Super Vision

1105 Chapter 1105 Cannibalism

In the evening of the next day, four blonde Italian beauties and a large group of people with different skin colors boarded a special plane, and then the special plane took off and went straight to Africa.

The private jet had just flown into the sky. Four white men sat in a one-year Ford car outside the airport. One of the white men picked up a satellite phone and made a call.

"Xia Lei's people have boarded the plane, but I haven't seen Xia Lei nor Shen Tu Tianyin, the chairman of Xiang Group."

"Received, but Xia Lei must be on the plane. He is good at makeup. But it doesn't matter. At the Nigerian airport, our people will have a face recognition system to find him and kill him later." A man's voice came.

"Shen Tu Tianyin's cell phone signal has been staying at Xia Lei's home. Up to now, his cell phone has received a total of 18 calls, but she did not answer any of them." The white man said.

"Don't worry about it, continue to monitor the movement of the Vientiane Group, as long as Shen Tu Tianyin comes out of Xia Lei's house, you know what to do."

"Yes." The white man hung up.

The white man sitting in the cab started the car and drove along the road.A black car came from behind, driving alongside the Ford car.

The white man driving the Ford car had a trace of vigilance in his heart. He glanced at the black car next to him.He saw a man in a black robe sitting in the passenger seat. He wore a hood on his head, and he couldn't see the man's face at all.

Suddenly, a big truck rushed out of an intersection and bumped into a Ford car.The big truck weighing dozens of tons instantly knocked the Ford car into shape, but the driver of the big truck did not stop, but banged the throttle and completely crushed the vodka!

The black car continued to move forward, and the black robe in the passenger seat snorted softly ...

At the same time, a pair of young men and women boarded a regular passenger plane flying to Moscow.The young man had dark skin and pimples on his face, and he looked ugly.The female's skin is fair and fair, but her face is generally ordinary.

The young men and women looked like a pair of college students who went to Moscow to study abroad.

But that was just an illusion. The identity of the young man was Xia Lei, and the identity of the young woman was Shen Tu Tianyin.

Xia Lei's own plane flew to Africa. Giovanna and the four rescue siblings took the plane, but the plane would never fly to Nigeria. Its destination is the Republic of Chad, which borders Nigeria.They will enter Nigeria from Chad and then arm the siblings of the African Rescue Club.

This is also done in case the United States might send a fighter plane to intercept the plane, or simply fire missiles directly at the plane.

These are the arrangements of Xia Lei. He let Giovanna and their rescue siblings fly directly to Chad, and he and Shen Tu Tianyin flew to Russia first, then transferred from Russia to Cameroon, and then came from Cameroon to Nigeria.

The members of the Chinese zodiac team are all the way. Giovanna and the armed forces of the rescue team are the second way, and he and Shen Tu Tianyin are the third way.The three-way soldiers entered Nigeria from three different directions and at different times. People at the CIA and the Pentagon did not think that such an arrangement would happen to Xia Lei even if they wanted to break their heads.

The passenger plane flying to Russia took off soon, and Shen Tutianyin looked at the clouds outside the window, and she felt a strange feeling in an instant.She felt like she was a bird, freed from layers of bondage, flew to the blue sky and white clouds, to freedom, to the happiness she longed for ...

Xia Lei said: "It's just clouds outside the window. Do you like Baiyun very much?"

Shen Tu Tianyin recovered, and her eyes moved from the window to Xia Lei's face. She smiled, "Do you remember what I like?"

Xia Lei didn't even have to think about it, "Your favorite color is black, your favorite food is French steak, your favorite book is" Dream of Red Mansions ", your favorite movie star is Marilyn Monroe, yes ?"

Shen Tu Tianyin smiled, "So you still remember."

"Then do you remember what I like?" Xia Lei asked her.

Shen Tu Tianyin thought for a while, "Well, beauty."

Xia Lei, "..."

"I'm kidding you." Shen Tu Tianyin gave Xia Lei a fist gently, "Your favorite color is white, your favorite food is sweet and sour pork ribs, and your favorite movie star is Wang Baoqiang. "Then she leaned close to Xia Lei's ear and said in a very low voice:" You like me to wear white translucent underwear best, am I right? "

Xia Lei nodded with a smile, his mind couldn't help but the appearance of Shen Tu Tianyin wearing that white translucent underwear, the hazy beauty and temptation always make him excited.

"Will they also wear that kind of underwear for you?" Shen Tu Tianyin asked.

they?They obviously refer to Xia Lei's five wives.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "Aren't you a woman who asks this kind of question, how do you think of asking me such a question today?"

Shen Tu Tianyin said: "Your wife is not by your side, what are you afraid of?"

Xia Lei said daringly: "They are all different. Everyone has their own favorite colors and styles. Any color is available."

"Your favorite color is white, why not let them show you?"

Xia Lei said awkwardly: "How come I am so kind to make that kind of request?"

"When we were husband and wife, you always let me show you, why?"

Xia Lei, "..."

Yeah, why?

Xia Lei didn't know why, but when he admitted that he was a husband and wife with Shen Tu Tianyin, he likes to see her wearing white translucent underwear, and Shen Tu Tianyin will always meet his needs in that regard.

The past is as smoky as the absurd and the non-absurd have passed.Now talking about the past will give people a feeling of going back in time.

"Are you still feeling right about me? You asked me that kind of request, but you didn't ask them that way. That's because I am the most special one in your heart, right?" Shen Tu Tianyin's There was a layer of mist in the eyes.

"Tianyin ..." Xia Lei was also worried by her.After all, she was the woman he had loved and his first wife. Although she was divorced, how could he forget her completely?She asked him if she was still in her heart. The answer was yes, but he couldn't say it.

Seeing Xia Lei's silence, Shen Tu Tianyin turned her head to the direction of the window again, then she reached out and wiped her eyes.That's her tears.

Xia Lei's heart has never been iron, at this moment, his heart has been melted by Shen Tu Tianyin.He reached out to help Shen Tu Tianyin wipe the tears in the corner of his eyes, and then said softly: "I promise you, I promise you, don't cry?"

Shen Tu Tianyin looked back, but the tears flowed faster, "You ... are you talking about true?"

Xia Lei said: "Of course it is true, when did I lie to you?"

There is still more than a year left, since she wants a child, then give her a child, this is nothing wrong.

Shen Tu Tianyin banged, and buried a worm on Xia Lei's shoulder.

Xia Lei reached out and gently stroked her blue silk, "Don't cry, you cry again, others thought I bullied you."

"I like being bullied by you." Shen Tu Tianyin cried.

A Russian next to him looked at Xia Lei and said in Russian: "It's a bastard who makes her woman cry."

A Russian woman next to him also said in Russian: "Isn't it said that Chinese men hurt women the most? It seems that this statement is deceptive."

This man and woman thought that Xia Lei did not understand Russian, so he was so unscrupulous.But Xia Lei did not care about these two Russians, he just glanced at the two Russians.

The Russian's ever fierce eyes stared at Xia Lei, his eyes full of provocation.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and took back his gaze.But at this moment, a terrible desire suddenly appeared in his heart, that is, to find something delicious from the Russian's head!

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the Russian again. This time he felt the mysterious energy in his body suddenly awakened. There was also a very strange energy field in his body. This energy field was like The black hole rotates slowly, what to eat!

Xia Lei suddenly realized what had happened, and he got up and left, while suppressing the evil thought with his thoughts.

Shen Tu Tianyin is enjoying the familiar taste of Xia Lei, and the warm feeling with him. Xia Lei suddenly got up and left, her heart suddenly was as empty as something missing.Looking at Xia Lei, she said nervously: "Where are you going?"

Xia Lei said, "I'll go to the bathroom, and I'll be back soon." He didn't dare to stay. After leaving this sentence, he strode toward the bathroom.

Entering the bathroom, Xia Lei unscrewed the faucet and poured a handful of cold water on his head and face.The stimulation of cold water made him feel better. He looked at himself in the mirror. He saw a pair of terrible eyes.Those eyes are like black holes in the universe, they can suck and swallow everything close to him!

"Originally, it turns out ... Zhu Xuanyue eats like this! It's a matter of thought that it can kill people!" Xia Lei was shocked!In the past, he couldn't understand how Zhu Xuanyue had eaten those people's brains. Now he understands it, but he is also afraid.

He also remembered the suggestion Zhu Xuanyue gave him, she let him eat the last AE capsule, and then eat a lot, so that he can become very powerful, and can even fight the only prehistoric battle!

However, if the way to gain strength is to relieve the innocence, what is the difference between him and those demons from hell?In any case, he can't do the kind of cannibalistic thing!

If a person eats people, then he is not human.

He is actually not thinking about someone who can eat some evil, but every time he has such a thought, he will blame himself and will be very painful, because he is very clear that once he starts, he cannot stop.Just like Zhu Xuanyue, his appetite will grow larger and larger, and his desire will become stronger and stronger. In the end, he cannot tell what is good and what is bad. In his eyes, there is only food!

However, with the opening and deepening of comprehensive evolution, his desire and demand for food will become stronger and stronger. Can he restrain himself?

He didn't know at all, he couldn't see his own sun.

After ten minutes, Xia Lei suppressed the cannibalistic desire and returned to normal.He left the bathroom and returned to his seat.

Shen Tu Tianyin said with concern: "Why have you been going for so long? I want to come over to find you."

Xia Lei smiled a little, "I don't know what is going on.

"Does it hurt? Should I rub it for you?" Shen Tu Tianyin said, her voice very gentle.

Xia Lei said: "I'm okay, go to sleep, and sleep to Moscow."

"Hmm." Shen Tu Tianyin's head was leaning on Xia Lei's shoulder again, she had a good dream ...

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