Super Vision

1 Chapter 1

"What happened, something happened!"

"Xia Lei's eyes were injured by the arc light! Hurry up!"

Some people exclaimed on the construction site, some people ran, and others were anxiously calling the ambulance, and the whole scene was in chaos.

At the welding site on the construction site, Xia Lei curled into a ball, his left eye was blackened by an arc, exuding a burning smell, blood and dust mixed in his face, giving a terrible sight.

"Hey, it's a pity that a young and handsome baby was scrapped in one eye." Someone sighed.

"He still has a younger sister who is admitted to college. If he is blind, how can his sister go to college?"

"Hey, this guy, Xia Lei, is very good. He usually rushes to work and treats people with kindness. How can such a thing happen to him, God is really eye-opening."

There was a lot of talk, and many people were sighing.

Xia Lei's mother died early, and her father disappeared bizarrely five years ago.That year, he happened to be admitted to Kyoto University, but considering his sister Xia Xue, who was still in junior high school, he teared the admission notice in tears.When his sister asked him, he said that he missed the exam.Since then he has started working on the construction site, as long as he can earn money, he will do everything.Now, my sister Xia Xue is also admitted to Kyoto University, but he has such a disaster ...

After a short period of numbness, severe pain swept through, Xia Lei's body twitched, and then he died in a dark faint.

Someone was calling his name in his ear, but he could no longer hear these sounds.He was in the dark, feeling his body floating like a river, floating up and down, heading towards hell.

Time is unconscious to the fainting person.

Do not know how long after that, Xia Lei opened his eyes.He saw a glimmer of light, and then saw a chubby face, that is his little pony face.But because he could only open one right eye, he didn't see clearly, and he felt a bit of ghosting.

"Leizi, are you awake?" Ma Xiaoan's voice trembled, very excited.

"Where am I?" Xia Lei thought of something while he was talking, and he reached for his left eye.Gauze was wrapped around his left eye, and it hurt so hot at the touch.

Ma Xiaoan grabbed Xia Lei's hand. "Don't worry, Lei Zi, the doctor said, your left eye will not necessarily be blind. If you treat it well, it will definitely be good."

"Not necessarily? Doesn't that mean?" Xia Lei was anxious and his emotions were out of control.

Ma Xiaoan stopped talking. He seemed to know something, but he dared not say it.

"You say!" Xia Lei was even more anxious.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked in from the door, with a fat body and a brand-name suit, wearing gold and silver.He is the owner of a construction company, Chen Chuanhu.

Seeing Chen Chuanhu come in, Ma Xiaoan gave way to some positions.

Xia Lei struggled to sit up from the bed and said hello, "Mr. Chen, how are you ..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Chuanhu interrupted him. "Xia Lei, how did you do it? Burning a welding machine doesn't mean burning a transformer, do you know if a welding machine adds one A transformer costs more than 20,000 yuan? This is not counted, and the construction period is delayed. Whose loss is this? "

An anger suddenly caught Xia Lei's heart. Just now he thought Chen Chuanhu came to visit him, but he didn't expect this guy to settle the bill!

Ma Xiaoan couldn't help it, and said angrily: "What do you mean by the surname Chen? Ah? My friend has a 90% chance of being blind in one eye. You fucking still say this kind of thing. , Are you human? "

This sentence was like a blast of thunder exploding in Xia Lei's head, and he was astonished.

Ma Xiaoan suddenly realized that he had leaked his words, but what he said was like the splashed water could not be recovered.He was there for a while, not knowing how to comfort Xia Lei.

At this time, Chen Chuanhu sneered. "What does he have to do with blind eyes? Does it have anything to do with us? Do we have a contract of employment? No? So, even if you go to court, I am not afraid."

Xia Lei was so angry that his face was blue, and his teeth were biting.

Chen Chuanhu is still pouring fuel on the fire, "I see you as a pitiful boy, so I sent you to the hospital. I paid 10,000 for the hospitalization fee, and you should be discharged when you are done. In addition, I give If you leave a sentence, this 10,000 yuan is considered to be a matter of money. Do n’t look for me anymore. It ’s useless to find me. ”

"Asshole!" Ma Xiaoan said angrily: "One eye is blind, do you want to use 10,000 yuan to smooth it out?"

Chen Chuanhu raised his finger to Ma Xiaoan's nose, and immediately turned his face, "Your kid cares about this matter, if you want to find something, I will accompany you! Damn, you don't ask me who Chen Chuanhu is, you can find trouble again, I You've been scrapped in minutes! "

At this moment, Xia Lei suddenly grabbed the glass on the bedside table and smashed it all at once.

With a thud, Chen Chuanhu's head was suddenly smashed with a sudden blow, and the blood was flowing down, and his half-wrenchy big face was wet in the blink of an eye.

"Damn! How dare you beat Lao Tzu!" Chen Chuanhu jumped like thunder.

The door suddenly rushed into the two thin young men with tattoos, earrings, and fierce eyes. At a glance, they could see that they were mixed men of mixed society.

"Call Lao Tzu!" Chen Chuanhu shouted at Xia Lei on the hospital bed.

The two young men followed and threw themselves up.

Ma Xiaoan turned to block Xia Lei behind, and the fists of two young men fell hard on his head and back.Ma Xiaoan gritted his teeth and endured, protecting Xia Lei with his body, while also pressing Xia Lei against impulse.

"What are you doing?" A nurse appeared at the door pushing a tool cart. She froze for a moment, then screamed again: "Come here, fight!"

The nurse turned and ran to call the security guard.

"Your boy is waiting for me!" Chen Chuanhu took a ruthless word, turned and went out.Two young men also followed him away.

Ma Xiaoan only released Xia Lei, and several bags had appeared on his head, causing him to grin.

"Why is it blocking me?" Xia Lei's emotions were out of control, he shouted: "I want to kill him!"

"To kill him? He's a bad guy, but you still have a younger sister to take care of. He enjoys everything with wine and wealth, but you haven't even had a good day, are you worth it?" Ma Xiaoan sighed. Leizi, calm down! "

Xia Lei is actually not an impulsive and risky person. His parents also helped him develop an independent and mature personality, but today's situation is indeed too bad. When I think of his eyes, there is a 90% chance He would be blind, and he couldn't calm down.

"I'm sorry, Xiao An ..." Xia Lei wanted to say but didn't say it, his heart was disturbed.

Ma Xiaoan patted Xia Lei on the shoulder, "What are you doing with me? Instead, you will do the same for me."

Indeed, when Ma Xiaoan was bullied before, Xia Lei always rushed desperately to protect him and get ahead of him.

"Shall I tell Xiao Xue?"

"No, don't tell her." Xia Lei said a little nervously: "She is now giving classes in school, she will be anxious if she knows."

"But she will know it someday."

"At that time ..." Xia Lei bit his lip, "I'll say it later."

At this time the nurse took the security guard into the ward.The security guard asked Xia Lei some information, and the nurse treated the wound on Ma Xiaoan's head.After a while, the nurse and the security guard left, and the matter was gone.

Ma Xiaoan stayed with Xia Lei until he left the hospital at night. After he left, Xia Lei couldn't sleep.He thought a lot.He thought about the cost of medicine, his future, and his sister Xia Xue and her dream of going to Kyoto University.Later, tiredness struck, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Not knowing how long I slept, his left eye started to itch, and he also woke up and turned around.It was an indescribable itch, itchy and itchy.

Xia Lei called the nurse, but the nurse didn't agree after half a ring.He found the pager on the head of the bed and pressed it, but the pager was broken.

"Unlucky, when will I be unlucky? What kind of broken hospital is this?" Xia Lei was very depressed, and he got up from the bed and walked carefully towards the door.

He had wanted to go out to the nurse's station, but when he walked to the door he stopped.

"The doctors and nurses here know that I have no money, and when Chen Chuanhu is so troublesome during the day, they even believe that I can't afford the medical expenses. I asked them to check and treat the wound, and it was late at night, they must ignore me , Maybe I will give it back to my eyes. Forget it, I will be patient. "After thinking about it, he turned around again.

The bathroom door was open, and Xia Lei saw himself in the mirror.

He's actually not bad looking, his eyes are beautiful and his face is quite high.Coupled with a one-eight meter figure and a tough body curve, he belongs to the kind of very sunny and handsome little man.It is a pity that all this seems to be leaving him. If the left eye is blind and there is a big scar on the face, should the woman see him to avoid it far away?

Xia Lei was sad in the mirror.

A sudden itching struck, interrupting Xia Lei's thoughts, and he thought secretly in his heart, "Itching of the wound is a symptom of wound healing, but I suffered injuries during the day, why did itchy at night? No, eyes It ’s my own eyes. I have to see what it is like now. "

Xia Lei entered the bathroom, stood in front of the sink, faced the mirror, and reached out to untie the gauze knot.

Gauze fell down layer by layer, and after the last layer of gauze dropped, Xia Lei saw his left eye, and at this look, he was shocked.

His left eye was covered with a layer of white ointment, and the ointment was stricken, but strangely, just when he observed his left eye, he vaguely felt that the sight of his left eye seemed to penetrate The thick ointment saw the lights in the bathroom, but it was very blurry.

"This ... how is it possible?" Charley suddenly froze.

Under normal circumstances, even if his left eye was not injured, the ointment covered his eyes, and he could not see anything, but now he actually saw the light!

what's going on?

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