Super Tycoon

Chapter 86: The art of speaking

  Zhang Shengchang was going to work. Suddenly he saw someone coming in with a multinational package and muttered in his mouth: "The package from Kiev, it feels like there is something metal in it."

   "Brother Li, what package will I handle?" Zhang Shengchang stood up immediately.

   "It's okay, open it first to see if there are any problems. It's just right, call someone over again, so you don't know when you get it."

   They unpacked the package without hesitation and saw a beautifully packaged trophy with the words "Soviet Electronics Industry Association Gold Award" printed on the trophy base.

   "Yo, this is the trophy? Where did it come from?" The director saw a few people around and came over curiously.

   "Director, this is mailed from Kiev, there are documents below. This says that our ZDX-1 game console of the Zhiduoxing Co., Ltd. of Ice City won the Gold Award of the Soviet Electronics Industry Association. Director, it is a good thing!"

   "Our Bingcheng company won the gold medal in the Soviet Union? This is a good thing. You write a report, and I will give the leader a good news in a moment!"

Director    is also very happy. It's not easy for them to get results in this unit. If you have something to do, you have to express yourself in case the leader can't think of them when they are promoted.

  Zhang Shengchang raised his hand: "Director, let me write it. Just before I finished the translation of the document, did Brother Li still have a very important job. Brother Li, I will help you."

   "OK, then let Xiao Zhang take the initiative to take the job, yes, other people have to learn more." This Xiao Zhang has no major problems except love to ask for leave. Oral praise is enough, and the promotion is okay.

   Brother Li is still reluctant to do this, anyway, he can't sign, and it's writing a report, not a translator. Someone rushed to do it and gave it to him.

  Zhang Shengchang went back to his desk and looked at the documents himself. The above was no different from what he and Kurishenko said. Even the award sounded higher.

   Soon, a handwritten report was completed. The name of the award was also detailed above, and the joint venture status of Zhiduoxing Company was also written.

   Anyway, this can be found by a check, and he does not need to hide it, so that the leader will believe in the authenticity of this award. After a while, he was calling back and asking the other party to send him a fax, which was all right.


   "What are you doing on the phone? The commercial is over? I'll check it out in a few days. These two days are relatively busy, and the negotiations with the county have reached a critical stage." Zhang Shengchang said a little tongue, because he just invited the leader to eat.

   "Dad, it's not a commercial. The commercial will only come out the day after tomorrow. It is the city's newspaper that wants to interview you. Please come over tomorrow."

   "What? Newspapers are going to interview me? Why?" Zhang Weiguang felt that his drinking was instantly diluted.

   "Because our Zhiduoxing game console won the Soviet Union's grand prize, isn't it to be publicized? You come here tomorrow morning, we will have a word at noon, and in the afternoon interview, can't be wrong..."

  After hanging up the phone, Zhang Weiguang still felt a little dumbfounded. Why did he win the Soviet Grand Prize?

   "What's wrong, still have a headache? Give, honey water. Just say you drink less, and find someone to help you stop the wine next time." Yang Sulan handed her honey water to her husband.

   "It's a headache, but not because of drinking. My son called and told me to go to Bingcheng tomorrow and said that the newspaper would interview me."

   "Ah? The city's newspapers? That's a good thing. Wait a minute. I'll iron you a suit. I'll be able to wear it better tomorrow. Do I still need to take pictures?"

  The next morning, Zhang Weiguang drove to the company.

   "Hello, what can I do for you?" Jia Lemei smiled after a long professional training.

   Zhang Weiguang froze for a moment, looked up, it was Zhiduoxing Company, he was right. Where did this girl come from, the company hired someone? Why didn't he know?

  The upper body is a small suit with a white shirt, the lower body is knee-length skirt, the heels are high, the hair is fluffy, and it looks like a star. There is a brand on the chest with Jia Lemei written on it.

   "I am Zhang Weiguang, are Zhang Yang and Zhang Shengchang here?"

   "It turns out that Mr. Zhang is back. Hello, this is Jia Lemei, the front desk of the company. Mr. Zhang, I will take you to your office."

   went in and saw a fat man lying on the desk in the big office and writing something down.

   "This is Mr. Zhang, our company."

   Hearing Jia Lemei's introduction, the fat man straightened his body immediately: "Zhang always good."

   "Hello." Zhang Weiguang glanced at this chest, there is also a brand, Sun Tengfei, but what is this man doing?

   "There are several people in the company, all called." Zhang Weiguang walked to his office, which was formerly the vice president's office. Now the brand has become the general manager's office, and the general manager's office has been replaced by Kurishenko's office.

   sat in his office, although it was very comfortable, but he still felt distressed at the thought of spending so much money, he didn't dare to tell his wife.

   "Let's go to work if it's okay." Such a large office, 800 square meters, is five people counted as a cleaner? Isn't this nonsense! Let's say he has fifty flats in his office, what should he do?

   "Mr. Zhang, this is some information that Mr. Xiao asked me to write to you. Please take a look at what is wrong, and then I will correct it." Sun Tengfei put two pieces of paper in front of Zhang Weiguang.

   Zhang Weiguang froze for a moment. Is this fat man a secretary? This looks not very similar.

   "You too busy, I'll call you something."

   "Okay." Sun Tengfei turned his head out and continued to perfect his development plan for Zhiduoxing.

   Zhang Weiguang looked for a while and heard the knock on the door. He sat upright and said in a round voice: "Come in."

   "Dad, what are you looking at?"

   "Come in and close the door." Zhang Weiguang looked at him as a son. The straight waist board leaned on the boss' chair again. This chair was really comfortable, much stronger than the one in his electronics factory office.

"What do you mean by the information you wrote? And what happened when we won the prize?" Zhang Weiguang looked at his son He always felt a little strange, would he be another son? Come up with the tricks?

"Dad, winning is a good thing. What are you doing so nervously? I just asked my second brother to talk to Kurishenko, and Kurishenko would get back such a big prize. You think, it will be printed on our product packaging in the future. On the box, it looks so much...attractive."

  Zhang Yang almost said that he was bald, and what he wanted to say was that he was forced. Isn't this award pretending to be used?

   Didn't tell his dad that this award was a pheasant award that he asked Curryshenko to do. Curryshenko did a good job. Not only did he have award certificates and supporting documents, but he also had a golden trophy.

"So, this is made by Lao Maozi? Sounds like a cow. What does this information mean? It says that our company has fewer than 1,000 employees, with a registered capital of 10 million, and what does it mean for the Huasu friendship, Where do you talk so much? Where do we have so many people?"

   "Dad, aren't we going to expand immediately, the county electronics factory, has not recruited a large number of contract workers? Counting it, it's more than two hundred? Isn't that less than a thousand people?"

   "We are a joint venture company, is Kurishenko particularly happy to have our partner, then the friendship between us is not the friendship between China and the Soviet Union?"

   "Anyway, you remember to increase the style, so that it looks atmospheric. To be published in the newspaper, you can't say that it is just a small factory in the county."

"Also, say something more like contributing to my hometown, the leader loves to listen. We recruited so many locals, this is not wrong. It can be appropriate to say some sufferings, or you can say that the old Maozi boss brought it The subordinates inspect the factory in the south, so the acquisition of the county electronics factory should be easier."

   "You are now the deputy general manager of the company, and the people who meet the interview must have the aptitude..."

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