Super Tycoon

Chapter 486: Gates was endorsed

Bill Gates is in a good mood these days. The previous lawsuit had the first court trial, and they did not lose. Why do those people tell him to split Microsoft, he will split it, you can't sell us, or is it our fault?

Of course, Microsoft's stock price is still declining. This wave of Internet bubbles has driven the market down. Some Internet companies have gone bankrupt, including top companies with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Microsoft took the opportunity to merge several companies and expand its business scope. Relying on the advantages of the operating system, they will soon allow the product to occupy a certain market share.

Even for the Sega Bandai they invested in, Microsoft also acquired several minority shareholders' shares and increased their holdings by 5%.

Super Uranus, who was led by Ogawa Kungfu, has also been tested and will be officially launched to the market next month. Some performance optimizations have been made, the overall architecture remains unchanged, and some players have criticized the problem.

For example, the built-in modem; for example, the handle is too large to hold; for example, the machine will play fever and noise, etc.

The selling price remains the same in the island country, which is still 29800 yen, but in Europe and the United States, it has risen to 249 dollars, because the exchange rate of the yen has increased.

Sega Bandai also intends to produce more handles for players who plan to replace the old Uranus handles. This handle is sold at a fair price and does not make money. It is used to attract players.

At the same time, several games developed by Microsoft will also cooperate with the publicity. The sales of the Uranus series will definitely not stop at 15 million, but the plan is to double at least!

Look at Nintendo, n64 or something, then not sell more than 20 million units, how much money did you make? The key is the game!

Game consoles increase market share, and games are profitable products. After there are many game companies under it, Microsoft is more confident.

Ogawa Kung plans to retire after the promotion of this generation of game consoles. At that time, he will become the president of Sega Bandai. He plans to completely control Sega Bandai in his hands within two years.

Thinking about how to cooperate with Sega Bandai's propaganda in North America, the secretary came in to report and someone sent a small gift.

Bill Gates looked at the mP3 in the box, which was pretty good, and the color he liked. There are also several downloaded songs, which is the hottest new song by Britney.

Putting on the headphones, Bill Gates leaned on the sofa, which was much smaller than the Walky Walkman.

"Who sent this?"

"It's a courier, and the sender writes an admirer. There is also a card on it that says to support Microsoft. Chairman, how many idols you are." Secretary Zhang Kou shot it out.

"Okay, I see."

Bill Gates was also very happy when he received the gift. Look, not everyone, like those competitors, defame us Microsoft, there are still many people who support us.

After listening to a few songs, Bill Gates looked at the gadgets in his hands and was very interested. He also personally downloaded some old songs in the Amazon music store.

When the music started, Bill Gates danced with his favorite old song. Some media say that Microsoft is no longer good, and I really don't know how to think about it.

Microsoft is still the number one software company in the world, and even the word software can be removed, he is still the richest man in the world. Changes in asset figures will not affect his status.

"Chairman, a reporter from the media came to interview. Chairman?"

The secretary knocked on the door, and no one agreed. He thought that the chairman was listening to the song, so he directly opened the door and came in, but he saw that the chairman was dancing, and the dance was indescribable.

All this was taken by the reporter who followed him in an instant, but the camera was put down again in the blink of an eye, as if he had never done it.

Bill Gates saw his secretary in front of him, and then took off the headset: "What's the matter?"

"You forgot, I had an interview with the media today."

"Oh, here they are." Bill Gates closed mP3 and put it on the table.

The company's lawsuit has started, and he has to speak through some media to gain the support of ordinary people, which will affect the jury's judgment.

This kind of trick is too common in countries with ocean law systems such as Europe and the United States.

During the interview, the reporter set up the camera and took several photos at the same time. After asking a few questions that are painless and itchy, and then asking a few prone questions, the interview is over.

The next day, the media published the news that Bill Gates was interviewed, but the pictures were very interesting. It was Bill Gates who listened to mP3 dancing.

In the afternoon, the official website of Zhiduoxing Group announced a message: "Thank you Mr. Bill Gates for the mP3 of our Zhiduoxing. We decided that in the future, Mr. Bill Gates can get the new version of Zhiduoxing mP3 for free for life."

The picture is not just Bill Gates listening to mP3 dancing, but also a screenshot of his video interview, which enlarges the picture of Zhiduoxing mP3.

After this news appeared, more people paid attention to Zhi Duoxing's mP3. After all, this is something that even the world's richest people like, can it be worse?

All of a sudden, the sales of Zhiduoxing mP3 skyrocketed, especially retailers in North America, who all called for rushing, and even the music store song downloads skyrocketed by 70%.

Bill Gates also saw the news. He was holding a newspaper, his expression somewhat helpless. Why was this picture taken by a reporter?

He really doesn't want to support Zhiduoxing's products. Although Zhiduoxing and Microsoft do not seem to have any direct competitive relationship, Sega Bandai, which Microsoft shares, and Zhiduoxing are competitors.

And Zhiduoxing Group began to do hardware industry layout, Microsoft had wanted to cooperate, but was rejected by Zhiduoxing Group. It is not that Zhang Yang does not want to cooperate with Microsoft, but that the conditions are too unequal.

Although Microsoft is Group is not a soft persimmon, and it also has partnerships with many PC manufacturers. In the first quarter of this year, the sales of the hardware industry that Zhidaox Group participated in also rose a lot.

"Ask the legal department, can Zhiduoxing do this, can we sue them?" Bill Gates was a little dissatisfied. Do you still want to say these things to me?

"The legal department has contacted Zhiduoxing Group for the first time. But Zhiduoxing Group said that it only reprinted a few news pictures, and also paid the reprinting fee from the media."

"According to the feedback from the legal department, Zhiduoxing Group seems to want to sue us to increase the exposure of mP3 and allow their sales to continue to grow rapidly."

"Isn't this a violation of my portrait rights?"

"We can ask the other party to remove it, but it is difficult to ask the other party to pay compensation. We also contacted the media that sold the photos, but they had cooperated with us before. Are they sure to sue?"

Bill Gates slapped the table: "Don't tell me these things, solve this matter immediately, I just want the result!"

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