Super Tycoon

Chapter 374: You have to add money (ten/ten)

   "You said that the celebration of Sega Bandai, Bill Gates also attended?"

   Hearing this news, Zhang Yang was also very surprised. At this time, WIN98 is going on sale, which is a critical period for Microsoft. It was this operating system software in the previous life that allowed Microsoft to establish its dominance and completely defeat other operating systems such as DOS. New 81 Chinese network update fastest computer terminal: https://

   It is said that Microsoft should pay great attention to this. Bill Gates must not be blind, so it means that Bill Gates has other purposes.

Matsuda Shizuchi heard that the president was interested in the news and knew that he had not made a mistake. Then he immediately said: "Yes, more than one person saw it. I heard that Bill Gates has been chatting with Okawa for a long time, and I don’t know. What they talked about, but the two sides had a cold talk for a while, suspecting that they were talking about business contracts, and did not negotiate."

   Specific things, Matsuda Shiji can not inquire. At that time, Ogawa Kung and Bill Gates had no other people around him. He spent a lot of money, and it was not easy to understand these.

   In the past two years, the economy of the island country has been frustrated again. Many people lack money. This has also given him a lot of opportunities to penetrate other companies. Only half of the previous price is enough.

  Of course, he also thoroughly investigated his own company. At the same time, he only talked about important things to his relatives, and he gave the relatives absolute treatment to prevent them from betraying him.

   Some important news of the company must not be disclosed, otherwise it will have a great impact on the company's operation. For example, a game development plan, if someone else knows it, develop it first, even if it is crudely fabricated, you can’t do it, otherwise it is plagiarism and you will be charged with claims.

   There are also companies contacting other companies, and even some business contract terms, which are all confidential.

  Zhang Yang suddenly thought of a possibility, so he ordered: "You stare at the shareholders of Sega Bandai. If anyone has a bad financial situation, or wants to retire and sell shares, you can try to quote."

  Matsuda Satoshi’s eyes widened: "President, you mean, Microsoft is going to buy Sega Bandai?!"

   This is definitely big news, and even has some impact on the industry. As soon as this news broke out, the share price of Sega Bandai will soar, and more players will pay attention to Sega Bandai.

  Microsoft has now become the leader of the PC operating system. This year, this system has been widely praised. It has signed contracts with many hardware manufacturers and is likely to become the industry hegemon.

   If an industry leader mainly helps promote Sega Bandai, the effect will definitely be very good. What's more, Microsoft also has a good relationship with many hardware manufacturers. In the future, Sega Bandai will definitely be able to launch better host devices.

"It’s very possible, otherwise Bill Gates went to the Sega Bandai’s gala, and it’s not in the United States. In short, you’re staring, even if we can’t buy it, we have to help raise the price. If we can buy it, then More interesting."

  Matsuda Shiji heard Zhang Yang's words and had to remind: "President, Sega Bandai should also have some shareholder priority agreements. Even if we offer, we can't buy them at all."

   How can the other party's shareholders watch the stock fall into the hands of Zhiduoxing? Even if it's only a small amount, they don't want Sega Bandai to think of climbing to Zhiduoxing.

   "I know, but I still need to quote."

  Matsudajiri understands that it doesn’t matter whether you buy it or not, it is important that people who want to buy it must pay a high price.

"President, do you say that Ogawa will quietly increase his stake? His CSK is already the largest shareholder of Sega Bandai, but he only holds less than 30% of the equity. Take the opportunity to increase a part of the equity."

   "It's possible, isn't that right, let him spend more money. He is not how much money, just donate 50 billion yen, just let him donate some more."

  More than 300 million US dollars of cash can be taken out at will, which also shows how profitable CSK is. If you want to be a controlling party, you can pay more.

   At this time, the share price of Sega Bandai has been rising. Today, according to the market value, it is close to 400 billion yen, that is, more than 2 billion US dollars.

   continues to rise, surely it can exceed 3 billion US dollars, sweeping the previous decline.

  Ogawa's stocks certainly earned some money, so spend more.


  Ogawa looked at a Sega Bandai shareholder in front of him, who had about 3.5% of Sega Bandai's stock and had 5% of the voting rights.

  Ogawa’s emphasis is not on stocks, but on voting rights. Those stocks in circulation in the market, if Microsoft wants to buy it, it can just increase the stock price of Sega Bandai.

   But the voting right, he must not let others control.

   When Yamauchi retired before, he bought some of Yamauchi's stock. Now he is not only the largest shareholder, but also has the most voting rights, but unfortunately still not enough.

  Because of the merger with Bandai Company, the voting rights of Bandai Company were diluted to dilute his voting rights. Otherwise, would he still use Yamauchi as a president to recommend? Do others need to agree?

"Kana Watanabe, I know there are some problems with the industry in your family. I can buy the Sega Bandai stock in your hand, which is 10% higher than the market price, and pay it off in one go. You can still keep your current position, how about it?"

   All of this money came out at once, and no one has this ability. He felt that the other party should be able to agree. First launch https://https://

"President Okawa, I'm sorry, I mentioned to you to sell the stock. I also said at that time that it would be 10% higher than the market price. But now Sega Bandai is different. , The stock price has been rising again, I am now selling at this price, it is not cost-effective."

  Frankly speaking, there are three words: you must add money!

   is not not for sale, but not for cheap. How can stocks that are in an upward trend sell easily? Even if he is short of money, he can mortgage a stock loan and save his family's property.

  Ogawa Gong's face is not pretty, "How much do you want?"

   "3 billion yen."

   Hearing this number, Ogawa Gong almost jumped up. According to the market value of your stocks, which is 1.56 billion yen, I will add money to you, and I cannot add so much. The price in his mind is within 2 billion yen.

   "You should be clear, this is impossible!"

   How can someone buy this price? If you don't want to sell, you can just say that there is no need to quote such a high price!

   "It may not be impossible. Now I want to buy the stock in my hand, not only the president of Okawa, Mr. Bill Gates wants to buy, the president of Ueno wants to buy, and the vice president of Chita Star Matsuda Shiji also wants to buy."

   "So many people want to buy, of course I have to sell a good price."

  With this money, his family's estate can be brought back to life, and it can also expand outward. As for the position of Sega Bandai, the vice president, it doesn't matter if it is, the family industry will earn more.

  Okawa's complexion changed, he thought of Bill Gates, and Ueno and Dian, but he didn't think there was a person from Chita. Sega Bandai's stocks must never let outsiders get involved!

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