Super Tycoon

Chapter 396: Act according to contract

A chubby middle-aged man looks very honest, he is the owner of an electronics factory, named Lai Xiaoli. He came to the headquarters of Zhiduoxing Group specifically today to find the leader of the other party to talk about. Should the supply contract of some materials be adjusted?

I heard that the CEO of Zhiduoxing Group is also here today, which is great, and it is definitely better than finding those vice presidents. The deputy general manager of the surname, Yanyou will not enter. I heard that this president is very young and still loves donations. His tricks should work.

After the secretary knocked on the door, he heard the reply inside, opened the door, and let Lai Xiaoli walk in.

"Mr. Zhang, hello hello, I am Lai Xiaoli of Chengxin Electronics Factory."

Zhang Yang shook hands with each other: "Sit. I heard that you came to me specifically, is there anything wrong?"

Chengxin Electronics Factory is a supplier of electronic components. Nowadays, the electronic components purchased by Zhiduoxing Group are not only purchased from Moscow, but also have a large amount of domestic purchases.

The quality of this factory's goods is not bad. It used to be a state-owned enterprise, but it was on the verge of bankruptcy and was insolvent. Later, he was contracted by Lai Xiaoli and a few people, and then loaned out of business, and gradually got out of the predicament. Now it is also a star enterprise in the local city.

Vendors are also partners, and Zhang Yang generally treats them politely, even if the other party survives on their orders.

"Mr. Zhang, the income of Zhiduoxing Group last year was a new high, which is gratifying." Lai Xiaoli came up with compliments. Young people certainly like to listen to flattery. He's so sloppy, he must be very happy.

"Thank you, it is the result of everyone's efforts." Zhang Yang said lightly, "You are here, not just to say congratulations to me? If nothing else, I still have work."

"That I have something, something." Lai Xiaoli feels that something is not right, this chapter is always so young, don't like to listen to good words? It shouldn't be.

"Mr. Zhang, Zhiduoxing Group has developed very well, but we did not develop very well last year. You also know that many enterprises went bankrupt last year, and local government axe laid a lot of laid-off workers on our side."

"We are not like Zhiduoxing Group, we can stand up and not agree. I have no choice but to accept hundreds of people with scalp, it is hundreds of people."

"Every month is wages, it is not a small sum, and there are other expenses. Now the political axe is compulsory to pay what kind of social security. The enterprise has to pay a sum of money, and it cannot allow the workers to actually get the reduction."

"Some of my partners have been bubbling with grief recently, and my hair hasn't lost."

"Wait a minute." Zhang Yang interrupted Lai Xiaoli's story. "Say things directly."

It’s okay to listen to the story here with you, and your story is not good.

"Eh, okay. Mr. Zhang, our factory has not been profitable recently. We owe a lot of money before. There are other enterprises, units, and banks."

"Isn't it about to celebrate the Chinese New Year, and also give benefits to the workers. The few of us who work as bosses, after a year-end calculation, are simply doing nothing."

"So I would like to ask Mr. Zhang for some help, and raise some materials by a little, as long as it is increased by 5%. Now the prices of some materials in the market have all gone up by 10%."

"But we have been cooperating for a long time. Our first order was given by Zhiduoxing Group. We can't forget this. If it's really not going to continue, I'm embarrassed to open this mouth."

Lai Xiaoli's voice became smaller and smaller. He found that Mr. Zhang did not speak, so he stared straight at him. What does it mean?

Am I not performing well? Squeeze out some tears? But this is too difficult.

Zhang Yang pressed the phone on the table: "Xiao Wang, come in."

Secretary Xiao Wang opened the door and came in: "President, what did you tell me?"

"Take us our contract with Chengxin Electronics Factory. Let me see."

"Okay, I'll go to the Legal Contract Department here."

Lai Xiaoli is overjoyed, look, my performance is still good? Today I wore older clothes to cry poorly, and immediately moved this young president.

嘁~~ A young man, who relies on reincarnation, becomes the president of a big company, hasn't he been turned around by me?

Soon, Xiao Wang came in with a contract. Zhang Yang opened it and found that Xiao Wang had also received contracts from other companies, all of which supplied similar products. Xiao Wang's work makes him more and more worried.

A few are no problem, this company should be able to make a profit of about 10%, which is not low for low-end manufacturing. Moreover, the orders of Zhiduoxing Company are very large, and Chengxin Electronics Factory can earn at least 5 million a year.

Zhang Yang put down the contract and looked at Lai Xiaoli: "Mr. Lai, do you say your company's operating conditions are not good?"

"Yeah, the business situation is not good, so come to Zhang Zhang for a helping hand, so that we can continue to operate." Lai Xiaoli nodded and bowed his waist.

Zhang Yang clicked on the contract on the table: "This contract gives you 10% of the net profit This is not the highest among peers, it is also mid-range. Companies with lower quotations want to cooperate with our Zhiduoxing Group."

"Our annual purchase volume should allow you to make about five million yuan. If you can't do this, it proves that you have a problem with your management."

"And our company's consistent attitude is not to cooperate with companies with poor management, to avoid the other party's backwardness and cause our company's losses."

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean by this?" Lai Xiaoli straightened his waist. This was to tear up the contract.

"What do you mean by yourself. What do you mean when I don't know? According to the contract, we signed a product supply worth 200 million yuan, and the contract period is three years."

"There are still two years now. Last year, your supply value was about more than 50 million, and you would have expanded. So you said that recruiting laid-off workers is also necessary, otherwise you will not be able to complete the order."

"Although we did not pay the advance payment, but every time the goods are delivered, we pass the inspection, and they are all released on the same day, and there is no one-time payment."

"I know that there are more companies on the market that want to make products like our Zhiduoxing, so the price of some components has increased, and you want to use this to increase prices."

"You said well before. Without our company, several of your contracted electronics factories have long gone bankrupt. Can you have today? This is the second contract we signed. Can you treat you badly before? local?"

"Your raw materials have not increased in price, and this contract was signed by you on your own initiative. We will act according to the contract. Either you continue to supply us in accordance with the contract and you can make money. Or the contract is invalid and you compensate us. See the company’s losses, or see you in court!"

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