Super Tycoon

Chapter 338: Active handover

As Zhang Yang said more and more detailed, Allen's complexion became more and more wonderful.

Half an hour later, he left Zhang Yang's office and returned to Blizzard.

"Alan, didn't you go to see Mr. Zhang, why did you come back so soon, and we both need to come to a meeting at this time?" Mike Mohuai, deputy general manager of Blizzard, asked with a smile.

"Yeah, Allen, wouldn't it be Mr. Zhang who was about to breach the contract and rob us of our management rights?" Vice President Frank Pierce changed his face.

If this is the case, they are unwilling. In their view, the games they make are the most fun. If they are developed according to other people's ideas, they will lose Blizzard's soul.

Alan raised his hand: "Mike, Frank, you listen to me first. Mr. Zhang did not say that he would intervene in Blizzard's management, but I have an idea to discuss with you two. We will hand over some of the company's management rights. Go out."


Mike and Frank were stunned. They tried to win the terms of the contract. Alan let them give up?

"Allen, did that chapter do to you, he threatened you?"

"Frank, what I said just now is very clear. He did not. I wanted to surrender the management right, but we will keep the game development right in our own hands."

"Don't talk, let me finish. The three of us who founded Blizzard in order to make fun games for the majority of players."

"I think at the beginning, we played games for Nintendo, from racing, to Vikings, to Superman, every one has our hard work, but how much money did we make then?"

"The company's team is getting bigger and bigger, and we didn't really make money until the beginning of Warcraft. At the beginning, we relied on credit cards to cash out salaries to employees and mortgaged our own houses and cars."

"Compared to the beginning, we are indeed developing very well and have a very high reputation. But you have not thought about it, if we have a qualified helm person responsible for the operation, we can earn more."

"The two of you originally elected me to be president, but I know my abilities. I am not suitable. The three of us are actually not suitable for being presidents. We are more suitable for technical positions."

"You know this time, I talked to Mr. Zhang about the concept of, how much precious advice did he give me? I even doubt that he had this idea long ago, but because we have to do it, he didn't have it. Implementation."

"Because he is the majority shareholder of our company, we made money, the same as he made money himself. And he has more funds, and even some framework ideas have been completed, but it gave us... "

Alan Adhan recapitulated Zhang Yang's idea of ​​ in detail, and Mike and Frank were silent. These thoughts, they did not even think of it before.

In terms of game development, none of them are convinced. Even if they can only sell a few million copies of each game, they are not as good as some companies sell tens of millions of masterpieces, but they think it is just because they have not been translated into other languages, there is no better distribution company.

If Nintendo’s games are running on a computer, it’s not as much sold as his products. Besides, their game is more playable, and every operation may affect the final outcome.

However, in terms of operation, they are really far away, otherwise the company's games will not only be popular in North America, but also perform well in other markets.

And this time Zhang Yang's advice to them on can make Blizzard envelop a large number of gamers around the world, and it can also drive subsequent game sales like a game console.

Not to mention that time card charging model, Blizzard can add a piece of revenue, and even in the future, this piece of revenue will be comparable to the money they sell games.

"Allen, what do you mean, we have to take the initiative and give him the right to manage?" Frank was still a little unhappy. Even if you know that the other party is very powerful, should the other party give up some benefits in exchange for operating rights?

And the management power is given to others, and the company's lifeline is truly in the hands of the other party. Even if they still have independent game development rights, they have to rely on the breath of others.

No matter how good your game development is, others don’t sell it, aren’t you just staring?

"Alan, have you thought about it? We used to cooperate with Nintendo before, but now we have cooperation with Chang Ni. And our next plan is to cooperate with Nintendo. There is no Zhiduoxing in it."

"Once the management rights are handed over, what should Chi Doxing require our games to play on their consoles? The performance of Chi Doxing G cannot make our games perform well." Mike also advised.

"I believe that they will not depress our prices. And you two think about it, our game is on the platform of Schneider, how much can be sold?"

"At the beginning, we still thought that relying on the sales ability of Ni Ni, let us re-enter the field of video games and enter the ranks of top game development companies."

"But now there are only more than 30,000 copies of sales, and it is not as good as the games developed by some small companies with tens of thousands of pieces. Why do we want to cooperate with Nintendo next time, not because of the unwillingness to give the guaranteed price? "

The game was not sold this time, and Chang Ni still has to give a subsidy. Blizzard didn't lose, but Wenny lost, how can he give higher prices next time?

"Although the performance of Zhiduoxing's game consoles is low, they will also develop a new generation. You can see how fast and the potential of Zhiduoxing is."

"And the management rights are not given to Edwards and they are handed over to Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang is more in China, and we still have the final say here."

"It's just that I am worried that Mr. Zhang is not willing to manage Blizzard."

Mike and Frank both have some sullen faces, but have to admit that Blizzard's assets are really worth mentioning compared to Mr. Zhang's assets.

As a major shareholder, it seems that I am not very interested in the company's operation, which is too different.

"Or, give me a call first?" Mike suggested.

Zhang Yang is arranging a company at this time to collect the operating data of several American companies. He will invest in the financial market next year when the funds are transferred back.

Finance is not his main industry, but he has many goals to invest in, and he is guaranteed to earn no less than the financial market.

In his heart, he has already made a clear plan for the company's future development, and the current progress is very smooth. After the next-generation game consoles are introduced to the market, Zhiduoxing will really show its fangs!

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