Super Tycoon

Chapter 466: Entertain yourself?

Zhang Yang returned home to rest for a few days and flew to Miami again. This year may be over in the United States, and next year we need to adjust the game time when we say anything.

The first round of all competitions is over, the team and the contestants are eliminated by nearly half, and the national teams of many countries have been wiped out.

Among them, China, the United States, the island countries, South Korea and Britain have the most remaining teams and contestants.

Kurishenko, who was rushing over with interest, was sitting next to Zhang Yang, watching the first game of the second round. If this is lost again, the team he sponsored will be wiped out.

"Old library, calm down, isn't there some exhibition game behind, your team can participate."

"Can it be the same! I didn't spend less money, why are they so much worse? Usually watching them play games, one by one is very powerful." Curichenko's face was uncomfortable.

I also got the news that wcg is going to be held in advance. I made preparations in advance and organized the team. Why did I lose so badly?

In a small place like South Korea, there are so many masters, and even the team he sponsored is not as good as the team on Treasure Island.

Exhibition game, is that an official game, is there a trophy? Can it be recorded?

"It's all the same. Isn't it sponsored by our Zhiduoxing Group? By then you will be an award guest and you can show your face as well." Zhang Yang comforted.

Kurishenko was still unhappy. As an award guest, he was very happy, but if he could award the team he formed, he would be even happier.

He thought about not winning the championship and accepting it in his heart, but the first round of the preliminary round was almost wiped out, and his face was almost lost.

"Chapter, can't I think of a way to advance my team?" Kurishenko asked in a low voice.

"Don't you find that in the first round, your team played one less game? The second round is even, and there is no bye, how can you get promoted?"

For the first time, I don’t know which team is stronger, and the ranking on the battle network is not accurate. At least some of the teams that Zhang Yang sponsored have not played the battle network ranking for a long time, just to hide the clumsiness.

"Don't worry, there will be next year. And don't look at the loss of sponsoring teams now, and the loss of wcg, but within three years, this event will become a global game event."

"At that time, there will be more and more sponsorship, and you will be able to make money by running a team club, wcg will also make money, and will become a sign of our company."

Kurishenko sighed: "I know. You have sponsored this competition, I never meant anything against it, and my team also said about the future prospects of this competition."

"It's just a matter of face. I'm also the number one in Eastern Europe. Although the assets are not as good as your father and son, they are rich."

"You said that I came to watch the game in person, but the team I sponsored still lost. Isn't this a joke, at least, I have to get a third place?"

As we were saying, there was a burst of cheers from the station, and Curry Shen Koteng jumped up and said: "Win, hahahaha, win!"

"Chapter, did you see that my team won! I knew they would not let me down!"

Zhang Yang still couldn't hold back and said: "Well, old library, this game is not a game to win or lose."

The smile on Kurishenko's face froze and became melancholy. How difficult was it to sponsor a team?

"I don't watch it anymore, let's go and find a place to smoke a cigar." Kurishenko regained his feet.

Zhang Yang also stood up, glanced at the auditorium of the venue, and didn't seem to see the familiar figure. Today is the StarCraft game, did she not come?

But thinking about others may not have time, after all, this game will last about a month.

After half an hour, the game was finally over, and the team sponsored by Kurishenko won hard, and he was finally relieved.

The reporter was interviewing the players from both sides at this time. The players from Eastern Europe are very humble, saying that the game is not easy, and they are saying good things from the boss.

But when it was South Korea’s team, the opponent’s captain was very polite: “There must be something wrong with this game. I heard that the opponent knew about the event to be held half a year in advance and started training, but we were only three months in advance. There are only two months."

"Two-thirds of the training time is lost, which also leads to our lack of experience, so that we will make mistakes during the game and be caught by the opponent."

"I also saw the promotion teams in this competition, including sponsored by Zhiduoxing, sponsored by Blizzard, and sponsored by Villefort, these companies are all owned by Zhiduoxing Group."

"They host this event, it's not fair at all, so they have hope to win the championship. I see this game, it's what they entertain themselves!"

Fortunately, most of the media interviewed were sponsored by the organizer. The food, lodging and transportation were all paid by the organizer, and red envelopes will be sent when leaving.

Therefore, many media directly deleted these and changed to the South Korean **** team captain who lost the game and lost the demeanor, but the South Korean local media will not report so.

They began to exaggerate things, especially one of them is affiliated with South Korean international electronic marketing company, the words are the most fierce.

The fundamental reason is that this company also wanted to create such an event, and even had this idea last year. It is ready to be officially implemented in the second half of this year. It is expected that it will take several months to invite participating teams and some game manufacturers. Reaching an agreement, etc.

Unexpectedly, the wcg named by Zhiduoxing Group was held so quickly, and so many participating teams and individuals were invited through agents or distributors, and a huge bonus was granted.

If they hold it again, they can't use this name, and it's difficult to get the authorization of these game manufacturers. But they can co-sponsor the title sponsorship. The sponsorship of the Zhiduoxing Group is inherently unfair.

After having this idea, they finally found a breakthrough, and they made a lot of reports. In order to let Zhiduoxing Group actively compromise, they can take advantage of the At this time, this matter was also reported to After Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang looked at Edson, his face was ugly.

"Don't you know how to deal with this kind of thing?"

"I know that people have been sent to do the reverse propaganda, and the impact on us has been minimized. But the media is not willing to cancel the report. We either lose the South Korean market or we have to compromise."

"Compromise?" Zhang Yang looked at Edson. Are we going to compromise with that kind of small company? What if this report is true?

At the earliest, Zhang Yang was worried that no one would come.

"They want a joint title."

"Dream!" Zhang Yang sneered disdainfully: "It's as if they are in control of the South Korean market. The notice will let our agents in South Korea solve this matter. I don't want to see similar reports tomorrow. "

"Organize that team, no, it is the unethical behavior of the entire South Korea in various competitive games, let's see how they answer!"

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