Super Tycoon

Chapter 79: Facade works all the way

   "Just here, I think this one is appropriate." Zhang Yang stood in front of the second floor of a building.

  Looking up, there are still traces of characters on both sides of the gate, with three words written in the Palace of Culture. Zhang Yang is very grateful to some local leaders in the past few years for their great achievements. Every street has a cultural palace.

  After this is closed, it is not easy to rent out. The place is relatively large, with a floor area of ​​800 square meters. The first floor already has rentals such as audio-visual shops and stationery stores, and the second floor is completely empty.

   "Brother, this family can be said, no rent."

   "Don't say sub-letting, the entire second floor is rented out. Let's get some walls to separate and decorate it well. It's a good office." Zhang Yang has already begun planning, how to separate and how to decorate his office.

   "Boy, do you know how much it will cost to rent the whole thing? Besides, let's hire a few people. What do we need in such a big place? Can the second uncle agree?"

  Zhang Shengchang is a little puzzled, and the offices of their foreign affairs offices are not so large together.

   "Afraid of anything, the other party said that the whole lease, and said that we can not sub-lease? This place is renovated and sub-lease, our rent can be earned."

   "I ask you, what makes this place bright, it looks very modern, is it more attractive? No one is willing to rent, and when it is done, some people are rushing to rent."

   "Go, talk to the person in charge and sign the contract."


   In two days, they found a suitable place, a street away from where they live.

   "How much do you say about renting the whole rent?" Zhang Yang's voice was a little high.

"Boy, the annual rent is 28,800, and the monthly rent is 2,400. This is our bottom line, no matter how low it is. I know it’s on the bias, but our house has only been built for ten years, and the doors and windows are strong. It."

Zhang Shengchang also whispered in the ear of Zhang Yang: "Boy, this rent seems to be really overwhelming. I asked one of my classmates that he is working in this street. The rent is fixed by their director and cannot be lowered. Now."


   "Boy, did you just say you rented? I can tell you clearly that we have to rent for the whole year. We can't use it as a warehouse, we can't live, we can't open a restaurant..."

   The other party started to say some rules. No wonder they haven't rented out for half a year, but these rules have no effect on Zhang Yang.

   "We rented it as an office. And we will renovate the whole place and make it new. So we must be a long-term lease, the contract is signed, we don't break the contract."

   When signing, Zhang Shengchang's hands were shaking: "Brother, don't you really need to discuss with your second uncle?"

   "Don't use it, he is so busy every day now, let's discuss this little thing. Anyway, you can rest assured that you can't lose anything, you sign it."

   "Don't you think it's too long for a five-year contract?" Zhang Shengchang looked at the length of the contract. If the rent is no longer available, one year's rent will be paid.

"It's not long, this is just right." Zhang Yang wanted to sign for 20 years, but two years later, with the beginning of the wave of 92 sent, the rent of these houses that can be used as offices continued to rise. He was really afraid of time. Long, the other party came to find fault, and drove them away.

  Five years later, he can buy a floor in some newly built office buildings, or move the company headquarters to Beijing and other places. Anyway, he was no longer in Ice City.

  The rent is paid in half a year, plus a deposit of 5,000 yuan, but Zhang Shengchang still talked about a month of rent-free decoration period.

   "Brother, where did you get the company seal?" Zhang Shengchang was stunned looking at the stamped Zhang Yang. Isn't this seal in the hands of the second uncle?

   "My dad gave me. In the future, my dad can send the official seal to the ice city. So for these small things, there is no need to tell my dad in the future. We can discuss it."

  He stamped the official seal on the street the day before yesterday. It cost ten dollars, and it worked quite well.

   Seeing the official seal, Zhang Shengchang was finally relieved. It seemed that the second uncle had explained to the younger brother, saying that the younger brother was not so bold and dared to decide tens of thousands of things himself.

  Zhang Shengchang again said that according to his brother, he found a decoration team through friends and planned to renovate it as a whole, separating several offices and thinking of renting out to save money.

  How did he know that rent-sharing was an excuse Zhang Yang casually found, this office might not be enough in the future.

  The foreman came, Zhang Yang showed them the scene.

   "Will it be a suspended ceiling? Use that kind of paper shell to block the entire ceiling, and the lamps are embedded in it. Can it be done?"

   "Hey, boss, you know how to do it. I have seen it in a magazine, but you can rest assured that this is very simple. Our brother can do it."

   "Several places here, I will draw a line for you, the door divides into several rooms. The separated room door and window glass should be larger, and shutters are installed on it."

"The window frame should be repainted, not blue, too ordinary, use milky white, look clean, and putty on the side will also be replaced. There are also iron railings outside, all painted, this is rusty Now."

   "The window sills are covered with marble slabs here, and the heating is blocked with that kind of thin board. Please take a look and give me more radiators to avoid the cold winter."

   "Marble tiles are all on the The ones with brighter colors are also needed. The bathroom over there is better, bigger..."

   "Yes, I have written down all the requirements that the boss said. I will go to the market tomorrow to look at the materials and quote you a price. It must be cheap and good."

  After Zhang Yang left, the foreman was excited. Great job, great job!

Not only the area is large, but the requirements are many. The main requirements are the materials and styles, which are the most popular now, and even the kind of paper shell used for the ceiling. There are not many places now. That’s too expensive, but it’s not really paper. Made of shells.

  Making such a big office is definitely a big company. I heard that it is a joint venture company invested by Lao Maozi. The people in Lao Maozi are rich!

  After get off work, Zhang Shengchang came back: "Boy, have you taken the foreman to see the scene today, how do you say it?"

   "Give me a quotation tomorrow. I read the price list that you got back from the classmates of the city construction company. I will talk to them tomorrow. You can go to work with ease."

   "Otherwise, do you simply resign? You are also a shareholder in this company. The money you can get by the end of the year is more than what you earn in ten years of work. What is interesting in that class?" Zhang Yang said intentionally.

   "What can I do for this company? What I need now is finance, reception, secretarial stuff, etc. I won't do it. Besides, the company's new office decoration is not finished yet, what is the hurry."

   "Okay, then wait again. By the way, you give me the passbook. If you sign a contract tomorrow, you have to pay them in advance and let them buy the materials back."

   "Did you tell your uncle about this?"

   "I called." Zhang Yang started to scorn again.

   "The passbook is under my pillow. Take it for yourself. Password your birthday. Save money on decoration."

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