Super Tycoon

Chapter 54: Domineering Xiaoliang

  Zhang Yang didn't know how Ye Jia told his parents, but the next day, Ye Jia's father came to the school and had a long talk with the class teacher. Ye Jia was also called out.

When    returned to the classroom, Ye Jia's face was full of smiles. The plight on her head was solved. All this thanks to Zhang Yang's reminder.

   "Thank you." Ye Jia said softly before sitting down.

   Jia Tao looked suspiciously at Ye Jia, and then at Zhang Yang: "She just said thank you just now? What happened?"

   "Yesterday her school uniform fell to the ground, I helped pick it up." Zhang Yang said calmly.

   "Is that true? Why didn't I see it? Why did you say thank you today?" Jia Tao lowered his head, glanced left and right, and lowered his voice, "Wouldn't you both be the object?"

   "Just guess, don't talk nonsense, it's nothing."

   "Then I will ask Ye Jia after class, don't you want to hide me."

   "Jia Tao, what are you talking about? Stand behind!" The head teacher smashed a chalk head, "Who dares to speak in my class, just stand behind and listen!"

  Jia Tao's innocent face, why say me? Zhang Yang also spoke?

  After class, Ye Jia took the initiative to turn around: "Have you understood everything? Is there anything wrong?"

   "I don't quite understand this question, the teacher just said..."

  Jia Tao's eyes are moving back and forth between the two people, and it really looks like an ordinary mutual aid learning group. This method is good, he can also use this method to talk more with female classmates.

   "Li Wei, how to do this question, I don't know very well." Jia Tao took the exercise book and asked Ye Jia's desk.

  Li Wei glanced, "I won't either."


   Unconsciously, and again on Sunday, Zhang Yang and their junior three students can finally relax.

  Zhang Yang was riding a bicycle and was going to see it in the electronics factory. Recently, my dad left early and returned late, and he didn't talk much about the electronics factory at home.

  If the development goes smoothly, then the channels of neighboring provinces should be expanded to the county seats, right? Has the dealer over Shencheng negotiated? Does it mean to continue to develop southward?

   The most important point is, what is the output of the game console, can it meet the market demand, have there been any quality problems?

   was riding halfway and saw someone in a double-row wagon protruding his head and waving: "Zhang Yang."

  Zhang Yang stepped down from the car, and the double-row truck also stopped. Wang Liang jumped out of the car: "Why did you go, why didn't you go to class?"

   "Brother Wang, Sunday today." Even if it's the third day, should I take a day off?

   "Hey, I don't care what day of the week I am. I'm going to Linshi for delivery. How about playing with my brother?"

   "No, Brother Wang, thank you. By the way, how is the case in my classmate's house going? When did the arrested brothers call out and everyone has a meal."

"You are at school every day, and wait until you have finished the exam. Let's talk about it. Eh, what's going on there, I seem to see someone fighting?" Wang Liang put his hand over his eyes and looked away. go with.

  Zhang Yang also looked over there, and suddenly saw a familiar back. Without a word, he rushed over there on his bicycle.

   "Zhang Yang, what are you doing? Cao, Mr. Xu, drive. Where are you going to drive, go over there, fight over there."

   Several people were shoving with Ye Jingchun, Ye Jingchun had been explaining, but others didn't listen at all, still holding some leather gloves, leather hats or something.

"Several, I know I owe you money, but I also explained that I was cheated, and that money is now recovered, but in the public security ~~~~, I have to wait another month or two before I can Take it back and I will calculate the interest for you."

"Why don't you blame Lao Tzu! You said that you should pay back last week, how long has it been delayed? These things are considered interest, let go of your hands, and be careful that I will cut you!" Someone pushed Ye Jingchun Something happened.

   "Why did you hit my dad, I called the police!" Ye Jia squatted on the floor, shouting while supporting his father.

   "Debt repayment, just right. You call the police, we have an invoice. Tell you, don't blame our brother for not being repayable next month!"

   "How much money do they owe you? Do you know that your current behavior is robbery?" Zhang Yang jumped from the bicycle and grabbed the hand that wanted to be pushed to Ye Jia.

   "Where did the little fart boy come from, dare to take care of your second brother? Hurry up, otherwise you will believe it?"

   What rob~~ rob, who to scare?

   "Zhang Yang, go away, they will really hit people." Ye Jia was anxious to see Zhang Yang surrounded.

   "It doesn't matter, if they dare to move me a hair today, I promise that they will all eat the nest head." Zhang Yang said unhurriedly.

   Seeing Zhang Yang's attitude, these people who asked for the account were a little hesitant. Where did this child come from? But they haven't seen it, unlike the leader's child.

   "Boy, your name is Zhang Yang? Who is your dad?" someone asked. UU reading www.uukanshu.cco

   "You can't control it. I will say one thing, put down the things, and you hurried away. The money owed to you, wait for the police~~ The Bureau will take the cheated money back and return it to you."

   "Ma De, the county leader has no surname Zhang, who is your kid bluffing here? What am I... who dares to stop Lao Zi?!"

   The leading person slapped to Zhang Yang, these five of them, can also let a little fart kid bluff? But when he didn't reach his hand, he felt caught.

  Where did a special business come out? !


   "Du Lao~~ You are so strong and capable, who are you?" Wang Liang slapped his hand on the leader's face and kicked the opponent with another foot.

Du Lao~~ The second was beaten up, only to see who was hitting him, and he got up on the ground, with a smile on his face: "Brother Xiaoliang, why are you. I owe you, you played well. "

"What are you doing here? Bullying honest people? Do you want to be locked in? Tell you, now the investigation is strict. If you act seriously, you will not be able to get out in ten or eight years." Wang Liang glanced A glance at the group of people.

   "Brother Xiaoliang, what do you say? He owes money but he doesn't pay it, we are here to ask for the account." Du Lao~~ Second quickly explained, I still have a mistake in the account?

   "Go on the other side, are you asking for it? Tell you, Zhang Yang is my little brother, his business is my business. You just wanted to beat him?"

   "No, no. How is it possible, I just made a joke. Brother Xiaoliang, he borrowed 20,000. This is not a small amount, don't believe you ask him."

   "Three months. They don't pay back after three months, you come to my house to get it. Hurry up~~ Egg, put the things in your hands back, let me know later, you can't be cut to death. Go!"

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