Super Tycoon

Chapter 701: Be a good shopkeeper

After a few days, Lian Chuan formally signed a contract with IBM. Liu Chuanzhi and Peng Mingsheng held the contract and shook hands to take photos. The smiles on both faces were very bright.

This cooperation is a win-win for them.

Lian wanted to get the brand, technology and sales channels, IBM got cash, shares, and at the same time got rid of a burden. No way, the competition in the American market and the like is much larger than that in the China market.

The company that used to be the leader in the notebook industry, sales in the past two years are also declining, and the position of the market leader can't be guaranteed at first sight.

It is even more like Shunyi, which is now in a state of loss, and it also depends on the profit subsidies of other products.

This merger and acquisition has also attracted the attention of other PC manufacturers in the industry. They found that Lianxiang’s rise is too fast, and they are afraid that even if they want to compete at a low price in North America, it will lower the overall profit of the industry. Rate it.

Many companies have high sales and high expenditures. Once the sales price drops, the profit margin will fall, and I am afraid that it will change from profit to loss.

Even some manufacturers have made a private agreement, if they even want to rely on the price to grab the market, they push back together. But even if they don't want to do this, they will first find some trouble for Lian Want, such as teaming up to attack the China market.

In the past two years, the fastest-growing PC companies in the Chinese market in the past year were Baodao. Acer, BenQ, Asus, etc., even the old giants such as HP, Dell and Dongzhi, can only be ranked behind in China. The rise of some domestic brands, such as Shenzhou or something.

Mainly because companies such as Hewlett-Packard and Dell pay more attention to the markets of developed countries in Europe and the United States. They believe that the market here is larger. They also mainly sold notebooks at that time, but the largest growth in the Chinese market was desktops.

Because of the low sales volume, the amortization of their advertising costs and sales costs is higher, so they are forced to increase the retail prices of some products, resulting in lower cost performance and worse sales.

When people are not short of money, they only look at performance. Just like many people in the future buy more expensive Apple phones, they value performance and brand, and the price is not considered.

Two or three thousand mobile phones can also be used, but I will use seven or eight thousand, which is faster and easier to use. Even what many people are after is the brand and price, telling others that I have money.

But at this time, the Chinese economy has just started to enter the fast lane, and people's income has also increased for a few years. Even the average monthly income of many cities has not exceeded 1,000, naturally, they pay more attention to prices.

At this time, many cheap products are more appetizing for consumers, so the assembly machine will sell very well, and the domestic notebooks with high cost performance will sell better.

But this time, several manufacturers such as Hewlett-Packard and Dell intend to join forces to guarantee a price level in the Chinese market, or a price level with THINKPAD, to attack Lianxiang together.

Before Liu Chuanzhi returned to China, he heard about it.

"Zhang Yang, I have to go back to China quickly. Yang Yuanqing will handle this matter. You can also do me a favor. I have to go back to discuss the adjustment of the sales strategy for this quarter and re-establish the sales strategy for the summer vacation."

Zhang Yang stopped Liu Chuanzhi: "What is your urgency? You can think of a good way to go back in a hurry? You don't need to go back to this matter, they can also come up with a way, you can choose a satisfactory one."

"You are the decision-maker of the company, you have to change your mindset. When you are so busy, when can you retire?"

In the past life, Liu Chuanzhi even wanted to retire more than once, because the following people couldn't make business decisions, so he was forced to go out again. Similar to him are Li Ning and Shi Yuzhu.

The best way is to steadily transition, resign as president, retain the position of chairman, and usually leave the matter to the president to do it. When Guan enters, he can come out to preside over the work and stabilize the overall situation.

"I'm different from you. Your company is already on the right track. The industry is the first. It makes other companies unable to lift their heads, so they can naturally be a shopkeeper."

"But even thinking is still on the rise, there are still several PC manufacturers at the top. This time it costs a lot of money to buy IBM's PC business, just want to climb to the top."

"Now the cooperation of several top manufacturers has a great impact on Lianxiang. If we do not make a careful response, when attacking the international market, the local market will fall behind, what should we do?"

Zhang Yang smiled: "If you attack the international market, you are attacking their market. It is normal for them to attack the market that they even think of."

"But even want to have the most complete sales channel in Huaxia, and even the most powerful retail channel, which is distributed to the direct stores in each county, which no one manufacturer can do."

"How many of the top sales channels do you have in the domestic electronics and electrical appliances industry? Lianxiang, Zhiduoxing, Wanyan, Bird, Changhong, Haier, and others are all weak."

"And these companies, which one do you think will help those PC manufacturers? Will they be willing to be an agent? Those manufacturers are different from Lianxiang, who even directly get all of IBM's PC business, including sales channels, are in an advantageous position. ."

"It is the manufacturers of Treasure Island that should be paid more attention to. The policy axe has tilted over the policies over the past two years. They were originally ODM manufacturers and have cost advantages, but this coincides with Lianxiang."

"In fact, you only need to do one thing at this time to easily solve those problems. The hype in the domestic market even thinks of recent progress, including the acquisition of IBM's PC business, giving people a feeling that the Huaxia brand has stood up and told Everyone, other PC manufacturers join forces and want to stop the development of Lianxiang."

Liu Chuanzhi waited for Zhang Yang to continue, and found that Zhang Yang was finished.

"that's it?"

" That's all. You can go to those portals to do some publicity, you can also find a penguin company to help publicize it, you can also promote it on paper media, and you can also promote it on TV programs."

"Don't emphasize any products when promoting, just say that the brand is enough. Anyway, in everyone's mind, even thinking is selling computers. Maybe in the future, you can use the brand to drive the sales of your mobile phones and other products."

Liu Chuanzhi looked at Zhang Yang with a bit of resentment: "We still have many products such as PDAs, mobile phones, servers, etc. Who said they only sell computers?"

You are the director of Lian Xiang, don’t you know?

"Look, as a director of Lianxiang, I only remember Lianxiang's computer, not other things, let alone other consumers. But when I think of buying a computer, my first reaction is Lianxiang, I hope This is also the first reaction of other domestic consumers and will become the first reaction of global consumers in the future."

"Okay, this matter can be explained, you don't have to go back in a hurry, be your cashier. In a few days, take my private plane, we will go back together."

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