Super Tycoon

Chapter 50: They are a group

   Ye Jia hasn't spoken yet, and suddenly his eyes fell off.

   "Ye Jia, if you have anything to say, don't cry. Otherwise, you will cry and talk again?" Zhang Yang thought again, could it be that Ye Jia's family had something wrong?

  Ye Jia took out a handkerchief and walked to the classroom while wiping her tears. Zhang Yang followed him step by step. When entering the teaching building, Ye Jia's eyes were only slightly red, and the tears were gone.

   "I'll wash my face, thank you for your comfort."

  Zhang Yang: "?????"

   What did I comfort you?

Each lesson in the morning is that teachers of various subjects are talking about the papers of this simulation test. Although the papers have not been revised yet, most people know how many points they have by virtue of their impressions. Ask each other how many points.

  When many students asked Ye Jia, Ye Jia just squeezed out a smile and said okay. Everyone guessed that Ye Jia might have failed the exam, and even a few students comforted him.

   Zhang Yang took a look. Those few are usually the countdown of the grade. Where is the confidence to comfort each grade first?

   After school at noon, the students all packed up and left quickly, but Ye Jia was sitting on the seat without moving. Zhang Yang also slowly packed up and waited for the other students to leave.

   "There is no one else in the class, what happened to you, you say it, maybe I can think of a solution for you." Zhang Yang turned to sit across Ye Jia's front row and looked at Ye Jia's eyes.

   "It's nothing, really."

"Speak it out, you can feel better in your heart. You can rest assured that my mouth is strict and I won't tell others. And my father's factory, I didn't come up with any ideas. I can certainly help you with your business. "

  Ye Jia bit her lip and whispered, "My parents were cheated. This time, I lost more than 40,000 in business."

   More than 40,000, the average monthly salary in the county at this time is less than 300 yuan, and you can't save so much money for ten years without eating or drinking. But more than 40,000 yuan is nothing in Zhang Yang's eyes.

   So, in the previous life, Ye Jia's family took the family's life because of more than 40,000 yuan?

   "More than 40,000 pieces, of which more than 30,000, were borrowed. I heard from my parents that they not only had relatives and friends, but also asked Ligao to borrow someone for 20,000."

  Zhang Yang pouted, co-authoring their family because of what happened so much because of 20,000 yuan. Of course, 20,000 yuan in the eyes of ordinary families is definitely a huge sum of money, much more than the 200,000 yuan before his rebirth.

   "What kind of business does uncle and aunt do? Why did you pay so much?" Zhang Yang asked softly.

   "There is a big boss from the south who says that he collects skins for a factory. Whatever fox skins, mink skins, bear skins and the like are needed, the price is still very high."

   "Don't my dad know how to make leather before? That person didn't know how to find my dad. Let my dad help collect the skin and give me a hard work fee of 20 yuan."

   "The first time my dad received more than ten sheets, the other party gave them more than two hundred pieces, and said how much they will need in the future. The second time I received more than thirty sheets, the other party also paid happily."

   "Then the man told my dad that he didn't have enough money, let my dad collect it first, how much is needed, he sent the goods back first, and then took the money back."

   "As a result, my parents borrowed a large sum of money from relatives and friends, and also borrowed 20,000 yuan from Gaoli to collect skins. I didn't go home at noon some time ago, that is, they collected the skins."

   "I heard from my parents that the price of the fur they received was a little higher than usual, but they still collected it, because the boss said that the price is not afraid of being high."

   "But after a long wait, the boss will never come again. My dad called on the phone he left, and people said there was no such person!"

   "My dad only knew that they might have been cheated. Later, I thought about selling all the leather in my hands, first I returned the borrowed money, and I was cheated again."

"After loading the leather car, he said that the price was higher, let my dad cheaper, my dad disagreed, and then they all unloaded. After the car drove away, my dad opened the leather bag and looked inside. They are all rags, and the skin is gone!"

   "Last night my parents were arguing, complaining to each other, and even throwing plates. You said, what should I do, what should our family do?"

   said, Ye Jia's tears began to fall again.

  Zhang Yang pinched his chin: "Don't cry first, understand how uncle and aunt were cheated?"

   Chapter Yang probably figured it out, this is a serial sleeve. The first boss to collect skins, the person who sells skins, and the last person to collect skins may be a gang.

   Ye Jia wiped her tears: "Don't they change their leather bags?"

"This is indeed, but the first one to collect skins, and a lot of them are sold to uncles and aunts. It may be a group. You think, let the uncles and aunts know that collecting the skins makes money, UU reading Then the uncle and aunt borrowed money to collect it. Where did they receive such a large amount?"

"Ask your uncle and aunt if the skins they sold two times before are the same as the skins harvested in large quantities for the third time? Whoever sells the most or a few people who sell a lot may be their gang of."

   "In this kind of thing, they may get a shot to change the place. This time I cheated my uncle and aunt. I might go to Linshi next time, so call the police and let Linshi pay attention, maybe you can catch it."

   "Ah? Are you saying you can catch them? But my parents called the police and they said they were unlucky."

"It must be impossible to find them in our county, and it is not impossible to catch them, but it will be more troublesome to catch people, and the cost is higher. You tell your uncle and aunt, let them offer a reward of 3,000 yuan, and the hope of catching will definitely increase. A lot."

   At this time, the police~~ the most annoying thing is the cross-area arrest, because of the need to travel, the travel expenses are still very difficult to reimburse, and the police~~ the Bureau is also poor.

  Why do many police officers like to control public security? This is nothing more than fighting and fighting. The danger is not high. They are also responsible for **** and gambling. These are all fines that can be fined and naturally moisturized.

   There are people who treat the police~~~cha as a sacred mission, but more people just take it as a profession and make money living careers, which also includes some people who are not very dedicated.

   "Three thousand? My parents may not be willing. If you give three thousand dollars, will you be able to catch people?" Ye Jia was terrified. Three thousand dollars, how could Zhang Yang speak so easily.

   "Not necessarily. But in this matter, I come to find someone to help you find a way, as long as they don't stop, there is a great possibility to catch it again."

  Zhang Yang said this on his mouth, but he was quite sure about catching those scammers. Did Wang Liang forget his account?

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