Super Vision

1117 1117 Kestin's provocation

As night fell, Friendship Mining turned on the lights.Not only ordinary lighting fixtures, but also several searchlights.The whole plant area and the area around the plant area were illuminated brightly.

The searchlight cannot help the special forces and agents occupying the place to see the situation in the forest, but there is a person in the forest who knows the situation of the entire plant area!

This person is Xia Lei.

A group of armed men from the Boka Holy Land walked under the tree, chatting and chatting, not quiet at all.

This area contains not only American military personnel, but also armed personnel from the Boka Holy Land.The Boka Holy Land has a large number of armed personnel, and this kind of hard work in the forest naturally falls on their heads.

Until now, Boca Haram did not know that their personnel responsible for guarding the railway had been killed.Americans in Friendship Mining do n’t know that their people have been killed.Signal shielding is a double-edged sword, not to mention more than 1,000 people, and it is necessary to guard the original forest of more than 200 square kilometers, which is an impossible task in itself.But neither the Boca Holy Land nor the Americans are worried about what happened, because no gunshots appeared in the forest.

This is also the reason why Xia Lei put forward the condition that the other party cannot shoot each battle, and because he did it in the previous battle, he can sneak here silently.

The patrols of Boca Haram walked out of the forest and walked along a road towards their camp.It was a tent camp set up in a pile of mines outside the factory area, densely packed with hundreds of tents.The open space was also filled with armed vehicles modified by leather driving, some loaded with heavy machine guns, some loaded with anti-aircraft machine guns, and some also loaded with launches. Liquefied petroleum gas cannons were colorful and looked messy. .

The Americans did not put armed personnel from the Boca Haram into the factory area.This approach is not difficult to understand the motives of Americans. They simply don't want people in Boca Holy Land to know that Friendship Mining has discovered rare metal mines!

Xia Lei climbed down from the tree and walked directly towards the fence on the side of the factory gate.

There are checkpoints at the gates, and there are temporary booths on the walls. Each booth has a searchlight and a special soldier with a live ammunition.

Xia Lei was soon discovered.

"Hey! Brother, why are you here alone?" The special soldiers on the sentry box shouted at Xia Lei.The M14EBR assault rifle in his hand was also picked up, ready to shoot.

The M14EBR assault rifle is a special rifle for the US Navy SEALs. The gun in his hands has already demonstrated his identity. He is a special force from the SEAL, and is not familiar with Xia Lei, a "special force" from the Delta Force.Under such circumstances, a stranger suddenly appears, and it is not surprising that this special soldier has such a reaction.

"Hey! Brother, do you want marijuana? Get it cheaper for you." Xia Lei said with an American accent, striding down the corner.

The special soldier on the sentry box put away the gun. "How about a free one?"

"No problem, my goods are very good." Xia Lei had reached the corner of the wall. He looked up, his eyes suddenly changed when he was looking at the special soldiers in the sentry box, it was very dark, and there was no white eyes. Like a dead star.

The special soldiers in the sentry box lifted the searchlights indifferently, aiming at the direction of the hill on the left, and then turned off, turned on, turned off and turned on.After repeating it once, it stopped, and he returned the searchlight to its original position.

"Sleep." Xia Lei said.

The special soldiers in the sentry box closed their eyes and then fell to the ground.

Xia Lei turned and ran, blinking into the forest where he was hiding, and then the apes generally climbed up to the towering tree.He had just been hidden in the canopy, and there was a loud noise from the top of the mountain on the left!


The blaze of explosion exploded into the sky, reflecting a large sky.

Immediately afterwards, there was another violent explosion, and the vibration caused by the explosion shock wave could also be felt with a distance of several kilometers.

The members of the zodiac team on the top of the mountain have blown up the radar car and the signal shielding car.

A harsh alarm sounded in Friendship Mining, and dozens of special forces rushed out of the factory gate.The Boka Holy Land armed group was also dispatched. They ran out of the camp next to the factory, and then shouted with their heads and heads and ran with their weapons in the direction of the hill on the left.

The special forces of Delta and SEALs acted most quickly, disappearing into the dense forest in the blink of an eye.Then came the armed personnel of the Boka Holy Land, and their numbers were more, like a huge wolf pack in action.

Xia Lei lurked above the towering tree, motionless.When someone ran under the tree, he blocked his breath.This is the shielding of this breath, he was surprised to find that his current demand for breathing is not so strong.He blocked his breath for two minutes, and his lungs didn't even have a suffocating burning sensation.The mysterious energy lurking in his body seems to be omnipotent, it flows in his blood and can even replace the role of oxygen!

"After leaving here, I must go to the sea or the lake to try. How long can I dive now, if I don't need to breathe ... Am I still a human TMD?" When the idea came out of my heart, Xia Lei There was a hint of self-deprecation and bitter smile in his mouth.

Others are longing for more powerful power, but he longs for Long Bing their milk.

Rumble, Rumble ...

The unique sound of the helicopter spiraling to cut the air came.

Xia Lei put away his messy thoughts, and looked over, he saw an Apache helicopter helicopter that had been lifted off, and a Chinook transport plane, with twenty Delta Special Forces in his belly .What these two helicopters will bring to fly past, then there is no need to think about it.If you don't stop it, the members of the Chinese zodiac team will never survive!

The Apache gunship flew overhead, followed by the Chinook.

An XL2500 sniper rifle erected silently in the canopy, with a silencer on the barrel.The barrel of the XL2500 sniper rifle did not protrude from the canopy, and was separated by a thick layer of leaves.

call out!

A steel-core armor-piercing projectile burst out of the muzzle of the XL2500 sniper rifle and plunged into Apache's fuel tank.The scorching warhead instantly ignited the fuel tank, and Apache started to fire on the fuselage.Without waiting for it to take a forced landing, the Apache gunship disintegrated in the air.

The Chinook transport plane behind the Apache gunship took urgent and necessary measures, and the pilot controlled himself to move sideways.At that moment, a steel-core armor-piercing projectile penetrated into the tank of the Chinook transport aircraft.


The Chinook transport plane also exploded in the air and crashed to the ground.Then, a more violent explosion occurred immediately, and a delta special forces team went to see God before they came to see the enemy.

This is war, it is cruel.

Xia Lei climbed down from the tree and went straight to the sentry box he had been to.

Flying, sprinting, Xia Lei suddenly pulled up to the corner of the wall, and jumped to the three-meter-high wall with a swish.Then, grasping the fence of the sentry box with his hands, he jumped into the sentry box with a light jump.Now he became the sentry of this sentry box.

A large group of special forces rushed out of the gate of the factory, and they went straight to two crash points in two ways.They act very quickly and are extremely professional.

A man's voice came out of the communicator, "What happened? Fak! Where are the enemies! Create them and kill them!"

Communication has been restored, but the reason for the restoration is the zodiac team, and the members blew up the signal shielding car.

A lot of voices came from the communicator, but no one could tell clearly where the enemy was.In terms of the situation just now, the enemy is clearly on the top of the mountain, but just two helicopters exploded at the door. The enemy seems to be here again, and will attack at any time.No one can give an accurate judgment, and the whole situation is messed up.

In a mess, Xia Lei left the sentry box and entered the factory of Friendship Mining.

The explosion on the top of the mountain and the explosion of the helicopter almost led all the special forces out of the factory area, and only the field agents of the CIA controlled the factory area.Therefore, a large factory area is very quiet, and there is not even a figure in many places illuminated by lights, let alone places without lights.

Forty field agents in the CIA have no possibility of taking control of such a large factory area. Where will they hold the hostages?

Xia Lei renewed his left eye's perspective ability, and also renewed his right eye's scanning ability.In the perspective plus scan mode, he quickly determined where he was going.

It was a warehouse. The shutter door of the warehouse was pulled down, and there was no view of the inside, but at the door stood two field agents of the CIA in black suits.

If there is no problem with that warehouse, this will not happen at all.

Xia Lei's eyes instantly penetrated the warehouse wall, and he saw more than one hundred yellow-skinned workers.Some of them sat on the floor, and some lay on the cold floor.Some people were obviously injured, but they did not receive treatment at all.The wounded seemed painful, but the CIA field agent in the warehouse was indifferent and indifferent.

Most of these people who come from China to Africa to work are people with a poor family. They are honest and hard-working to earn some money. Life is already hard enough for them, but they did not expect to experience it. Such a disaster.What is certain is that once the United States has determined the existence of that rare metal here, they will wipe out these people in the next step and carry the blame on the armed organization of the Boca Holy Land.

The situation in the warehouse made Xia Lei angry, but he quickly calmed down.He walked toward the warehouse, exuding a cold breath.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came out of the communicator, "Xia Lei? Can you hear me?"

Charley suddenly stopped.

This voice is Kestin's voice.

"I know it's you who came, I had expected you to intervene, but I didn't expect it to come so fast." Kestin's voice, "You made me a headache, you bombed the radar station, but also Killed so many people ... you said, what should I do to you? "

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the direction of the office building, and his eyes instantly cut into the perspective plus scanning mode.The situation in the office building is panoramic, but apart from some CIA agents and two other characters suspected of being commanders of special forces, he did not see Kestin.

Kirsten ’s voice did n’t stop, “I know you ’re here, even if you do n’t say anything, I know you. You ’re smart, but this world is not just a smart person. You think you will Win? No, I will win. "

Xia Lei took down the communicator, threw it on the ground, and smashed it.

This is not that he does not want to hear Kesti's provocative voice, but that this communicator is likely to make him a targeted target.

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