Super Tycoon

Chapter 386: Seemingly good condition

Zhang Yang was looking at the financial statements on the North American side. Edson knocked on the door and reported an important situation.

"You said that Ballmer, the director of Microsoft, wants to meet me and talk about cooperation?"

Xiao Wang was puzzled next to him: "President, isn't Microsoft cooperating with Sega Bandai? How can we cooperate with us? Is there anything wrong with the contract?"

Zhang Yang glanced at Xiao Wang. How do you think we will cooperate if you hear Microsoft? What's wrong with Microsoft, in the gaming industry, they can only count as a brother!

"Come here, just talk." Zhang Yang did not refuse.

He remembered that the previous life Microsoft set up the XBOX project immediately after it was separated from Sega, and it developed well, especially in the United States.

Although the company's overseas market has not been smooth, it has also become one of the three giants of game console manufacturers, especially in terms of online connection.

If Microsoft can be dismissed as a console, that would be the best, and there will be no strong competitor in the future. Even if the product has many shortcomings, as long as it is from Microsoft, sales will not be too bad.

In the afternoon, Zhang Yang saw Steve Ballmer, also the future Microsoft CEO.

At this time, Ballmer was not that fat, his body management was not bad, and his hair volume was okay.

"Chapter, hello. This is not a formal meeting, I just want to talk to you." Ballmer said with a smile after sitting down.

"I'm also very interested in meeting with the founders of Microsoft. Microsoft, the software company with the most venture capital at this time, will soon become the absolute overlord of the PC operating system."

Ballmer laughed: "The Zhiduoxing Group is also the overlord of the game industry. Even if some people do not recognize this year, they will definitely recognize it next year."

Zhang Yang also has to admit that Ballmer is very good at chatting, and he is also in a good mood.

In the previous life, he could only look up and even see Ballmer in the media. Now he is sitting opposite him, and the other party is a guest who takes the initiative.

Status does make a person's mentality change a lot, at least Zhang Yang feels that he is more confident than himself in the previous life.

"Zhang, the top in the industry, is willing to cooperate with the top. Everyone has equal status and can develop together. There will be no problems with products because of a sudden capital problem of a certain company."

This sentence means something. Sega Bandai did not develop so well because of financial problems. Even in the American market, Uranus has not yet done publicity.

Microsoft wanted to "help" the capital injection, but it was rejected several times. Now the relationship between the two sides is even more freezing, otherwise Ballmer will not come to see Zhang Yang.

"Why, is the cooperation between Microsoft and Sega Bandai over?" Zhang Yang asked deliberately.

"To be honest, not yet, but some problems have also occurred. The person of Okawa Kung, we don't like it very much. One set in front, the other in the back, Microsoft doesn't want to be angry."

"However, we are indeed very interested in the game industry and are willing to cooperate with better enterprises. Sega Bandai is simply unreliable, and their sales channels are far worse than Zhiduoxing, and the courage is much worse."

Zhiduoxing dares to sell at the same time in more than 70 countries around the world, and can accept losses in some markets. This is not possible for Sega Bandai. Their Uranus has been on the island market for so long now.

And even if the English version is launched, it will be sold separately in Europe and North America, is it not because of insufficient funds?

Ogawa Kung also ordered Microsoft once, thus stabilizing the equity of Sega Bandai. Not only was Bill unhappy, he was also unhappy.

If you don’t want to sell, you directly refused. What did you promise? Promised and repented, such people hate it the most.

Zhang Yang looked at Ballmer with a smile, and it seems that this one also has opinions on Ogawa Gong, which is great. It also shows that Sega Bandai does not have the support of Microsoft, and their development is definitely not as good as expected.

"Ballmer, since your cooperation is not over, is it not appropriate for us to talk about cooperation now? After cooperation, we must be honest with each other. We must tell Microsoft some of the company's business secrets."

Ballmer looked at Zhang Yang: "Zhang, although we can't sign a contract now, we can make some verbal agreements. We believe that Zhiduoxing won't make an appointment, and we definitely won't."

"If Zhiduoxing’s future game console adopts our system and equipped with our gaming platform, then we can guarantee that Zhiduoxing’s products will be sold exceptionally well, and we will not intervene in the company’s operation, as long as there is a director’s seat. can."

Ballmer felt that his conditions were already very favorable. With the assets of Microsoft at this time, it would be no problem to purchase all Chidorix Group. Isn't it enough if we give this condition?

How many companies want us to join Microsoft, and we want to give us a seat as a director, we are not good enough.

"I'm sorry, our new generation of game consoles are almost finished, so I'm sorry."

What do you want to use your Microsoft platform and your system Isn't it like being controlled by Microsoft like Sega Bandai?

Without you Microsoft, we can develop very well, but without us, your Microsoft game industry will certainly not develop well.

"Chapter, don't take the time to refuse. I heard that Zhiduoxing Group is also the number one software publisher in Mainland China, and the distribution channel is very good."

"What if we give Microsoft's distribution rights in the China market to the Zhiduoxing Group agent? In this way, you can get hundreds of millions of dollars in net profit every year."

Zhang Yang twitched gently at the corner of his mouth, and it sounded pretty good, as if your Microsoft software sold in China.

At this time, there are indeed many computers in China that have updated Microsoft's operating system, most of which are WIN95, and are currently being replaced by WIN98.

But most of them, the cracked version is installed, because the price of the genuine is too expensive, more than two thousand.

Zhiduoxing hasn’t changed the habit of paying high fees for software for so many years, and Microsoft can’t do it. Even before the rebirth of the previous life, Microsoft's software was not sold well in China. Most of them were sold in cooperation with hardware manufacturers, such as pre-installed in computers.

Microsoft can't sell, and it wants to let Zhiduoxing Group help to develop the market, and also put on a concessionary attitude, who is fooling?

"Ballmer, you don't understand the China market. Our company is the top software publisher and developer in China, but our annual profits are also pitiful."

"To be honest, I don't believe that acting for Microsoft's products will allow us to get such a high profit. Even one tenth may not be achieved. Of course, if Microsoft allows me to buy shares and enter the board of directors, then I can help."

This time, Ballmer's turn changed.

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