Super Vision

1113 Chapter 1113 You Know Too Much

Twenty-five kilometers later, an abandoned railway line appeared in view.The railway is full of litter and vines.It extends all the way forward, with no end in sight.

The rescue team's veteran team embarked on the abandoned railway, and the speed of the march suddenly increased.Everyone is running, a dozen hours, over a hundred kilometers, they must run, or they will not be able to reach the scheduled meeting point before dawn.

Xia Lei ran on the railway with Shen Tu Tianyin on his back. His long legs crossed the railway sleepers. Shen Tu Tianyin on his back rose up on his back, fell down, rose up, and fell down.Her pair of abundance also smashed on his back, twice ...

The four women actually wanted to help Xia Lei, but when he saw that he was carrying Shen Tu Tianyin, he ran smoother than anyone else, and even the atmosphere did not catch a breath, they dismissed the idea of ​​going to help.People have no problem at all. What do they want to do?

Shen Tu Tianyin was also horrified, "Why is he so strong and tireless? Is this the reason for that evolution? His four children can speak in only two months, and their intelligence level is comparable to that of a few years old, These people are the reason for inheriting his genes. My children and I will also inherit his genes. Will he be as smart and powerful as his father? "

Thinking of the child, Shen Tu Tianyin couldn't help being secretly excited, because her child may still be in Xia Lei's body, but there is only one way to get the child, that is ...

Excitement can cause certain reactions in the body, and some reactions will also be reflected, touched by Xia Lei's palm.In short, this is a pink vicious circle.

Twenty kilometers later, an abandoned building made a choice next to the railway.

Giovanna, who was at the front of the team, suddenly followed in the footsteps of Lantern Festival and raised a hand. The whole team stopped behind her.More than a hundred people bought it with a little voice, saying stop and stop, and some of them lie on the sleepers on the railway, and some are hidden in the forest on both sides of the railway.Judging from this response, the military literacy of these veterans of the rescue team is really high.

Xia Lei also put down Shen Tu Tianyin, "You stay here, don't run around."

Shen Tu Tianyin nodded.

Xia Lei cat was about to walk from the railway to Giovanna. Giovanna was about to send someone to scout, and he stopped her.He said, "Send me."

"Master ..." How dare Giovanna send Xia Lei to be a scout.

Xia Lei said: "Do it."

"Okay." Qiao Fanna couldn't but Xia Lei, she had to pretend to make a gesture, and let Xia Lei, the "scout", scout the building in front.

The reason why Xia Lei volunteered to take the initiative to take the risk of being a scout was because he had found something in that building.The building about two hundred meters away from his current location should be the maintenance and supply station that was built that year. It has two floors. There are four black people in a room on the lower floor and two black people on the roof of the second floor.Although at a distance of two hundred meters, it was in the dark environment, but at first glance he saw the two black men standing on the roof as observers, and then saw the first floor room by means of perspective scanning. Four blacks in the.

A total of six black people, without the same clothing, all have a.k47 equal-length weapons, one of which holds an old Soviet-made RPG rocket launcher.These armed men are obviously not American special forces. They are armed men in the Boca Holy Land, which is the patrol personnel said by the Thousand Army.

Armed personnel in the Boca Holy Land know that this railway is not a strange thing, because there are many people in the vicinity of this area who are familiar with the environment, so they will guard the railway here, in case someone goes from here to friendship mining.

Xia Lei left the railway and got into the forest on the right side of the railway.While sneaking in the forest, he took out his viper pistol, because the viper pistol was fitted with a silencer.

The forest is densely covered with trees and vines, but these simply prevent Xia Lei's footsteps from approaching the building. His speed is very fast, and he feels like an ape or a leopard, not a human at all.

In a blink of an eye, Xia Lei broke through a distance of more than 100 meters, and he slowed down as he approached the building about 50 meters.But it was n’t that he was afraid of being spotted by the two sentries on the roof, but that Boca Sheng ’s armed men actually buried mines near the building.

With a glance at the ground, Xia Lei collected all the nearby mines buried in the ground.There are twelve mines in total, all of which are US-made anti-infantry mines.

If Giovanna sent someone to investigate this building, they would also choose to approach that building from the forest, then this minefield is a must pass.Twelve mines were buried in such a small area, and even the most experienced veterans in the rescue club could not avoid stepping on the mines because they could not see the underground.Once the rescue team veterans triggered a mine and exploded, the operation was completely exposed.The Boko Haram and the US Special Forces will soon arrive here, with disastrous consequences.

Xia Lei easily bypassed those mines, and then slowly approached the building, forty meters, thirty meters, twenty meters ...

On the roof, an armed man from Boko Haram took out a pack of cigarettes, and handed one to his companion.His companion took out the lighter and lit the cigarette.

"There is not even a woman in this ghost place. When shall we keep?"

"I don't know, I hate this place too."

"I'm sure no one will go this way--" A bullet flew suddenly and plunged into the eye socket of his right eye, his voice stopped abruptly.

After 0.5 seconds, another bullet pierced another person's left eye socket.He didn't have time to cry until he died.

The two sentries were resolved within a second, and Xia Lei continued to sneak towards the abandoned building.

In a ruined house without doors and windows, four armed men in the Boca Holy Land are napping.There was a pile of charcoal on the ground in the room, which was a trace of the burning campfire.

Puff puff!

Three bullets, three exploded heads, three corpses, all of which happened in an instant.The remaining black militant was awakened by a strange voice, and he subconsciously grabbed the a.k47 rifle placed next to him.At this time, he saw a man appearing in the window, and a pistol with a silencer in his hand.


A bullet plunged into the arm of the last black fighter, and the a.k47 rifle he had just caught fell to the ground.This time he didn't reach out to grab his gun, and he resisted the desire to call for help, because he knew very well that the reason he was still alive was that the other party wanted to leave a live mouth.

Xia Lei jumped in from the window and pointed the gun at the head of the last armed man, but he did not raise any questions.

The last black armed man looked at Xia Lei nervously and waited for the news to be revealed to him, but after waiting for a while, he didn't even mention a question. He just looked at him coldly. fear.

Xia Lei didn't ask questions because he didn't need to ask any questions at all. When he jumped into the house, he awakened the mysterious energy lurking in his body.When he walked to the side of the last terrorist, his energy field had captured each other's biological and brain waves, as well as thinking activities.At that time, his energy field invaded the other party's brain synchronously, reading all the information in the other party's brain.

The last terrorist ’s brain was filled with messy things, such as books, bombs, beheads, women ... etc., All of this information was instantly filtered by Xia Lei ’s brain.After the useless spam was cleared, the rest was the information he wanted-the person who made the deal with the Americans was an important person in the Boca Haram, called Ramallah.This time Boca Sheng ’s armed organization dispatched a thousand armed personnel, of which 300 were stationed on both sides of the road, 100 were searching in the forest, and another 200 were in the rear area of ​​Friendship Mining.The remaining 400 people are guarding the surrounding area of ​​Friendship Mining, which is equivalent to the human shield of the US Special Forces!

The Delta Special Forces, as well as the SEALs, are the most elite special forces.It's not hard to see how important Americans see the mysterious rare metal discovered suddenly!

"Hey, what do you want to know?" The last black armed man tentatively said: "You ask, as long as you don't kill me, I will tell you everything."

"One plus one is equal to how many?" Very strange, what Xia Lei said was the same tribal language as the last terrorist.

The last black armed man froze for a moment, "equal to two."

As soon as his voice fell, Xia Lei's finger moved, and a bullet penetrated the head of the last black armed man.

"I'm sorry, you know too much." Xia Lei put away the pistol, turned and walked out of the door, and then left the building that he was going to, and came to the platform and waved in the direction he came.

Two hundred meters away, Qiao Fanna put down the telescope with the night vision function in her hand. She tilted her mouth and smiled bitterly: "He still has that style, he has all the goals, he thinks we are following him Anyone looking at the scenery? "

She said so in her mouth, but her response was still quite rapid. She came out of the hiding place and waved her hand, "Go!"

The rescue team marched forward again.

Shen Tu Tianyin closely followed the team's footsteps like the abandoned building. Just now, just when Xia Lei left, she was undoubtedly the most nervous, the most afraid and the most worried.She was worried that Xia Lei would never return, and she would face this virgin forest alone, as well as those terrorists who were inhumane and could do everything.What scares her most is that she has lived alone in this world since then.

However, all these worries and fears disappeared at the moment when she saw Xia Lei, she threw up desperately to hug Xia Lei tightly.

"It's okay, we should go." Xia Lei said in the ear of Shen Tutianyin's ear: "A lot of people are watching us."

Shen Tu Tianyin just released Xia Lei, and a smile finally appeared on her face.

Some people lifted four bodies from the abandoned building, and some people climbed to the roof to examine the two bodies on the roof.Then someone carried the body and threw it into the deep forest behind the house. Xia Lei stopped them and said, "Don't worry about those bodies, we should go. This house has mines behind it, and it's everywhere else. There must be a mine, everyone be careful. "

A large group of rescue veterans suddenly looked horrified. He even crossed a minefield at night and killed six terrorists in a few minutes!

The feelings of the veterans are beyond words.

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