.

If those who like to play their games buy new game cartridges, they can all make a lot of money. Especially Sega, their ND basically did not sell many cassettes.

Of course, their Saturn game discs are not very good. The hottest game VR warrior has sold less than two million copies.

In contrast, although Changi currently has no masterpieces, it is actually brewing. The company has purchased licenses from many car manufacturers and intends to launch a racing game with a collection of major sports cars.

This game is the most famous GT racing car in the previous life. The entire series sold nearly 100 million sets, which can be regarded as a top explosion.

There are a lot of popular Nintendo games, there are many over one million, and there are over ten million games sold.

If there is no second-hand platform, Nintendo's cassette sales can also be improved. Of course, they never thought that others would really not sell second-hand game cassettes, but they must be re-authorized.

In other words, if you sell our company's second-hand game cassettes, you must also give us a dividend, otherwise you will infringe the copyright of our games.

In fact, second-hand game cassettes do affect the sales of new game cassettes. It can be said that looking for a second-hand seller to ask for dividends again seems to make little sense.

"Then where will they open the court, is the United States or the island country?" Zhang Yang asked.

He felt particularly interested in the news. If such a thing can succeed, there will be ghosts. He doesn't even know how there will be a court to accept this case, and how can there be a lawyer to take this case.

"All of them, mainly in the United States. I heard that several second-hand sellers have also invited well-known lawyers. I guess some of the cases have been hit."

When Matsuda Shioji heard this news, he also felt like a joke. Why do you still manage second-hand sales?

If someone buys your cassette, you can play it yourself, give it away, or throw it away. It's someone else's power. Can you control it? Now that they are sold, what's the problem?

Although the interests of Sega and other companies are indeed affected, there are so many people who buy and sell second-hand goods around the world. I have not heard of anyone suing second-hand sellers for this reason. There is no such legal support!

However, many places in Europe and the United States are ocean law systems. They do not have clear and detailed legal provisions, and most of them are some frameworks. As long as you can say something in these frameworks and get the support of the jury, then you can win.

Under normal circumstances, the jury is looking for someone who is innocent and has no interest in both parties, but this kind of thing is also uncertain, and no one can be bought.

However, it is not realistic to buy all the juries. After all, not everyone is willing to take the risk of breaking the law to get money, not to mention that many cases can continue to appeal, and they will be arrested in the future and they must be jailed.

Because of this legal system, we often see some strange judgments, so the status of lawyers here will be so high.

There is a saying here, everyone needs doctors and lawyers in their lives.

"Yes, you pay attention, we don't want to mix things like this. By the way, are our second-hand game discs sold well?" Zhang Yang Rao asked with interest.

"Okay, not too good, not too bad. The main reason is that our game discs are cheaper to sell, and those second-hand merchants can't make too much profit, so naturally they are not willing to do it. The biggest impact is that Sega and Nintendo."

Zhang Yang pinched his chin and said to the microphone: "What do you say if we support those second-hand sellers?"

Matsuda Shiraki froze for a moment: "Mr. Zhang, then completely tear his face with his colleagues."

Zhang Yang smiled: "Do you think that we still have the possibility of cooperation? Sega Bandai Company, once again became the industry's second, and is planning to launch an impact on the first Nintendo."

"On game consoles and games, we are all competitors, and they have never considered cooperation before. Nintendo is also the same, wholeheartedly want to annex us."

"We weren't friends at all, and what kind of face do we care about? At this time, we support those few second-hand merchants, which will definitely make them very happy and increase their chances of winning."

"You think, once Sega wins, then Sega's ND may be resurrected, and Nintendo's game sales will also grow rapidly, which is not good for us."

"Speaking of it, we have to take some protection measures for the product. How about adding an activation code to the game disc?" Zhang Yang also began to think about how to reduce the impact of second-hand game cartridge sales on them.

Various software of the previous life requires a unique activation code. After a machine is registered for use, it can only be run on this Replace the machine, it cannot be run.

After the machine can be connected to the Internet, this will become easier, and some pirated software can be retrieved.

"Activation code? Like those computer games, right? I understand that it will let people do technical research and development in this area."

"No, I have shares in some game companies in the United States, and they have the corresponding technology. I just buy it directly and it doesn't cost much."

"You are now focused on solidarity with those second-hand merchants in the media, and there will be solidarity on the Internet, allowing players to abandon Sega, and by the way, bring the war to Nintendo."

Zhang Yang felt that it was a pity that Chang Ni did not show his head, because Chang Ni also only produced a generation of game consoles, second-hand game CD trading was very small, and the impact was minimal.

However, the recent moves of Johnny are not small. In the previous life, this year, the Johnny’s game camp began to exert its strength, and finally suppressed the Nintendo camp, and after the launch of PS2, Johnny’s revenue really exceeded Nintendo and jumped into the industry. the first.

In this life, Zhang Yangke will not let Chang Ni be more beautiful.

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