Super Tycoon

Chapter 390: Make panel

Many people describe the life of the United States as a paradise, but in fact it is just a paradise for the rich, and the poor have a harder life than the mainland of China.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang is a rich man.

After playing around for a while and checking the company's work, Zhang Yangshun flew to Europe and came to Moscow half a month later.

Kurishenko made preparations for the reception early, Zhang Yang got off the plane and was followed by his car and came to his manor.

"Chapter, look at my new home, it didn't take long to build it. I said you should also learn to enjoy life and what it means to be crowded with others."

Kurishenko also went to Zhang Yang’s house in Beijing, a small three-bedroom house, which is also called home? Isn't it that Chinese people are very obsessed with the house, why is Zhang Yang different?

"I'm not married yet. Don't worry. When I see where she likes, I will build a house wherever I want."

Zhang Yang has already planned, but he has to wait, at least for the past two years, the company's office building must be built first. Construction in Bingcheng and Jingcheng is expected to be completed by the end of next year.

"Hahaha, let me tell you, don't worry about getting married. Life after marriage is not as happy as you think." Kurishenko patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder and led Zhang Yang into his house.

Secretary Xiao Wang was sent to check the company's accounts here. Naturally, he was accompanied by Kurishenko's subordinates. Zhang Yang simply came to Kurishenko's house as a guest.

After coming in, I saw Kurishenko's wife, who was very beautiful. Although he was in his thirties, he did not feel like a Russian aunt, and he was also very temperamental.

Because this one studied ballet before and was the chief of the dance company. How many people had taken a fancy at the beginning, Kurishenko broke out of the encirclement, married home, and had been proud for a long time.

Two little guys who reached knee height also ran, and they were Kurishenko's twin sons. Zhang Yang handed the gift to Currychenko's wife and followed Currychenko to the study.

You said that marriage is not good, how can you be so happy to see your wife and children? Zhang Yang looked at Kurishenko scornfully.

"Chapter, what do you drink?"

"You can recommend anything."

After a while, Kurishenko's wife came in carrying the black tea in person, poured them out, and went out again. Kurishenko made his wife serve tea, which proves that Zhang Yang was not regarded as an outsider.

"Chapter, I'm calling you over this time. There is a good product for you to see. Didn't you suggest me to make hardware before? Later I tried it. I also know that you invested in SanDisk, so I made memory. "

"Some talents have been dug from Isael to buy their product designs. At present, they have made finished products, which are absolutely world-class, not less than those of the United States and the island countries."

"And I asked the engineer, this can definitely be used on a game console."

After finishing talking, Kurishenko looked at Zhang Yang, the meaning had been expressed very clearly.

"It happens that the company's new home game console is still considering what memory processor to choose. You send the product over to Zhao and he will test it. If there is no problem, of course, he will consider himself."

"Surely no problem. I asked the engineers. They are absolutely world-class. They dare not lie to me, and I will not lie to you. Did you make some investment this time in the United States?"

Zhang Yang smiled: "Yeah, I have invested in a graphics card manufacturer. I hope that the other party can develop. You, besides the memory, have you not made some attempts elsewhere?"

"How come, I know that the PC industry will flourish, how can I miss it. I am now a computer monitor, and currently I am the first manufacturer of computer monitors in Eastern Europe."

It is not too difficult to make a computer monitor from a TV. The main electronic components needed are also the same, and now the mainstream displays are all fluorescent screen heads.

But in the future, this will soon be replaced.

"Old library, I have to give you a reminder. Look, there is a laptop now, is the screen they use more compact?"

Kurishenko looked at Zhang Yang curiously: "But that kind of display is expensive, and its color rendering is not as good as mine."

In order to pursue thinness and lightness, notebooks have to choose this type of panel. The choice of ordinary home and office is definitely better performance and more affordable.

In fact, Kurishenko said well, but that was only because the technology did not meet the standards. In the future, with continuous technological breakthroughs, LCD screens will become more and more common, gradually replacing this traditional fluorescent screen.

"Old library, remember that I have analyzed the development speed of black and white TV and color TV with you? The LCD screen is the future."

"You do the same for TVs. LCD TVs have bigger screens and easier placement. Will you choose this type of brain?"

"The application range of the LCD screen is more extensive. Do you see that Zhiduoxing's electronic pets and handhelds adopt this? And we plan to add two peripherals to the Zhiduoxing GMINI, one is the battery block and the other is It’s the screen that turns MINI into a portable game console."

Although these two peripherals from previous generations have not sold much, they have also made money. Zhiduoxing made it first, so as to seize the market of Juni and suppress the development of Juni.

Even if it is a learning machine, it will bring a screen in the future, as well as a portable DVD or something. The application range of the LCD screen is too wide, and the advantages are very large.

"Old library, now you don’t enter this technical research. In the future, if someone else becomes bigger, can you still be given the opportunity to enter the industry? Look, now, are there any big companies that dare to say that they are developing new game consoles? Because we don’t It will give others the opportunity to share the cake, and even we will deal with the new company together."

"You have so many engineers here, and you can hire from Germany. It’s a pity not to seize this opportunity. I clearly tell you that the current leaders in this industry are island companies, South Korea, the United States, France, and Treasure Island. Wait for the second place."

"Even if we are in the Mainland, we are also launching this project at this time, and we are working hard to make it bigger. If you don't do it, you won't have a chance in the future.

Kurishenko nodded thoughtfully, but he had the money to do research and development, but then he would have no money to enjoy. But think about the future, or enjoy less now?

"Are you involved?" Kurishenko asked.

"No. It's not that I don't want it. It's because several companies currently do this. They are all country-named. They don't give me the opportunity to buy shares. If I start from scratch, it will affect their development. Besides, my money will also invest in other hardware manufacturers."

"Just think about it. I don't tell him this kind of thing."

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