Super Tycoon

Chapter 342: 1 hour a day

Jianghan went to purchase office software, consumables, etc. for the unit. After reaching the computer market, he walked to a familiar booth.

"Old money, three mouse, good quality, too easy to break last time. Four keyboards, two copies of word software, two network cables, three meters."

"Oh, you can go to our unit to install the system again. Is this a gift?"

"Okay, Jiang Ke~~ what the long said is what, wait a minute, I'll calculate the quotation. Hey, there is a new computer game, give you one?"

Jiang Han waved his hand: "Forget it. The fun games have a long time, and the short time, I'm getting tired of playing."

Look at all that, and everybody came to find the difference. He has played it. It was really fun at first, but it is boring to play every day, and it is too eye-consuming.

"Then I will give you a client, which can be used to play games with others on the Internet. This is a short time, it is fun, and some games are updated every month. There must be something you like."

In the afternoon, after the old money installed the system for Jianghan’s unit, he pointed to an icon on Jianghan’s computer and said, “This is, you must connect to the Internet to play. You don’t have an email address, just register yourself. It’s fun. "

After leaving the Jianghan unit, Lao Qian still smiled. I installed another floppy disk of, although this does not make money, but then there will be money.

After registering according to the instructions above, Old Money saw several games displayed on the main page. Black and white is not playable, and color is playable.

There are also several colored icons. Rush Russia, happy landlords, and three lack of joy. Everyone comes to find faults. These games sound very fun.

Anyway, he owns an office, and now no one is there, then play for a while.

This lack of joy is Mahjong. This rule can be easily understood by people who often play Mahjong. Old money computers do not have sound cards and are not afraid of others hearing.

It can be played with just one mouse, which is quite simple. Luck seems to be good today, and soon he won a lot of points, and the title has also improved.

Just when he was happy, he suddenly saw a pop-up pop up in the lower right corner, what is this?

What four hours, what lucky users?

Jiang Han casually clicked x and continued to play mahjong. He didn't close the battle net until after get off work, stretched out. This afternoon can be much faster than usual.

At work the next day, he proficiently entered his account number and password, logged in to, and then opened the happy three missing one.

After just playing for a while, I saw the pop-up window in the lower right corner.

Jiang Han ignored, continued to close the pop-up window, and then played mahjong.

But after playing for a while, he found another pop-up popping out.

Jiang Han couldn't start anymore, which made him unhappy.

He grabbed the phone on the desk and called out: "Old money, what kind of battlenet did you install for me? Yesterday was good, I can't play today!"

Winning, how troublesome, how can he get through this morning?

"Jiang Ke, this would be wrong. That was originally charged. Didn't you tell you yesterday? Think about it. Am I installing this game for you for free?"

"I'll confiscate you for a penny, right? This is originally a charge after use, just like a telephone charge. If you don't use it, you don't have to pay."

"And I gave you a lucky account, you can get a free gift for an hour every day, you said I am not particular?"

Lao Qian's appearance of injustice makes Jiang Han feel a little embarrassed.

"Well, I don't know, misunderstanding, misunderstanding. But how can I continue to play, it said recharge, what does it mean?"

"It's the time card for purchase and recharge time. There are time cards with unlimited monthly subscriptions, 100-hour time cards, and 30-hour time cards."

"I think you play for so long every day, then buy a monthly card with unlimited time. One card is only fifty yuan, you come to take it at noon, or I will send it to you in the afternoon, just there is a place near you. live."

"Fifty? So expensive?"

"It's expensive? How much do you have for a mouse? Rest assured, this money will only come out of consumables or other software, and you don't have to pay for it yourself."

"That line, I'll take it at noon." Anyway, I don't have to spend my own money. Fifty dollars a month, who can find? Who cares?

Just looking at the computer screen and not being able to play, Jiang Han felt that it was uncomfortable. Finally, I found a more interesting game. After a short time, he still likes it. Why can't he play it?

Alas, since it's okay, let's see what else the unit has to do. Can't you just sit here?

At noon, Jiang Han hurried to the old money on a motorcycle, and got a card. The card was made like a lottery ticket, and the coating had to be scratched off by hand.

According to the long list of letters and numbers above, enter it to show that he successfully recharged the membership for one month and play for unlimited time.

Jiang Han leaned on the chair and comfortably used the mouse to turn on the joy and lack of one, to continue the joy.

At the same time, old money is also sketched on a book. He is not a consumables business with only one unit here, but a lot of surroundings, who makes him related.

And even if it is in a unit, it is not only installed on one computer, but on every computer where he installs software, he has installed

All accounts are so-called "lucky accounts", which are actually free for one hour every day. This is for you to experience, after experience, want to charge money, huh, come here to buy a time card.

The thirty-hour time card costs ten yuan, and he earns a dollar. The price of one hundred hours is 30 yuan. He earns three yuan. Recommend an unlimited time of 50 yuan membership card. He can draw five yuan.

It seems that five dollars is not much, but this week, he sold more than forty pieces, that is, more than two hundred dollars into the account.

There are more than one hundred clients that he installs. It is estimated that someone will come to him to buy a time card in the past few days. There is no need to install it in the future. Every moonlight is a time card. Block income, cool.

Well, I have to find a way to install more clients so that my income can be higher.

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