Super Tycoon

Chapter 69: The cassette is cheap, the game console is easy to sell

  Obtained a promise to reduce the wholesale price to 75 sets, Wang Liangxing happily left, although he earned less in a set, but it was always better than a direct business break.

  Not only Zhang Weiguang and his son, Wang Liang is also looking for another supplier. You are disturbing the market order. Everyone is taking out at a price, is it not good to make money together?

   "Reducing the price to Wang Liang. If the other party reduces the price, we will continue to reduce the price. What profit will the game cassette have?" Zhang Weiguang frowned.

   Wang Liang and his brother-in-law helped them, but Wang Liang didn't make less money, can't they let them suffer?

   "Dad, I remember when we bought a prototype of the game console in Ice City, not only the price of the game console was very expensive, but also the price of the game cassette. The four-cassette cassette is almost the price of a game console."

   "Did you know that many of the gamers here are basically cooperating with game console companies or even being controlled by each other, and the relationship between them is mutually reinforcing."

   "If you have a fun game, others will want to buy a game console. If you buy a game console, no matter how fun the game is, you will always get bored. At this time, you want to buy a new game."

   "The game console mainly sells hardware, and the program inside is not too complicated, so in fact, the research and development costs are amortized, which is much lower than the game cassette and the profit is higher."

   "And the game sells software, that is, the game program inside, and the cost of hardware is not high. So those who know some technology, the easiest to crack is the game cassette."

   "This is why it is said that the business of game cartridges is not long, and we should be a game machine."

"You see, the price of game cassettes has also decreased during this period, but not much has been reduced. The main reason is that there is more game content in it, which is regarded as a product upgrade. And the price of game consoles has been greatly reduced. Our retail price of game consoles is half that of Nintendo."

   "Do you think that the price of game cassettes can be kept so high? It will definitely decline, and the rate of decline will not be low by then. The software development cost is eliminated, and the hardware production cost is not much."

   "Nintendo and other companies first produce game consoles, and then rely on the subsequent provision of different games to obtain continuous profits. We do not develop games, how can we make money?"

"That is to keep the price of the game falling, and a game cassette can allow many people to play for a year and a half, and even two or three years at night is not tired. In this way, more and more people are willing to buy game consoles. No longer counts how much money you have to buy a game console and how much to buy a game cartridge."

"The high price of game cassettes has restricted the sales of game consoles before, and even made many people discouraged from game consoles. But if the game cassettes become dozens of pieces, I mean the retail price, and it also contains dozens of Hundreds of games, and even many popular games that are very fun, so they can reduce the purchase of game consoles plus cassette money to less than four hundred."

   "As for the cassettes of the previous single games, the price will drop again and again, and may even be reduced to less than 30 yuan, because no one buys it because it is expensive."

"The cheaper the game cassette, the more people will buy the game console. We lowered the price of the game cassette, and even reduced it to less than 20% of the profit. At that time, we will not make game cassettes at all. It’s time to come."

"There are many products of this type that promote each other, such as VCRs and video tapes from the previous two years. After more and more video tapes flowed into the mainland over the Xiangjiang River, and the prices are getting lower and lower, the sales of VCRs have also increased a lot, and various regions have also appeared A lot of video halls."

   In addition to game consoles and game cassettes in the future, there will also be recorders and cassette tapes, especially Walkmans. The popularity of VCD is also due to the fact that the price of compact discs is much lower than that of video tapes, and it is also convenient for storage.

   Therefore, Zhang Yangba is not allowed to drop the price of game cassettes again and again, so that the sales of game consoles can rise and rise again. And he deliberately got a popular game on a cassette, also to sample other people who make game cassettes and let them follow.

   After most of the game consoles have been purchased, it is enough to buy a few game cassettes. It will not be too much, and you don’t have to exchange it with others for too much effort.

   Of course, there will be more games in the future, so if you want to keep playing new games, you still need to continue to buy game cartridges, but at least you don’t have to buy so many.

   Zhang Weiguang looked at his son: "The profit of the game cassette is less than 20%, you want to drop to such a low level? There will be fewer and fewer people doing this game cassette, will the price rise again?"

   Zhang Yang gave a thumbs up: "Dad is high-profile. Whether we will rise back in the future or not, it will be down now. Within a year or two, these classic games will definitely attract a lot of people, and our game console sales will also increase rapidly."

   "Then what do you think of Wang Liang's side? If the price drops again and again, he won't make any money. He is also looking for other people who produce game cartridges, will he unite with others?"

   " Let him unite with others. Whether he is jointly pricing with others, or simply eating someone else's game cartridge and reselling it, it has nothing to do with us and does not affect our fundamental interests."

"You are worried that the price of the game cassette will not continue to fall after he unites with others? This is simply impossible. We have very few people doing this in the northeast side. I asked my classmates, and his relatives who came back from the south said, Someone over there has a game card in the bag and sells it at the station. The 30-in-1 retail price is only 100 yuan. How much do you say they cost?"

   "Someone will see the difference when the time comes, so that the game cartridges in the south will come back upside down. And how high is the production cost of this one, don't you know."

   "A person who knows the technology will not produce profits if they see it? Just like this person who is sold to our county mall, it must be a nearby electronics factory."

   "Do you think there will be no one in the neighboring province or Shencheng? If Wang Liang wants to control the pricing, he has to control all the sources of supply. Can he do it?"

"So this price will definitely drop again and again. The game cassettes from Baodao and Xiangjiang have not been sold to our mainland. The island countries have basically sold only one or a few games, and the price is still high. They will soon It will be kicked out."

   "Even with them, their game console will also be kicked out. In this market, our family will take a big head." Zhang Yang gestured.

  Zhang Weiguang ignited a cigarette, the son's words seemed very reasonable. Just like video tapes are cheaper, more and more people buy video recorders.

   Game cassettes are cheaper, and there will definitely be more and more people buying game consoles. Just pay attention to the market on the northeast side, is it really too petty?

  To talk to Miao Hejie again today, the acquisition of this electronics factory can wait until the end of the year, but the agreement can be signed first!

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