Super Tycoon

Chapter 416: Uranus for sale in North America

"Yo, mosquito coils are going to be listed in North America?" Zhang Yang casually looked at the email in the mailbox.

Secretary Xiao Wang's mouth twitched twice, the president, the logo of Uranus looked like a mosquito coil, but it could represent an endless dream.

"Yes, they announced that they will be listed in the middle of May, also after the E3 game show. It is estimated that they want to learn from us and turn the game show into their new product introduction meeting."

Zhang Yang nodded: "How is Uranus selling in the island country at this time?"

From the sales curve of the island market, we can analyze the future global sales curve. The island country is Sega Bandai's home base. Even if the United States has Microsoft as its major shareholder, how much influence can it have on the gaming performance?

Anyway, Microsoft is just a newcomer in the gaming industry. And it’s not a PC game played on a video game console, and Microsoft’s monopoly bundling method is useless.

However, Microsoft can help Sega Bandai better structure their online network. In this regard, Microsoft's technology is still very good.

"Current shipments have reached 3.5 million units, at least one million units less than expected."

In the eyes of Sega Bandai, this product will definitely sell better than Nintendo's N64. But the result is not as good as N64.

The fundamental reason is that the market is temporarily saturated, everyone's expectations for the new game console are not so high, and the brand of Sega Bandai is not hard enough.

In the game camp, Sega Bandai is also in a backward stage. Many manufacturers who originally promised to Sega Bandai that they are willing to give the game exclusively to Sega Bandai for distribution, have now changed their minds and can give it to you for distribution, but it cannot be exclusive unless money is added.

Because Zhiduoxing G2 is about to go on the market, those manufacturers are waiting for Zhiduoxing to create more glory.

They sell games, and of course hope that their games will be sold on a larger platform. For them, the game console is the platform, and whoever sells the game console well will have the big platform.

Exclusive issue, the price can naturally be higher, can be issued on both platforms, the number is definitely higher, and the risk is smaller.

It is mainly because Sega Bandai cannot promise to game manufacturers like Nintendo. If you cannot sell a certain amount, we will give some subsidies.

Because Sega Bandai has no money, although Microsoft has bought shares and spent a lot of money, it has caused some small shareholders of Sega Bandai to withdraw and quelled some debts.

Sega Bandai also spent a huge amount of advertising costs for product promotion. Also, the funds for software translation are very expensive, which was not expected before Sega Bandai.

Who made them not only want to buy Japanese and English versions, but also want to launch a dozen language versions like Zhiduoxing and Changni?

Each additional language version requires an additional fee, but Sega Bandai chose to translate multiple language versions simultaneously.

Sega Bandai is not like Zhiduoxing. It has so many factories. They have a big factory, but they also need to do some debugging to produce different batches of products. In terms of production capacity and efficiency, they are not as good as Zhiduoxing.

Therefore, Microsoft recommends that a new factory be invested in North America to expand production. In the future, it is better to build a factory in Europe.

In this way, Microsoft's investment in Sega Bandai spent almost the same. If the sales in the North American market are not good this time, their listing in the European market will be seriously affected.

The data of Sega Bandai is much better than the sales volume in Zhang Yang's memory. He remembers that the seventh generation of Sega's previous consoles were only launched in the island countries and North America with great fanfare. They are quiet in Europe, and they are indeed only available in two languages.

The overall sales are indeed not very good, less than 10 million units.

But this life seems to have undergone some changes. In the island market alone, it has exceeded 3.5 million units, and the subsequent sales will surely exceed 5 million units.

Judging from the previous performance of the American market, sales can certainly be higher. If Sega Bandai succeeds in the North American market this time, it is expected that global sales will exceed 20 million units.

In this way, Sega Bandai will not withdraw from the hardware market and will continue to develop game consoles.

It seems that the situation in the next quarter of the world will not disappear in a short time.

"President, do you say they can sell well in the North American market? Will it surpass the island market?" Xiao Wang was worried. Zhiduoxing's revenue is low, and his year-end bonus is also low.

Although in the eyes of many people, he is already a rich man, but who does not want to earn more? Parents have a big house, can't they care about his father-in-law? And his wife and children don’t spend money?

"The North American market is larger than the island market, and Sega's American games were doing very well. This time, I contacted some game companies in North America, and with the help of Microsoft, the sales are sure."

"You don't have to worry, ours will sell better."

Judging from the game screen effect alone, Uranus is much stronger than N64, and it is more than one grade higher than Zhiduoxing But the promotional picture of Zhiduoxing G2 is even more shocking, how many people will be waiting for them Game consoles are launched. And this time Zhiduoxing is going to learn from Nintendo, that is to reduce the price of game consoles and make money from games.

Uranus sells 29,800 yen in the island market, and in the North American market, due to exchange rate changes, the price is 219 US dollars. This price is not cheap.

Chistar plans to sell 24,800 yen in the island market and 199 dollars in North America. European pricing is similar to North America. At this price, the host is definitely not profitable.

With the development of technology, the cost of some hardware has dropped, and there may be some profits, but it is definitely not high.

Because Zhiduoxing G2 intends to make changes in the price of the game and raise it a bit, the average price rises to more than one hundred dollars to profit.

Of course, for different markets, there will be different fine-tuning, but the range will not be too large.

This price is not only aimed at Sega Bandai Uranus, but also aimed at the future Schneider PS2 and Nintendo NGC, so that they must also make a price reduction to reduce their profit margins.

In terms of game camp, although Chido Star is not particularly powerful in island countries and North America, in Europe, it is an absolute overlord.

He plans to introduce a large number of games developed by European game companies to hit the island and North American markets. As for the Asian market, games based on the mainland are enough.

After Uranus' sales statistics for the first day of sales in North America came out, Zhang Yang was finally relieved. There are only more than 200,000 units, so the sales volume in the first week may still not reach one million units.

In two months, it will be about two million units, and no more than three million units. Zhiduoxing's advertising strategy has worked!

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