Super Tycoon

Chapter 456: How do we respond

"Since the chairman has talked about the company's many brilliant achievements and the glory of the past, then I will talk about the future." Zhang Yang moved the microphone to himself.

"In terms of strategic investment, I won't say anything about this. Let me briefly talk about the company's development in the millennium. It is mainly divided into two product directions, one is the game industry and the other is the education electronics industry."

"Let's talk about the game industry first. This is the company's main revenue direction, and it is also the best developed internationally, our most well-known industry."

"Everyone knows that this industry direction, our performance in the international market, far exceeds the performance in the domestic market. This is the exact opposite of educational electronic products."

"Do you think that the domestic market, we don't have to pay attention to it? We don't need to understand domestic policies? What I want to say next is the company's confidentiality. No one should pass it out, otherwise it will have a major impact on the company."

Everyone is sitting upright, don't know what Zhang Yang is going to say, is it to vigorously develop the domestic market? However, the economic environment determines that the domestic market cannot be very good, and may not even be comparable to a city with a population of millions such as Xiangjiang.

"If Political Axe imposes some restrictions on the video game industry, can you think of how much the company will have an impact? If the gaming halls and Internet cafes are not allowed to open, if the game consoles are not allowed to be sold or even allowed to be produced, you know that the company will What does it become?"


Everyone was shocked by the news, is this impossible? If it really happened, it would be a fatal blow to the Chistar Group.

"What I want to tell you is that this matter is being discussed at the top. I also attended the three meetings as a non-voting participant. However, after my efforts, some of the original plans may be adjusted."

"Game consoles may restrict sales, games halls and Internet cafes will restrict operations, but game consoles will not restrict production or export. But even so, the company's impact is great, because I suspect that political axe may Increase taxes on the industry!"

Tax increase. This word makes everyone take a deep breath, and the company's profit margin will definitely decline.

"President, haven't we had an agreement with the political axe in Beijing before? Are there certain tax reductions? We donate so much over the education fund every year, is this not enough?" Sun Tengfei couldn't help asking.

"Not enough, at least the top thinks it's not enough, because our profit is still too high, so high that many people are jealous. Fortunately, these are all fair means, we can bear it."

The profit margins of other industries are very low. Why do you have such a high profit margin? Then average it, let you earn less.

Tax increase is a common method used by political axe in any country, and it is very helpful to increase the income of political axe. Of course, sometimes supporting some industries will also reduce or exempt taxes.

Obviously, Zhiduoxing Group does not need support now, and has become a leader in the domestic electronics industry. An independent model is something that the political axe does not want to see.

Some parents' aversion and opposition to the game have given political axe some restrictions. If it were not for Zhiduoxing Group's excellent performance in the world, I am afraid that it would be the same as in the previous life, directly across the board, prohibit production and sales, and completely kill this industry.

"President, did you mention the tax increase ratio?" Bai Ming, chief financial officer, asked.

Although Bai Ming did not become a director of the company and did not receive equity awards for the time being, as the chief financial officer, the power in the company is also very large, and it is also highly valued by Zhang Yang.

"I don't know yet, but the city's leaders have also talked to me. The tax preferential policies agreed before must be cancelled."

"And the tax increase is definitely for the entire industry, so some small game machine manufacturers will certainly not be able to bear it, which is not a bad thing for us to fully occupy the domestic market."

"It's just that some game manufacturers may not be able to handle it, especially those small manufacturers. Their revenue and profits are not high. Once they have high taxes, they are prone to bankruptcy."

In the past few years, there have been many new domestic game manufacturers, some have made tens of millions, some have made millions, and some have made hundreds of thousands, mainly to see whether the games are easy to sell.

However, once the tax increase, it will increase the market entry threshold, in fact, has a lot of impact on the development of the industry. Fortunately, the game manufacturers supported by Zhiduoxing Group in Europe have already developed, but the mainland side must also have selective support, and they cannot all give up.

"President, I suggest that we also support some game companies in the Mainland. Although they have many deficiencies in some developments, they have full potential."

"We should be a venture capitalist. If anyone can develop any explosive game, we can get ten times and one hundred times profit. At the same time, it can also increase the number of our domestic games and increase the number of our companies in the industry. Word of mouth."

Sun Tengfei's suggestion, Zhang Yang felt feasible, nodded and said: "Yes, you are responsible for this. Our domestic game console sales will definitely decline number of new arcade machines will be less and less , The number of game rooms will also be reduced, and the scale will be limited."

"If we want to increase the revenue of the game industry in the Mainland, there is only one way, that is to promote the development of PC games and promote online games."

"President Li told me before that the large-scale online game developed by the company has completed the basic structure and started to do internal testing. At that time, the network environment was not good, and I was thinking about how to do the reduction."

"But now that the Internet environment has entered the era of broadband, this game can also be officially launched to the market and begin to be open for beta testing. My request is that in the shortest time, the game should be promoted to those Internet cafes, and the game client Put it on the official website, download it for players for free, and pay attention to those online forums to prevent others from spreading virus Trojans through our clients."

"Online games are the focus of the future development of the Chinese market. The Chinese market is also used as an experiment and gradually pushed to the global market."

"There is also the foreign market. For more than two months, the Schneider PS2 will be listed, and Uranus will also increase its publicity. Whether it can continue to maintain market share depends on this time."

"Chang Ni's performance exceeds us, so how should we respond?"

Zhao Mingsheng immediately said: "President, the performance announced by Chang Ni is not much better than ours, but the cost is definitely much higher than ours."

"It is said that the price of this game console is about 300 US dollars, which is 50% higher than ours. In terms of price, we have a great advantage."

"I think we can take advantage of this. At the same time, we will launch some games again in a short period of time, and promote our other functions, and promote our dance blankets and other peripherals. We will continue to suppress the company."

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