Super Tycoon

Chapter 346: Attack the arcade market

  Zhang Yang was sitting in the office, looking at the sales of Zhiduoxing GMINI and the sales of dancing pad peripherals, with a faint smile on his face, and even lit a cigar in a good mood.

   "Xiao Wang, do colleagues now think this is our last move?"

  Secretary Xiao Wang nodded: "Mr. Zhang, of course they think so. After all, our peripheral is too arrogant and can be regarded as the strongest peripheral in history."

  At present, all the video game console peripherals, except G+3, have no sales comparable to dance mats. With the passage of time, the dance mat will become the number one selling peripheral, which is beyond doubt.

   What's more, G+3 peripherals don't make money at all, even if it's capital preservation, helping those foundries with handles to make some money, Zhiduoxing actually doesn't look at that meager profit. New 81 Chinese network update fastest computer terminal: https://

But the peripherals of the dance mat can be different. Not only the dance mat sells very well, but it is considered to be at least a tens of millions of peripherals. Many people also purchased an additional dancing game disc, because there are only three Fifteen songs, many people think it is too little.

   It is the peripheral device of dancing mats, including related game discs, which can bring Zhiduoxing several hundred million dollars in net profit. The price of a dance mat reached $199, which is similar to the price of a game console.

   And Zhiduoxing Company can make at least 50% profit. The profit of the song CD is lower, but it is also 30%. At that time, those companies gave Zhi Duoxing a music copyright licensing fee that was not high. No one expected that they could sell so much.

   "The strongest peripheral, I like the word. By the way, you can let out the wind with those in the game hall. Our product, we want to replace the arcade."

  With their products more durable, plus more exclusive licensed games, can dominate the arcade market. The bosses of the arcade hall will know what to choose is more cost-effective.

"Okay, I'll call the agent in a moment. By the way, President Matsuda Shiji came back to the news that after the resignation of the president of Sega Bandai, Nakayama Ryu, the superior was not Ueno, the president of the original Bandai company. He Dian, it seems that the major shareholder of CSK is Ogawa Kung."

   Chapter Yang waved his hand: "No matter who it is, it has no effect on us. I hope this one is better than Ueno and Dian."

  The previous life was the president who served as Sega, and then led Sega to decline step by step and withdrew from the hardware market. Eventually merged with other companies and concentrated on developing games.

   Once the world's second home gaming console brand, it gradually retreated behind the scenes, and even forgotten. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Remember that I donated money twice, and donated all my net worth. It’s crazy to donate money, not to inject capital.

   At least change to Zhang Yang, absolutely will not do so. Even if you don't work in this company, you can't lose your money. Of course, there is another saying that this offended the other shareholders of the company, including the people behind those shareholders, so they had to pay for the disaster.

   As for which statement is more reliable, Zhang Yang is unknown.

   Previous Sega did not merge with Bandai, so he did not know exactly what direction this life will take. But what about it, the unknown is more interesting.

"Mr. Zhang, don't you think this is also an opportunity for us? The people of Sega's North American branch, I heard that they are all the descendants of Zhongshan Linxiong, and now Zhongshan Linxiong is about to retire early, and those people still account for those Location, will other people be happy? Will the new president be willing?"

   Zhang Yang looked at Secretary Wang: "What do you mean, we dig people from Sega Bandai?"

   "Yes. Our performance in the North American market has not been good enough. I don’t think it’s not only because we haven’t done enough publicity and brand awareness is not as good as Nintendo, but also because we don’t have executives who are familiar with the North American market."

"We are looking for other companies to act as agents. Although it is not bad, we have to ask the other party to take away an expensive agency fee. If the money is used for product promotion, our products can be sold better and our company’s The industry ranking goes further."

   Before Sega Puff Street, Chang Ni's performance was only average. Zhiduoxing's industry ranking once reached the second place in the world, second only to Nintendo.

However, since the merger of Sega Bandai, coupled with Senny began to increase publicity investment, attracting more third-party game companies to join their camp, Zhiduoxing's ranking in the global industry has become third, and even a small number of media will also be Zhiduoxing. Ranked fourth, behind the cynical.

   For the time being, the first seat has no hope, and Nintendo's status is difficult to shake. But who said that the future will not work? How many industry leaders have not been overturned?

   Now as long as they go further in the North American and island markets, they will be able to return to the second throne, and at least they will not be caught up by Chang Ni.

   Chapter Yang pinched his chin and thought about it. It seems that this is not impossible. The North American company actually has two executives, and its ability is not bad, but it is not good in terms of channels and contacts.

   And digging Sega Bandai's executives is also a blow to Sega Bandai. Nintendo and others did not want Sega Bandai to rise again. Coincidentally, Zhang Yang did not.

   "Think about it, give them a and let them try it. Even if you can't dig up the executives, you can dig in the middle managers."

   "By the way, you can also inspect the employees of Chang Ni and Nintendo, and ask if you are willing to work in our company. As long as you have sufficient abilities, you will receive preferential treatment."

  Two years ago, Zhang Yang couldn't afford to dig people's minds from large companies such as Nintendo, because he couldn't afford such a high treatment. But now, the treatment he can give can't afford Sega Bandai's turn.

   "Xiao Wang, during this time I have been staring at the company's product sales, and I have communicated with Mr. Sun and Mr. Zhang. I want to know the real-time data statistics."

"I also advise them that the after-sales service must keep up, logistics, advertising, etc. must be kept up. I gave the money, I want the results. If anyone's results make me unsatisfactory, don't blame me for not being affectionate. "

   In order to promote the GMINI GMINI to enter the arcade hall, instead of the traditional arcade, Zhang Yang gave a large amount of sales subsidies and preferential conditions.

  This makes the price of Zhiduoxing GMINI sold to the arcade hall very low, and it has really turned into a meager profit. It is also difficult to drive subsequent sales of game discs and peripheral products.

   This preferential condition includes the selection of gifted game discs, which must be some fun games, and even many are exclusive games of Zhiduoxing.

  The frequency of game updates in the arcade hall is far inferior to that of the home game console market. Fortunately, Zhiduoxing has added an activation code to the new game discs, so that the same disc cannot be used by the second game console, cutting off the sale of second-hand discs.

   This time to enter the arcade market, only success, not failure!

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