Super Tycoon

Chapter 388: New graphics card

Zhang Yang hung up the phone and shook his head slightly. Secretary Xiao Wang asked cautiously: "President, did Microsoft reply?"

"Well, they rejected my shareholding request. Instead, they proposed to buy our Zhiduoxing Group wholly, but I refused."

The so-called wholly-owned acquisition is not to say that enough cash is available, but part of the cash + part of the stock, most of which are stocks.

Although it is said that Microsoft's stock can still go up, he is not losing money, but the future potential of Zhiduoxing Group is also very huge. Zhang Yang has already begun to lay out the hardware industry, and the software has developed by himself. In the future, he will definitely take the position of the industry leader.

That way, the gaming industry alone can bring in more than one billion yuan in net profits every year, let alone other industries. If the hardware is done well, the profit will be higher, because the development speed of the computer will be doubled in the future.

Now Microsoft is very powerful. Before Zhang Yang was reborn, Bill Gates was not the richest person in the world. Microsoft is no longer the most valuable company, and often has troubles.

The game industry is obviously happier than joining Microsoft, and it is still up to you. Why should you give up your chance to be the master and go to be a little brother?

When Zhiduoxing did not become the first in the industry, the other party paid a high price, Zhang Yang might sell it, and then be a salted fish and live a happy life.

But since he has become the first, he has more pursuits. He is still young and will die of boredom when he retires so early.

Now that Microsoft is so proud, he looks at Zhiduoxing with a predominant attitude. In the future, he will let Microsoft look up to Zhiduoxing!

"President, then Microsoft has been rejected by us, will it find Sega Bandai again to deepen cooperation?"

"It's very possible, but what about it? The people of Eagle Weida have come, and their research and development speed is too slow."

Now all the funds invested during the Asian financial turmoil have been withdrawn. At the beginning, it invested 300 million US dollars, and now it has returned nearly 1.1 billion US dollars, with a profit of more than 200%.

Nearly 500 million of them were used to invest in a financial company, which was given to Will to take care of it. Will temporarily invested in the American stock market.

Most of the remaining money was used to buy shares in Eagle Weida, which had just emerged in the graphics display market. At the beginning, everyone's suggestion was to buy a share in 3DFX. This company's graphics card sold better.

However, Zhang Yang chose Eagle Eagle as the reason that Eagle Weida had Chinese shareholders. No one else could say anything.

This large amount of money made Zhang Yang a major shareholder of Eagle Weida, with a shareholding ratio of 55 percent, but only 37 percent of the voting power.

This is enough. In the past two years, he will continue to persuade other shareholders to sell his shares to him and increase his own shares. The same is true for SanDisk. Zhang Yang also intends to increase his shareholding.

Microsoft has proved how amazing the profits of software companies are, and there is no need for huge factories, just programmers. No matter how good the software is, it needs hardware to support it.

Hardware and software are complementary and indispensable.

Eagle Weida, the leader of the graphics card industry in the past life, has just emerged at this time. Before that, it has been suppressed by 3DFX. But now with Zhang Yang's capital injection, he finally made a technological breakthrough.

The knock on the door rang, and Jason Huang, CEO of Eagle Weida, came.


Jason Huang, one of the founders of Eagle Weida, is also the CEO of the company, but at the beginning of the company, the company's development was not very good.

Previously, it has been to lay hands on other companies, and the products they have been planning have no money for research and development. Later, they were optimistic about the game industry, had a short cooperation with Sega, and also formulated 3D rules together with the Game Development Alliance.

However, in terms of graphics cards, they are more cooperating with PC companies. Sega quickly throws them away, looking for 3DFX cooperation, and finally throwing off 3DFX, choosing to cooperate with NEC.

Eagle Weida graphics display chips have been sold very generally. At this time, ATI was better, then 3DFX, and finally some other manufacturers, and Eagle Weida belongs to other manufacturers in the eyes of others.

The company has raised funds several times, and the results have not been good. Those investors seem to be less optimistic about their company, giving less money, and the proportion of equity they want is still high. Not knowing that little money is not enough for them to do technology research and development.

Finally, they successfully developed RIVA128, and finally turned the company over. No, it immediately attracted a big boss's capital injection, and the investment was still very large.

Although the majority shareholder of the company has been replaced, the power has not been compromised because the voting power is in the hands of the three founders.

This major shareholder gave them a task to develop a high-performance 3D display chip that must not be eliminated for at least five years.

To this end, they upgraded TNT to TNT2, this product has just been successfully developed, I believe it can meet the requirements of the big boss. At the same time they have a new design, but it will take a little time.

Today I heard that the big boss is here. He also came to report on the company's progress and hoped to sign a TNT2 purchase order with the big boss.

With the strength of this company ~ ~ if it is adopted, then at least tens of millions of orders, the company's revenue can quickly exceed 3DFX, but also close to ATI.

At the door, he took a deep breath and smiled at the bodyguard.

Finally, I saw the mysterious boss, Jason Huang was a little surprised, the boss was much younger than him. Such a young person, who has such a high net worth, why haven't I heard of it in a youth magazine?

"Jason, sit down. Are you going to show me the information in your hand?"

Jason Huang stabilized his mood, and then handed the documents to Zhang Yang: "Yes, Mr. Zhang, this is the company's most recent financial statement. The first paper on it is the newly developed graphics card of our company. The performance is stronger, absolutely not weaker than any other company's products of the same period, even stronger."

Zhang Yang opened the file bag and looked at the parameters above, frowning.

"Mr. Zhang, is there any problem?"

"This performance is the best? Can you guarantee this performance, will not be eliminated within five years?" Zhang Yang is somewhat dissatisfied. This data is better than that of Uranus, but it is not good enough compared to the sloppy PS2. .

"Mr. Zhang, we also have a graphics display chip under development. The architecture of this chip will definitely change the industry. We call it the GPU."

"Originally this was developed for the PC, but we are also making some adjustments to make it more suitable for use in game consoles. Give us three months, I guarantee that this GF256 will be completed, and will not be Eliminate."

This is what Zhang Yang wanted. Hearing Jason Huang saying this, he finally nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, don't let me down, I will also keep my promise, and the company will continue to give you management."

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