Super Tycoon

Chapter 4: Do you want half-price game cassettes?

  Looking at the transcript, Zhang Yang lowered his head and meditated. Next semester, he will have a lot of regressions in his grades. Don't even pass the high school exam.

   "Look, let's go, go to the mouse to play the game machine." Jia Tao said loudly.

   "Yeah, Li Hao's family has a game console. I heard that we don't have to sell it in the county. Where did you get it from?" Some students came together.

  Li Hao put his chin on his chin: "My aunt brought me back from the city, the game console and the cassette cost 1,000 yuan!"

   Sure enough, this has received a lot of praise. Some poor families earn about 1,000 yuan a year.

   "Mice, I'm going to your house to play too?"

   After a while, Li Hao was followed by a dozen people with a look on his face. This year, there is a game console at home, and that is the king of the friends.

   "Zhang Yang, don't you go?" Jia Tao shouted.

   "I'm not going, there is something else, I will talk about it someday."

   went out through the back door of the school, he looked for a place in his memory. After drilling into a small alley, I finally saw a wooden sign hung in front of the door, with three words written in ink on it: "Video Hall."

  He came here, of course, not to watch the video. This video hall not only puts the video, but also rents the video tape, and he remembers that he also rents the game cassette!

   opened this video hall by the younger brother-in-law of the deputy bureau of the county bureau. His video tapes, video recorders and the like are actually fined.

   first used it, turned back and paid some money to the bureau, these are all his, no one has come to check, it is said that at least thousands of dollars in a month.

   "Boy, watch the video. Fifty cents during the day, two at night, better at night, without clothes." A twenty-seven or eighty-year-old opened the door and smoked from his mouth.

   "I don't watch videos."

   "Rent a videotape? A set of rent for fifty cents a day, a deposit of fifty, do you see the box on that shelf there, there are gun fights, martial arts, ghost films, see what you want to rent."

   Wang Liang, the owner of the video hall, pointed to a wall inside. The shelves on the other side were tape cassettes, most of which were Xiangjiang movies. He also has a shelf in the back room, and there is a video tape on the night show.

   "I am not renting a videotape. Brother, I heard you have game cassette rental here?"

  Game cassette, rental?

   Yes, he got more than ten game cassettes from his brother-in-law, and he can’t play them at the same time, why not rent them?

   "Yes, what do you want to rent? But this is expensive, one dollar a day, a deposit... one hundred and fifty, can you afford it?"

   "My dad is the chief engineer of the factory and will send you some money? What cassettes are there, let me see." Zhang Yang looked like a cow.

   "Yo, the old man in your family is still the leader. Wait a minute, I will show you this." Wang Liang suddenly became more enthusiastic. Which of the children of the leading family has no money.

  Chapter Yang looked at the game cassette silently, Contra, Tank Battle, Squirrel Battle, Super Mary, Tetris... This seems to be all genuine cassettes!

   At this time, pirated cassettes were not popular yet.

   "The deposit is 150, you are too expensive, can't it be cheap?"

"Boy, the cheapest cassette is 120, and the expensive one is 180. We don’t have it in the county. We have to go to the city to buy it. If you lose or break it, I won’t pay. Are you dead?" Wang Liang's exaggerated expression.

   "Is a cassette so expensive?"

   "More than that, you can't buy some cassettes in the city, only the capital can sell them. Some people in the city want to grab a cassette, the price has doubled."

   At this time, Huaxia already had an obvious gap between the rich and the poor, but this was better, and he made a pirated cassette without worrying about selling it.

   "So if there is a half-price game cassette, would you like it?" Zhang Yang finally stated his purpose.

   "Half price? Little boy, are you kidding me?" Everyone else buys at a higher price. If you sell at half price, there must be a problem. Besides, if you have a game cassette, do you still want to rent it from me?

   "No kidding. Selling it to you at half price is new. You can't buy it. Whether you sell it out or rent it out, you are definitely not losing money. Don't you make money for the door?"

"You are still going to school, just speak adult words. If you really can give me a batch of new cassettes, I will need one hundred plates for each of them, and I will give you fifty dollars for each plate. If there are only ten plates and eight plates , Then forget it." Wang Liang is still trying. If there is only one point, it must be wrong. He went directly to his brother-in-law.

"To tell you the truth, my cousin who came back from studying in the United States can copy these cassettes. You must give me these cassettes first, and my cousin will copy them and sell them to you at half price, and we will all make a profit. "

   "I still have to take away my cassettes? Why should I believe you won't take my cassettes and run? Why didn't your cousin come?" Wang Liang suddenly became alert.

   "My cousin is still in the city, UU reading can only come back at night. Besides, he is going to work for the municipal axe, how can this kind of thing come forward?"

   "And who doesn't know who your brother-in-law is, I don't dare to lie to you even if I lie. Think about it, these cassettes are sold to you at half price, and you change your hands to double the profit."

   "Year ago, when it was the best time to sell, you don’t want to make more money, and have a good year? Once you get it done, you can make 20,000 yuan a month!"

  Twenty thousand!

This figure made Wang Liang's heart jump quickly. He opened the video hall under the cover of his brother-in-law, and he could not earn 20,000 a year. If he can earn 20,000 a month, can Xiaofeng promise to marry He?

   "A set of fifty, at this price. I take it out, and it may not be sold at a high price, and there is a risk. Do it, do it, and pull it down!" Wang Liang decided to fight.

   "Okay, then I will take these cassettes. Three days later, I will bring a hundred cassettes with me and pay with one hand and deliver with one hand." Zhang Yang picked up the carton.

   "Wait a minute, what's your brother's name? Who is your dad?" Wang Liang held the box. If this kid is out of town, his brother-in-law will not find it.

   was talking about it, a person who had watched the video went out: "Yo, isn't this Mr. Zhang's family, come watch the video?"

   "Yeah, uncle, you also watch the video."

   "Isn't it okay? It's much more fun to watch a movie than an old movie in a movie theater. Go away, go back and bring a good job to Chief Zhang."

   Zhang Yang looked back and looked at Wang Liang: "My name is Zhang Yang, don't you worry about my identity now? If you want to make money, don't think about it."

   Wang Liang watched Zhang Yang walk away holding the carton, he felt not quite right. How can a person in his 20s have been led by the teenage Maotou all the time?

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