Super Tycoon

Chapter 479: Variety

"President, there is a small game machine factory in Nanyue closed. They used to produce 8-bit machines. This was not a notice that they wanted to increase taxes, and the boss ran directly."

Zhang Yang was sitting at the dining table in the office, eating with Xiao Wang while listening to the report.

"Oh? What about the local government axe factory?"

"I heard that the boss was contacted first in accordance with the regulations. If I can’t, I will go through the judicial process and auction the factory. Poor workers, I heard that many of them have paid a deposit, and I don’t know if I can still do it. Take back."

"What do you think the workers think, go to work and work on their own, and actually pay the boss."

In fact, this kind of thing is very common in China at this time, and some companies make money by relying on these deposits. Draw a pie for you first, tell you to come to work in a company or factory, how much money you can make each month in the future, and how good our benefits are.

However, in order to prevent you from divulging company or factory secrets, you have to pay a security deposit, which will be refunded to you after you pass the assessment.

Or what is the cost of work clothes, training costs and the like, as to whether you have been trained, and whether the training is worth so much money, some are unclear.

Then let you do the hardest and most tiring work, and you can't get a salary or an extremely small salary during the internship. The internship period is particularly long for you. One to three months for other companies, half a year to one year on our side.

In this way, most people can't hold on and leave, and the deposit is not refundable according to the contract, and they earn it.

Not only pit those migrant workers from other places, but also cheat the poor college students who do odd jobs. If you really want to stick to enough time, they will have other excuses, such as your job is not qualified, be fired, the deposit is still non-refundable.

Zhang Yang threw a piece of lamb chops in his mouth: "That's because they haven't found this kind of job before, and they were smashed by the high salary portrayed by some people. To put it bluntly is that the experience is not enough, and then encountered Bad guys."

Like Zhiduoxing, if you recruit people, they are paid training. When hiring, they will make a very detailed assessment of people, and then rotate. Even if you fight hard for an office position, you have to perform rotation internally. Most of the positions still have to go to the factory for a period of time.

Only with empathy can we better manage the factory and help the enterprise develop better.

"A lot of these factories have been shut down recently. Do local government officials complain about this ban?"

"I heard that there is no way, but who let them manage the loopholes in many places? Look at our company, there is nothing wrong?"

"I have heard that some downstream manufacturers such as Yuxing and Xiaobawang also have some problems. Many of them have switched to OEM and produced some parts for export. Like us, we have to file in the industrial and commercial, customs, foreign trade and other units. To pay more taxes, but finally can barely operate."

"I don't think it will take long, many companies will turn into foundries. There are also some companies that have sold the factories directly, and some have been merged. There will definitely be some big changes in the domestic game console industry. No effect."

The development of the industry will always go through these stages, some make money, and then many people flock to join this industry to make the industry bigger and stronger.

Then, within the industry, there are only a few of them.

This is true both within a country and globally.

Just like the game console industry, when Zhiduoxing started to do it, there were hundreds of global game console brands. After five years, it has decreased a lot, including many large companies.

Up to now, there are only four big home game consoles in the world. Zhiduoxing, Schneider, Nintendo and Sega Bandai, other small brands, have a market share of less than 1% and poor profit margins, and may be eliminated at any time.

Does Songxia, nec, etc. have no technology for producing game consoles? They do, but they don’t do it themselves, because there is no support from game manufacturers.

Game manufacturers are now increasing very rapidly, thanks to the better and better selling of game consoles. Even if there is an Internet bubble this year, many people have lost a lot, but many people have made a lot of money. If they make money, they will naturally be more willing to spend money.

Small factories are destined to be at an absolute disadvantage in terms of capital, technology and cost, and there is no brand effect. It is a matter of being eliminated sooner or later.

And now there are more electronic foundries in China, which makes the industry very serious.

Zhang Yang put down his chopsticks and drank his juice: "Are our arcade markets being severely compressed?"

"President, this is really impossible. President Sun has held several meetings and thought of a lot of ways, but the arcade hall is declining and there are some mergers. They don't buy new games at all."

"But now there are a lot of large arcade halls, dozens of game machines. The game currency has also risen to two yuan a dollar. It is estimated that it will become a dollar a dollar in a short time."

"And the game hall that used to buy our Zhiduoxing g and then connect to TV to play is now yellow, and the political axe will not give approval at all."

"This time the crackdown is very strong. Many people want to steal it. I heard that the machines have been confiscated and it is not easy to find a relationship. However, it is strange that the Internet cafes are also within the scope of the crackdown. The number is increasing."

Zhang Yang looked at Xiao Wang: "If there are fewer gaming halls, which industry has the greatest impact? We are these game console manufacturers and game manufacturers. And I have made it clear that the mainland market is not our key market, so we will not take the lead. Others Is the company frustrating?"

"The reduction of Internet cafes has the greatest impact on the two industries. One produces computers, including hardware accessories, and the other is a communications company."

"Now the country is urging communication operators to increase the deployment of broadband. After UU reads, the deployment is complete. It will always take someone to recover the cost. It is too difficult to count on individuals."

"Commercial use is not only more expensive, but also larger in scale and more profitable. So Internet cafes will be banned, but those that are unqualified black Internet cafes will be banned. Those operating normally will get a license, and it will be easy to get a license. "

"By the way, what happened to Jia Tao's Internet cafe?" Zhang Yang asked suddenly.

"The normal application for the license has been obtained, and the decoration is almost over. It is estimated that it will be opened at the end of April. It will only need to go through fire and other inspections. After the decoration, it must be ventilated and smelly."

"President, is it really profitable to open an internet cafe?"

Zhang Yang glanced at Xiao Wang: "Do you want to open? Can you earn a little money?"

"No, no, I'm just asking, I must concentrate on working in the company." Xiao Wang's hands were about to show an afterimage.

"Okay, take a look at it. Contact the aviation department. Tomorrow I and Mr. Liu, who wants to fly to Changchun, formally signed a contract with Changchun Caijing!"

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