Super Tycoon

Chapter 384: Agreement with EA

Larry Prost, the chairman of EA at this time, is also one of the three founders of EA. At this time, with two bodyguards, came to a hotel.

After finding the corresponding room, I saw two black bodyguards standing in front of the room.

"Is it Mr. Zhang's room in Zhiduoxing? If you have any trouble, please say that Larry Prost is here."

The bodyguard hung a walkie-talkie around his waist and said a word to the headset microphone. Within ten seconds, the door opened.

"Hello Mr. Prost. Please come here and hope to understand."

Prost, of course, understands that Zhang Yang is not suitable for appearing in their company with much fanfare, just as he would not go to the headquarters of Zhiduoxing in North America.

Meeting in private is obviously more appropriate.

"Mr. Zhang, before I heard Bob say, you are not too happy to talk. I came here this time and hope to eliminate the last misunderstanding."

The former CEO of EA, Bob, had talked to Zhang Yang Fang. At that time, he also invited Zhang Yang to join 3DO on behalf of EA. Unfortunately, he was rejected by Zhang Yang.

I heard that Zhang Yang and Hawkins met again two days ago, but they still broke up. With 3DOS now, there are many difficulties.

"It's nothing, it's just a little misunderstanding, I have long forgotten it."

Prost smiled. If you really forgot, why did you contact me this time instead of Bob? Of course, these words are not necessary to speak.

"Mr. Zhang, then I will go straight to the topic. Our company has a batch of games that can be licensed to Zhiduoxing Company to run on Zhiduoxing G."

"But IMHO, because your company's game console graphics display function is the weakest on mainstream home game consoles at this time, so some games may not run on it."

"We can only authorize some first-class games, not that we are unwilling to authorize more fun games to you."

Zhang Yang nodded to express his understanding: "I hope this authorization is a one-time buyout. Because they are all old games, can EA make some concessions in terms of price?"

Prost shook his head: "Mr. Zhang, even the old games, are all fine products. At least in terms of sports games, we are the world's premier, and your company's game console is just missing this type."

I have you, this is my advantage.

"Unfortunately, these games are not exclusively licensed, they already exist on other game consoles. Running on our game consoles is nothing more than icing on the cake, I can't open a high price."

Of course those games can be sold. He plans to make a collection. It is certainly no problem to sell millions of discs. If you earn ten dollars each, tens of millions of profits will come.

So the cost of buying these games must not be too high. If a game buys out millions, and a dozen games come down, is he not busy?

Those are not game masterpieces, and they don't help much in the sales of consoles. Zhang Yangke will not do such a loss-making business.

Prost stirred the coffee in front of him with a spoon: "Mr. Zhang, your company's new game console is planned to be listed next year, when is it?"

"It may be in the first half of the year, or it may be in the second half of the year. It's still undecided." Zhang Yang Ke will not give a definite answer, which is also the business secret of Zhiduoxing.

Sometimes a time to market is also very important, if at that time the competitors have taken any measures, it will have a great impact on the sales of Zhiduoxing.

It must be available in the second half of next year at the latest, because Chang Ni has announced that their PS2 will be listed in the millennium, and Zhiduoxing will seize the time advantage.

In fact, the reason why Chang Ni has accelerated the development of PS2 is because Sega Bandai's Uranus is really outstanding in 3D function performance.

If Chang Ni does not have a new game console, their PS1 will soon become uninterested. Now the price of PS1 has dropped again, only 119 US dollars, relying on the price advantage, they regained some markets.

However, Zhang Yang has already made a response. The price of Zhiduoxing G is also reduced to 119 US dollars, and the price of Zhiduoxing GMINI is 149 US dollars.

When the Zhiduoxing G2 is listed, the Zhiduoxing G will be officially discontinued, and the selling price of the Zhiduoxing GMNI may also be lowered again to see who can compete with them in terms of price.

The price of the host is low, but not only Nintendo will be able to do it. The price is lower, and they have not lost, but the host has no profit.

So Zhang Yang needs to find more games for the Zhiduoxing series, relying on game sales to make up for the loss of console sales, in order to ensure the company's operating profit.

The profit of the Zhiduoxing G series, including games, is less than 20% of the net profit, which is indeed much worse than Nintendo.

Nintendo has only about 5,000 employees, and the number has not changed much for many years. Calculated according to per capita output value, it is several times that of Zhiduoxing.

Zhang Yang also hopes to build Zhiduoxing Group into a high-margin enterprise like Nintendo and take the elite route, so much of the company's work will have to be outsourced.

Zhiduo Xingguang is the number of factory workers, which is more than 15,000. There have been some retirements in the past two years. It has also tried to control the entry of personnel, but it is still far from the scale of 10,000 people in his mind.

In terms of games, he also doesn't want the company's team to continue to grow but fine is the future.

Prost picked up the coffee cup: "Mr. Zhang, I can give you a list of games that are currently available for sale, but you must buy them all."

"A total of 18 games, 42 versions, I will give you a million dollars for each, a total of 42 million dollars, no bargaining."

"But here I can give you a promise that next year we will launch several 3D game masterpieces, including basketball, football and other world's most popular game series. Originally we were planning to contract with Johnny, and now we can give you half a year Exclusive license, half a year later, we will sell to Chang Ni."

In half a year, Zhang Yang counted, and with the ability of Zhiduoxing to distribute globally, it should be able to sell tens of millions of copies in half a year, as long as the other party's game is really fun. In fact, half a year later, the new game console of Chang Ni has not yet been released, and the half-year deadline is meaningless.

According to his memory, at this time EA's sports games are indeed the world's top. However, it seems that Su Ni has also developed it himself, so EA still did not tell the truth.

"What kind of games are they sold?"

"FIFA, NBALIVE, Need for Speed, Sims, etc., are definitely explosive models. For every copy we produce, we have to pay 15 dollars. I know that the price is not low, but now the price has risen, isn’t it? Game CDs will definitely rise in price."

"Through our evaluation, I gave a license fee of twelve dollars, we can set a guaranteed sales volume, and we can also prepay one million copies in advance, and the exclusive sale right will be extended to one year."

Since it's a good game, Zhang Yang doesn't mind booking it first, and see what to do if it's wordy.

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