Super Tycoon

Chapter 470: To invest in this company

That night, Zhang Yang did not return to his room. When he woke up the next morning, he found that Vivian had left first and left a note for him.

"I want to put all my energy into my career. If you are free, you can call me and I will be free at any time."

Zhang Yang got dressed and walked out of the room. The cleaner standing in the hallway froze for a moment. I remember that the boss lived in the suite around the corner.

Even if I brought my sister back, wouldn't it be possible to go directly to the suite, why did I open a separate room? Don't get it.

Zhang Yang returned to his suite, took another shower, and put on clean clothes before making a phone call.

While he was having breakfast in the room, Will also came.

"Boss, what did you tell me?"

Zhang Yang took a business card and put it on the table: "This company, you go to invest."

Will took a look at VV Fashion. This brand has never been heard. The office address above is not a well-known office building. This is a small company.

With the boss's net worth, if you want to be in the apparel industry, you must also invest in some enterprises with a certain scale and popularity, and then continue to expand the scale and enhance the visibility to make money.

I don’t understand how to invest in this small company. But he suddenly discovered that the name on this business card was a girl, and he seemed to understand.

"Boss, do you invest in the name of the company, or in your own name?"

"None. You are looking for someone to register a new company and invest in the name of the new company. Remember, it is normal business investment. After a rigorous review, the money invested must also receive corresponding profits."

"Also, don't let people know that I invested. It's better that you don't come forward. But you can't be domineering. How to do it is up to you."

Will agreed immediately, but he smiled bitterly. It must be strict, not too strict, and he cannot go in person. This degree is not easy to grasp.

"After a while, I am going to tell Bezos to let you act as a director of Amazon on your behalf. Do you have more time to follow Amazon’s information?"

"Also, in the recent period, except for Amazon and Yahoo, other Internet companies should not invest, and those who bought stocks will also throw them away. Buy our own company's stock, or the stock of the company we hold."


When Will left, walking was floating. To become a director of the Amazon company, this happiness came too suddenly.

Although it is only an outside director, it is no problem to buy a little stock by himself, but the annual salary is also an additional income.

And the boss said that the Internet industry may have an earthquake recently. Except for a few companies such as Amazon and Yahoo that can survive, many large companies with a market value of tens of billions may go bankrupt.

This shows that the boss is very optimistic about, and will definitely make a lot of money in the future. He is also considering whether his personal investments should be replaced by Amazon stocks?

By the turn of the millennium, Microsoft’s stock had actually fallen somewhat. It is said that Microsoft’s investment in Sega Bandai did not perform well, and there was another economic dispute with Chaowei Semiconductor.

In other areas, Microsoft was also accused, saying that it was suspected of monopoly and faced huge fines. I heard there is a possibility that Microsoft will be split into two companies, operating system software and office system software.

The basic reason is that Microsoft uses a dominant operating system to forcely bundle browsers, office software, and instant messaging software.

Relying on this operation, Microsoft easily made their browser become the most used browser in the world, and the office software market also occupied a big head, and now they have to get instant messaging software.

Many companies have seen that instant messaging software has great potential, and there are many consortiums involved in investment. We are not accustomed to Microsoft's appearance.

In particular, Microsoft's performance is getting stronger and stronger, and it wants to dominate the hardware with software. Major PC manufacturers have to install Microsoft's operating system directly in their computers. They also require that major hardware manufacturers' products perform best under Microsoft's systems, which has moved those hardware manufacturers' cakes.

Even if Intel cooperates well with Microsoft, but we don't want to be taken away by Microsoft. Our hardware is not only developed for your Microsoft system, but also works well on other system platforms.

As a result, Microsoft was defended because of its monopoly. In many countries and regions, the defendant also included the United States.

Microsoft is in such trouble, the stock price naturally began to fall, and this is what caused people to pay attention to the Internet bubble. Some investors are preparing to leave the market and let retail investors take over.

In fact, at the end of last year, many large investors started to operate, and they all have a mutual understanding. No one has announced it, and those who let those individual investors not trust the funds to us, it is deserved to lose.

In the financial market, it is always Dazhuang who has the final say, retail investors are leeks, which can make you grow well, but they will always be cut.

Of course, these are the reasons that Zhang Yangming explained to Will on the face, actually because he is a rebirth, knowing that the Internet bubble is about to start.

Many companies with extremely rapid expansion, including those with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars, will go bankrupt. Instead, they will be small companies, but they will perform better and better in the future, such as Amazon and Yahoo.

It is a pity that Zhang Yang's economic strength at this time is not enough, at least not enough, or he will definitely make a lot of money.

But what he didn't know is that after this news was told to Will, Will began to think about how to make more money for the Financial market, knowing that rising can make money, knowing that falling can make money.

The easiest is stock index futures, borrowed to sell first, and then bought back to make up the difference, one-in-one-out spreads, using leverage, many times many times or even tens of times profit, especially in some listings When a company is going bankrupt.

Will also thought the boss told him the news that he was making money for the company. Investing in Amazon and Yahoo is the most conservative plan. If you really want to make money, you have to take some risks.

What's more, with the exact news, the risk is not great. If you can't make money like this, he won't become a senior key account manager of a financial company under Wells Fargo.

Back at the company, Will called his assistant, looked at the financial market data, and then personally operated an account to cash out more than one million dollars.

"The money in this account is raised to register a small company. This VV fashion company, you take a few professionals to investigate, and then invest one million dollars."

"Give you a week to ensure that the company can't lose money, and don't let the other party know that our company invested, understand?"

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