Super Tycoon

Chapter 498: Square and Nintendo reconciled!

Nintendo's NGC has not yet officially listed, Nintendo announced another major news, Nintendo re-signed strategic cooperation agreement with Square Enix.

The news broke out and there was an uproar in the industry.

At the time, Nintendo almost bankrupted Square Enix, causing Square Enix to lose billions of yen. Thanks to the stubborn Nila, it was not annexed by others.

The helmsmen of both sides have not changed, can such hatred be reconciled?

When Zhang Yang heard this news, it was also incredible. Nintendo Bull wanted to reverse the defeat in this way.

The reason why Nintendo is defeated is because of the lag in the release of their console, and the game camp has shrunk, so the situation has only deteriorated in the past two years.

But even so, this old book is strong enough to still earn more than Sega Bandai. Sega Bandai's old book has been gnawed for a long time, and now it is supported by Microsoft.

Although the golden sales period of game consoles is only two or three years, it can only attract consumers by relying on game masterpieces or price reductions, but the profit period of game consoles will double or even be higher.

Nintendo's Fc can still make money, even if it is not a lot, it is also a revenue. It is mainly a collection of cassettes of some 8-bit games. The same is true of sFc. Relying on games, the host can also make money.

The time to market for n64 is not short, but the profits that are now made still make many companies jealous. And it is foreseeable that in the next few years, the n64 series of games will also bring great benefits to Nintendo.

The Ps2 series of previous generations of Schneider made nearly five or six years of high profits for Schneider. After that, they made Pstwo and made several more years, not because of the improvement of hardware performance, but by the quantity and quality of games.

Nintendo also responded that a game console can sell more than five games, and this profit is the company's largest revenue. If you can sell ten copies, then Nintendo's profits may double!

What Nintendo lacks right now is the game camp. At first, it was taken away by several other companies, especially Chang Ni, who waved a check and snatched the contracts of many large companies.

Now that Nintendo wants to redevelop its game camp, the support of third-party game companies is particularly important.

It's just that Zhang Yang can understand Nintendo's purpose, but why did Square Encourage agree, and the company still has a share of Ni Ni?

Matsuda Shiji did not hear the news, but Naoki Watanabe did. It turned out that Nintendo gave Square Engrave a difficult offer this time, and could also help Square Enix to regain profits in some 32-bit 2D games.

Ordinarily, some 2D games that have fallen behind, even if they can be sold, the price will be very cheap, less than one-fifth or even one-tenth of the 3D games.

But Nintendo's offer to Square Enix was based on the conditions when the game was first released. Some old versions of Square Enix games suddenly became golden eggs.

This time, Square Enix can earn at least tens of millions of dollars in income, that is, billions of yen in income, which can make up for the loss that Nintendo brought them!

And 128-bit games, after the exclusivity period, Nintendo is also willing to give a high-price purchase authorization, or low-rights authorization sales.

With this income, Square Enix can develop several sequels of once-hot games at the same time, and it can develop faster, catch up with the pace of other big game manufacturers, and get rid of the shackles.

Johnny always wanted to increase the shareholding of Square Enix. Fortunately, when the policy makers of Square Enix agreed to hold Ini's share, they signed an agreement. The company is still his management, and he has the highest voting rights.

So for such a long time, Square Enix is ​​still his. However, the games developed by Square Enix can only be sold to Changi, which makes the company less profitable.

However, by relying on the Final Fantasy series, Shunyi made a lot of money, and also sold many game consoles. If Square Enix reauthorizes the game to other game console manufacturers, or obtains the other party's development platform, adjusts its own sale, it will definitely make more money, and it will also allow the company's games to be liked by more players.

After getting this news, Zhang Yang was also surprised by Nintendo's generosity. This time it is tens of millions of dollars, maybe even hundreds of millions.

Such a large order, Square Enix is ​​difficult to refuse. It also confirmed that there is no eternal enemy in the mall, only eternal interests.

I just don’t know what the attitude will be after Johnny knows the news. It is definitely unrealistic to divest Square Enix, that is, push Square Enix to Nintendo.

More likely, Chang Ni will sign some bundling contracts with the game companies of the camp to ensure that those companies will no longer be poached by Nintendo.

In fact, it’s not just Nintendo. In recent years, Zhiduoxing Group has been digging up the game manufacturers in the camp. At the beginning, Chang Ni gave those game manufacturers very high conditions on Ps1 to let them break away from Nintendo.

However, in the later period, the conditions of Changi were also reduced, which led to a reduction in the profits of those game manufacturers.

For game makers, games are sold on more platforms, and they can make more money. Zhiduoxing relied on the robbed arcade market, allowing some companies to exploit loopholes, and Chang Ni couldn't stop it.

However, most of the arcade games are game-level games and battle games. For other games that take a long time, the arcade hall will not introduce them, which is not in their interest.

Many small companies have developed on the basis of stunny, but large companies will not be determined to have a platform on They have released games to let everyone know that this is their release, even theirs Games can drive sales of some consoles to rise.

Zhiduoxing did not spend less money during this time, in order to expand its game camp, license the development platform to more enterprises, and charge a very low royalty.

In this way, you can slowly pull those game manufacturers into their camps, preparing for the upcoming new handheld.

Nintendo's cooperation with companies that are good at making 2D games is obviously for gBa and wants to regain the throne of the king of handhelds.

But I'm afraid Nintendo wouldn't think about it. They found IBm and Songxia to cooperate. Zhiduoxing's own hardware company is enough. The architecture of the new handheld has been basically completed. The day before yesterday, Chaowei just gave news that the 32-bit microprocessor with low energy consumption can be mass-produced.

Zhiduoxing's z4 has now entered the testing stage, and Zhiduoxing may be slightly weaker than Nintendo in game development, but it is very good at porting games.

Nintendo has started to squander money to attract third-party game companies this time, so let you spread more and see how much you are willing to spend!

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