Super Tycoon

Chapter 420: Early listing

The reservation funds of Zhiduoxing G2 quickly eased the financial pressure of Zhiduoxing Group. At the same time, Zhiduoxing Group also borrowed US$500 million from North American Blu-ray Investment Company for a short period of two months.

The employee salary of Zhiduoxing Group is still not paid, but part of the payment is settled to the suppliers, alleviating their pressure, and firming the determination of those suppliers to continue to be the downstream enterprises of Zhiduoxing Group.

They are more worried that there is no business to do than to pay for goods. Anyway, judging from the wisdom of Zhiduoxing Group, after two months, the monthly settlement will be resumed after two months.

The original plan for the Zhiduoxing G2 was to go on sale in mid-July. At that time, the product should be able to produce 13 million units, and the factory could slow down.

However, some agents are anxious and cannot sell their products. They can't get commissions, and they have to account for storage costs. And according to their calculations, anyway, the next batch of goods will arrive in a week, and now these products are definitely not sold out within a week.

If so, why not go public in advance?

Uranus plans to go public in some European markets by the end of July. First of all, it is naturally an English-speaking country like Britain. The listing of Zhiduoxing in advance can also affect Uranus' sales.

Many of the media that had previously insulted Zhiduoxing Group were instigated by Sega Bandai. Zhiduoxing does not need to use those small means, just defeat the other party in an upright manner.

Everyone is peers, let the market prove who is the king!

Zhang Yang considered for a moment, and now continues to produce, and the pressure on capital is indeed serious, and it is listed in advance. As long as the reputation is not bad, the advantage is obvious.

Several of the company's executives agreed to go public ahead of time, and Zhang Yang finally agreed that Zhiduoxing G2 went public on July 1st!


"What?!" Ogawa swiftly stood up from his chair. "You said that the Chisoda G2 was launched globally in advance?!"

How can this be possible? Going public in advance, some of the previous promotional expenses can be wasted. And listing ahead of time, once the supply is insufficient, it is easy to be out of stock, which will also have some impact on word of mouth.

Zhiduoxing’s G2 bookings have done well, and have already surpassed one million units. They don’t need to go public in advance!

For Sega Bandai, Zhiduoxing G2 went public in advance, which also disrupted their sales plan. The goods they prepared for the European market at this time were partly on the freighter and partly still in the factory warehouse.

Zhiduoxing G2 can advance, but Uranus can't, passive.

"President, we haven't got any news before, this is too sudden. We have just established our foothold in the North American market and will soon face-to-face with the G2 star G2. The European market and other parts of Asia have also given Gideo the first chance. , This can be detrimental to us."

"Did you report this to other directors?" Da Chuan Gong immediately asked.

"Not yet. President, you mean, we need Microsoft's help?" Among the other directors, the most important one is Microsoft director Bill Gates.

"Yes. Hasn't Microsoft recently invested in some game companies, telling Mr. Gates about the company and urging him to speed up the development of the game."

"Also, didn't he say that he could get the 3DOS company, what's the result? We can't lose in the game camp, we must have more fun games to win this sales battle!"

Sega Bandai will definitely be profitable this year. This will be no problem, but the amount of profit is more important. If sales are poor in Europe and other parts of Asia, it will reduce Uranus' influence and also allow many game companies that are inclined to switch to other camps.

How can the company make profits next year? He didn't want to see the company in a loss when he finally took control of the company. He had already bet all his chips and could not afford to lose.

Sega was once called the overlord of American games, but that was in the MD era of 16-bit machines. If they want to restore the glory of the past, they must have more fun games to be liked by players in North America.

Sports are absolutely indispensable, but their contact with EA is very unsuccessful. EA said that it has signed a contract with Zhiduoxing Group, and even Zhiduoxing has given a prepayment of 1.5 million US dollars for each game, and also set The guaranteed sales volume.

If this sales volume is not reached, the corresponding proportion of the license fee will still be given according to this amount.

Neither Sega Bandai can agree to these two conditions, because they have no confidence and no money.

Zhiduoxing G is very successful. Although it has been discontinued, there is still a follow-up MINI hot sale. Sega’s previous generation product Saturn has already been discontinued, and no new game masterpieces are launched.

As can be seen from the booking volume, there are so many players who like Zhiduoxing G2, this game machine will definitely sell well. Game consoles sell a lot, and games naturally sell just fine. People who buy game consoles always have to buy new games to play.

Games and game consoles ~ ~ are mutually reinforcing.

So Sega Bandai attaches great importance to game development and wants to learn Nintendo's successful experience. In case there is such a best-selling game in the world, it will definitely drive the game console to sell.

Even if only part of the market is selling well, it can increase the sales of game consoles in this part of the market. Just like the ET of Star of Stars, Star Wars, etc.

It's just that the big companies that Sega Bandai wants to cooperate with have already signed agreements with other companies, and it doesn't mean that the products will not be sold to Sega Bandai.

Others have at least half a year's exclusive release period. At that time, it would be unrealistic to want to drive game console sales through games.

Regardless of the future of Sega Bandai, at least you have to deal with the trouble ahead.

"The notice will continue to increase publicity in the island market and the North American market. At the same time, we will announce that we will have a masterpiece of the game next month, this game is called Bandai Daquan!"

Bandai Great Fight is a fighting game made by choosing classic anime characters from Bandai Company. The source of creativity is naturally the Nintendo chaos.

You Nintendo has many classic game characters, and we have more anime characters. And first develop the big chaos, see who the player prefers, you can start the corresponding animation gamification.

"Also, notify Ueno Wada to increase our game peripheral development, the company must stabilize the market this year, and let the sales of game consoles exceed 10 million!"

The Zhiduoxing G2 was only listed half a month in advance, completely disrupting the plan of Sega Bandai, which made Zhang Yang feel very surprised.

When he saw the sales of Zhiduoxing G2 on the first day, his expression was more satisfied. G2, succeeded!

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