The Song family, in the assembly hall, the members of the assembly hall have a cigarette in hand, which makes it smoke and puff. There is a dignified atmosphere in it, which caused this event like a magnitude 12 earthquake. Because song Hai is one of the famous four CHILDES of the Song family, song Hai's identity directly pushed the Song family in the capital to the forefront of the storm.

"Hasn't song Hai come back yet? It seems that the family law has become a decoration recently. Are all these family children lawless?" the contemporary owner of the Song family looked very blue at this time. He also had a burning cigarette butt in his hand, and his tone was very bad.

"Xiaohai hasn't come back yet. The police have connected them from the underground gang. It's estimated that they will arrive soon. The owner of the house, Xiaohai, the child, still has some ability, but his character still needs to be honed. In fact, it can't be all Xiaohai's fault. After all, Xiaohai's starting point is mainly aimed at the white eyed wolf of song Lin. how can he kill such a fool halfway."

The master of the Song family stared at the member of the council chamber and said coldly, "how did the group training teach us? Internally, our family children can compete well, but outside, we must unite. Third, after this, I think it's time for you to give up your seat as a member of the council chamber."

"Master..." the member of the assembly hall, who was called the third by the master of the Song family, changed his face greatly after listening to the master's words, and couldn't help but say something. But at this time, there was a hurried knock on the door outside the assembly hall, "master, no, master song Hai, they... They..."

"What's the matter with them? Don't worry, speak slowly!" the Song family leader showed great dignity in front of the family members.

"Young master song Hai, they... Are missing!" the family member who knocked on the door swallowed his saliva and said in a dry and anxious voice.

"Missing? How could they be missing? Didn't they be picked up by the police? Where are the police? Did they also disappear?"

"The police are not missing, but they can't tell clearly. A total of 16 aristocratic family children, including young master song Hai, have disappeared together!" if they didn't get the exact news, the Song family member who came to report the situation couldn't believe what he said. After all, it's too incredible.

When the Song family got the news, more than a dozen other aristocratic families got similar news. Therefore, the police personnel in charge of this area were bombed in turn for the first time, and their heads were almost big.

In the side hall of the Song family, Song Lin and Chen Zhizheng turn on the computer and stare at the screen.

These two brothers and sisters look strange on their faces. They use the Internet to recover their disadvantages. It's a familiar formula and a familiar taste.

"I'm not mistaken. The divination master is really not an ordinary person. Such a bad situation was easily resolved by him. Alas, speaking, the divination master is really like Hao Chuan." when Song Lin spoke, his face was a little distracted. When all kinds of breath in the capital jumped up, even he felt the oppression of wind and rain, He noticed that behind this, there was an experienced pusher in operation.

At that time, Song Lin's first reaction was that the reason why this matter caused such a sensation was the great shock caused by the family forces behind the second generation ancestors. They wanted to show their attitude in this regard with such massive actions.

But then after deep reflection, Song Lin found something wrong, because in places like the capital, no matter how big officials are, they are floating clouds in front of the emperor with strong strength. The capital is at the foot of the emperor. It is reasonable to say that with the vision and ability of these aristocratic families who can emerge in the capital, they don't need to make such publicity at all.

In the past, Song Lin understood that the great shock in the capital was confined to an inherent circle, which was a unique shock in the circle. As for people outside the circle, they either disdained the surging clouds in the circle or were not qualified to participate in it at all. However, to his surprise, it seemed that the direction of this matter was not quite right from the beginning, Because it was like a heavy rain, it scattered almost instantaneously to a corner of the city. In this way, this matter is no longer a simple matter in this circle. It has spread out, especially when it spread to civilian life, which has become a major event of people's livelihood.

When things get to this point, the situation is actually a little out of control, but the energy gathered behind these aristocratic families is reflected at this moment. First, the black forces who dare to rise up are brought to the nest for the first time, and there is no room for regret. Second, the police take vigorous action and cooperate with the fermentation of public opinion, This incident was deliberately characterized as a vicious attack, so he wanted to convict Hao Chuan to death.

Such means, if they deal with ordinary citizens, will not allow him the slightest room to resist. Before the wind rises completely, with the great energy of these families, it is enough to quell the matter.

But the key is that Hao Chuan is not an ordinary people. He not only did not fall into the control of the police for the first time, but also sent his own voice to the whole people in the face of the whole public opinion media through special means, and successfully fired the heat of this matter, which has become a hot topic of today's phenomenon.

At this stage, the event has aroused the attention of the whole people. Even if the energy behind these families is huge, if they continue to deal with Hao Chuan openly, they will have to weigh the pressure from the secular public.

The so-called people are like the sea, which can carry and overturn boats. In front of this general trend, the huge energy behind the so-called family forces is like floating clouds, light and useless.

This is what song Lin was thinking about at this time. He briefly told Chen Zhi what he thought. Finally, he sighed and concluded: "Maybe God divination can really bring us a great surprise, maybe?"

Chen Zhi sneered and said, "the world is not only bright, but also dark. It's often more terrible. The spearhead of the divination master this time is too big and touches the essence of these families. Therefore, it's too early to draw a conclusion. He can get rid of the clear moves, but what about the dark means behind them?"

"That's true." Song Lin's eyes twinkled.

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