Super Tycoon

Chapter 496: NGC pre-sale

On July 1, 2000, Nintendo announced that NGC began pre-sales in the island market, North American market, and Britain, and plans to officially launch it a month later.

After the news broke out, it seemed very sudden, which also caught Sega Bandai by surprise.

Last year, Nintendo has always announced that their new game opportunity will be released in early 01. It was said earlier this year that it may be advanced, but no one can imagine that it will be advanced by more than half a year.

Mainly because the 128-bit game consoles of the other three game console manufacturers sold so well, Nintendo had to increase R&D expenses and speed up.

Zhiduoxing g2 has sold 50 million units, and the expected target for this year is total sales of more than 70 million units. Suzy's Ps2 has been on the market for more than three months and has sold more than 10 million units. The target for this year is 40 million units.

Uranus sold very poorly at the beginning of the year, with monthly sales falling below one million units. However, with the re-listing of Super Uranus, sales have picked up. It is expected that total sales will exceed 25 million units this year.

How big is the global game console market? Now that the previous generation of game consoles is still on sale, it still attracts many players due to cheap prices.

If Nintendo does not hurry up, then their NGC will have no market space, I am afraid that even 20 million units of sales will be difficult to achieve.

Just down there also urged, hoping to snipe Super Uranus and report Microsoft to slap their revenge, so ngc completed in advance.

The hardware parameters announced by Nintendo are leading the game consoles of other companies, but there are not many leading ones, mainly because cPu is better.

But even if the hardware parameters are higher, Nintendo's price is very cheap. The average selling price is $199, which is a hundred dollars cheaper than the Ps2 and Super Uranus, which is the same as the price of the Zhiduoxing g2. It also sells 24,800 yen in the island market.

After the appearance of this price, it was a little difficult for both Senni and Sega Bandai. Their consoles are more expensive to sell, it can be said that the performance is stronger than the Zhiduoxing g2, although the strong is only a little, and you can't experience anything when playing games.

But now their host performance is slightly inferior to ngc, but the price of others is still cheaper, which will make consumers dissatisfied with their products.

The same is a game console, why should you be more expensive?

Zhang Yang has long known that Nintendo's ngc will be listed in advance, but he didn't expect it to be so much in advance. The previous life of ngc was only listed in 2001, and the main competitor at that time was Microsoft's xBox.

Now there is no xBox series anymore, thinking that Microsoft has invested in Sega Bandai. And made some adjustments to the seventh generation of Sega's game console that soon disappeared, launched Super Uranus, and raised the retail price.

Sega Bandai believes that if you are willing to spend more than two hundred dollars to buy a gaming machine, you don’t mind spending a few tens of dollars, as long as their gaming machine performance is good and more fun.

Besides, just because of Microsoft's brand effect, what's more expensive? Their game console can browse the web, and it's very smooth.

The early listing of ngc disrupted the deployment of Chang Ni and Sega Bandai, because Nintendo had the most influence in the island country, and the first pre-sale area was also the island country that was sold by North America.

However, the deployment of Zhiduoxing has not been disrupted. Zhiduoxing still has a step-by-step sales. Last month, there were still 4 million units sold globally.

The pre-sale of ngc starts, and going to the market in the future, not only the Zhiduoxing g2, but the sales of the other two game consoles will definitely decline.

Nintendo's usual practice is that when a game console is launched, a game masterpiece will inevitably appear.

Sure enough, Nintendo announced that their super Mario sequel, the sequel to the Legend of Cedar will be released next month, and the game software provided during the pre-sale is the Nintendo star Dx, and the evaluation of this game software is also very good. Excellent.

Zhiduoxing has also slightly adjusted its development strategy. Nintendo's n64 can still sell well, and the hardware cost has become extremely low, and the host can also make a lot of money.

Now it depends on whether Nintendo intends to vigorously promote ngc or whether it will keep equal importance with n64.

Just one day later, Zhang Yang knew Nintendo's plan, because the ad campaign of NGC came, and the offensive was extremely rapid.

"President, now the island nations and North America are all Nintendo NGC ads, and also include some game masterpiece ads. So crazy, they have to spend at least one hundred million dollars."

Sun Tengfei stood at Zhang Yang's desk, feeling a little irritable. If Zhiduoxing does not respond, then this year's sales will definitely not meet expectations.

However, the company plans to increase the sales of Zhiduoxing g2 to 100 million units next year, and then it must reach 70 million units this year.

And Nintendo has added ads in the North American and island markets. Will other markets give up? Once the same is true in other markets, Zhiduoxing's game console sales will fall again, which is definitely not good news.

The more games consoles are sold, the more games can be sold in the future and more money can be earned. The company's revenue focus is on games, but it must be based on game consoles.

After all, the previous generation consoles such as Nintendo and Cheney also have 3D games. The games on their old consoles can still make a lot of money.

But at that time, the games on Zhiduoxing g were very cheap. Even if they could sell some, they would not earn anything. G2 is the key to the development of Zhiduoxing!

If g2 is a great success, then Zhiduoxing will not shake its position even if it fails in the next generation of game consoles.

Zhang Yang raised his hand: "Don't worry. Nintendo's advertising is so crazy that it means they are anxious and worried that their game consoles will not sell."

"Satoshi Matsuda previously said that Nintendo's publicity costs for the ngc game console and its games have increased from 200 million U.S. dollars to 500 million U.S. dollars. And their research and development expenses have long exceeded the standard."

“Nintendo’s dividend to shareholders last year was extremely Their revenue did not decrease much because they spent more money on R&D and promotion.”

"Nintendo has just announced that their ngc will be linked with the next generation of handhelds, and their gBa is already in the research and development center, and some games can be used in the future."

"And this gBa, Nintendo also spent hundreds of millions of dollars in research and development costs, they announced that this will be the first 32 handheld."

In the past, Nintendo spent more than US$3 billion to develop and promote gBa and ngc. Although ngc failed, they lost to Ps2, but their gBa was very successful, and they also defeated the PsP of 劦尼.

But in this life, is only Nintendo known to develop the 32 handheld?

"You go to Chaowei Semiconductor and ask them if the 32-bit energy-saving microprocessor specially developed for us has passed the test. In all the hardware, this is worse."

"Also in other markets, isn't Nintendo going to start an advertising war? Let's fight it. I want to see if their NGC fails, will it affect the listing of gBa!"

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