Super Vision

1119 1119 Mine 13

In the office building, when the last CIA field agent fell in a pool of blood, gunfire and explosions also sounded in the forest.Giovanna and the veterans of the rescue team rushed to the battlefield, and attacked the Boca Haram and the US special forces with the Chinese zodiac team.Although their numbers are at a disadvantage, but their weapons are better, and the members of the Chinese zodiac team are all super soldiers with one enemy and ten, so the number of disadvantages can actually be ignored.What's more, the overwhelming majority of the armed personnel of the Boka Holy Land are some rioters. They can't even fight the veterans of the rescue team, let alone face the members of the zodiac team.

In fact, after solving the Apache gunship and the Chinook transport plane, Xia Lei was not too worried about the war going in the direction he was worried about.

Xia Lei left the office building and drove a forklift to the mining area.

The direction opposite the back door of the plant is the mining area, where the No. 13 mine is located.

The snatched back door was closed, and cement blocks were placed at the door to block the way.

When the forklift was 50 meters away from the back door, two guards responsible for guarding the door rushed out of the guard room and were about to stop the car.If they didn't wait for them to say a word, the two sons flew over silently, bursting their heads.

Xia Lei put away the poison tongue pistol, blasted the throttle, the forklift lowered the hopper, slammed open the barricade and the back door, and drove to the mining area.

Mine 13 appeared in front of me. It was a normal and normal mine. There were no special guards or CIA agents at the entrance.

This situation was somewhat unexpected. Xia Lei felt that there should be guards, but no.

Xia Lei stopped the forklift and entered mine 13.He took off the blasting assault rifle on his shoulder. In such an environment, the viper pistol could not suppress several enemies at all.

There was silence in the tunnel and electric lights were on the walls of the cave.

Xia Lei's footsteps walked on the railroad tracks without sound.

The tunnel twists and turns, a little bit down, with no end in sight.

Xia Lei quickly descended to a depth of almost 400 meters. The air in the ground was very humid, and water droplets dripped from time to time.Seeing the bottom, he still didn't see an enemy.While walking, he pulled out the satellite phone, which had no signal at all.


Suddenly there was an explosion.

The explosive air wave rushed up from the bottom of the tunnel, the whole tunnel was shaking, and it seemed to collapse at any time!

A rock fell from the top of the head, Xia Lei evaded, and his footsteps stopped.The exploding air wave was quickly released, and the tunnel was quiet again, and there was no other sound except the ticking and the dripping water.After a pause, he continued to move forward.After about fifty meters, a corner was taken and the bottom of the tunnel entered his sight.

In the memory dug from Wu Ke's brain, the bottom of the tunnel is a large black rock that looks like a meteorite.Now it has been flipped down, revealing a circular hole.

The explosion just now was clearly aimed at it. It can be seen that the person who fell from the rock wall is not at the bottom of the tunnel.The hole in the rock wall is dark and deep, and the situation inside cannot be seen.Xia Lei tried to perspective scan the inside of the circular hole, but the strange thing is that the perspective ability of the unsuccessful trial actually failed. His eyes were put into it as if he was swallowed by the darkness, and nothing remained.

"What is this place?" Xia Lei's heart was horrified.

The sample of the rare metal knocked by Wu Ke was obviously knocked from the spherical black rock, but after being blown down from the rock wall, the same ore did not exist.And it looks like a spherical obstacle to block the passage.

If it is not a rare metal mine, but just an obstacle, will Americans take such a big price to occupy Friendship Mining?

The safest way is to immediately turn around and leave, with the members of the Chinese zodiac team and Giovanna and the rescue veterans.But hesitating, Xia Lei walked towards the bottom of the tunnel.

At the bottom of the tunnel, Xia Lei stopped, reaching for the round black rock.A strange feeling came, and I don't know why, the six faceless warrior statues suddenly appeared in his mind.He was taken aback, and secretly tuned: "Is it the material used to build the faceless warrior statue?"

This conjecture cannot be determined.

Xia Lei got into the circular tunnel on the rock wall.

The interior of the circular tunnel is relatively smooth, and the traces of manual polishing are also obvious. It is not a natural cave with a cave nature.

A new question was born in Xia Lei's brain. Who would dig a tunnel 500 meters underground?

Still can't find the answer.

The cylindrical tunnel was dark and there was no light.After a certain distance forward, the entrance lights could not shine in, even with Xia Lei's vision, there was a visual obstacle.He also noticed that there is a very peculiar energy field in this place. His left and right eye abilities are affected by the energy field, and at least weakened by more than half.

Forcibly, Xia Lei twisted a glow stick and continued walking down with the glow stick in hand.

This is risky, but he has no other choice.

After a distance, the cylindrical tunnel came to an end.There is a huge underground space in front of it. It is in the shape of a regular triangle. It looks similar to the pyramid in the belly of the mountain found in Jerusalem, except that there are no terrifying human bones and crystal skulls.Another difference is that the pyramid ground here is not rock but water.The still water is like a mirror.

Xia Lei's position is half-waisted today, almost 50 meters above the water.At this height, coupled with the interference of the energy field in his eyes, he could not see the situation in the water at all.

Xia Lei turned his gaze to the middle of the water surface of the square. He seemed to see something similar to the altar, but he still couldn't see clearly.He raised the light stick and threw it down. The light stick rolled in the air a few times before falling into the middle of the square.It sank underwater, but it stopped only a short distance.

It was a hexagonal stone platform, a stone platform submerged in water.

At that moment, a woman lying in the middle of the stone platform appeared in the water.Her skin is as white as jade, her hair is as black as ink, and her beauty cannot be described by words.However, Xia Lei was frightened by her because the woman lying on the underwater stone platform was none other than Zhu Xuanyue, Yixi Tabu from another corn, the goddess of suicide.

Rumble ...

Suddenly, the sound of the ear came from underwater, and the still water trembles, and then the waves rolled.

In the roar, the submerged stone platform slowly rose upward, a little, a little.Zhu Xuanyue, who was lying on the stone platform, also rose up a little bit. The first to surface was her double peaks, then her face and lower abdomen, and then her pair of jade legs.She had no clothes on her body, everything was clearly visible under the glow of the glow stick, and no one could pick out any flaws.If you have to pick a bit of bone in the egg, it is probably just inheriting the characteristics of ancient Kewen. The vegetation in that place is too dense.

The stone platform came out of the water, but the vibration did not stop. The six corner stone bricks of the hexagonal stone platform opened, and six metal cylinders came out from below, a little, a little.

The six metal cylinders came to a halt and suddenly opened, and six pillars of bright light suddenly pierced the darkness and reached the top of the pyramid.

Xia Lei discovered that every stone brick that built the pyramid was black ore!

If this is a rare metal mine, then this is really a rare metal mine with considerable reserves!

"Did the American and Zhu Xuanyue reach a deal? If so, it would be tricky." Xia Lei said secretly.

If Zhu Xuanyue reached a deal with the United States, the deal could not be destroyed.Not only can he not be destroyed, he must leave here immediately!Nothing else, thought he might face Zhu Xuanyue's anger!

After confirming that the woman lying on the stone platform was Zhu Xuanyue, Xia Lei's steps back.

He was curious about what Zhu Xuanyue was doing here, but between curiosity and life, he chose the latter without hesitation.The only pre-historic period for the black robe is still more than a year. He is not necessarily dead. Although the chances are slim, he is not completely without a chance to turn over.The prerequisite for reversal is that he has to be alive!

But just after Xia Lei retreated and was about to leave, a man's voice broke the silence in the underground pyramid.

"Come here, do you want to leave without knowing?" Kestin's voice, "I always thought you were a very courageous man, but did you know? The behavior you just made me disappointed."

Xia Lei stopped and returned to the exit of the tunnel.He leaned out of his upper body and looked down. He saw Kirsten standing on the edge of the pool, and his two inseparable followers, Charlotte and Eva.

Kirsten looked up at Xia Lei who was standing on it, with a confident and beautiful smile on his face, "Xia Lei, don't you think it's weird? You don't want to understand all this?"

"You know?" Xia Lei tried out.

Kirsten nodded.

"What's up with her?"

"She's fine." Kestin said.

"What does she want to do?"

Kestin smiled, "Wait for yourself, is it okay to ask her? I think you and she must have a lot to talk about, especially when you blow up the AE Research Center with a B2 bomber, you do n’t think you owe her An explanation? "

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the hexagonal stone platform, Zhu Xuanyue still closed his eyes tightly, did not wake up.Under the shining of the six snow-white beams, her body was bare and no one was hiding.At this time, his eyes suddenly moved to the metal container dropped on the stone platform. He was stunned for a moment. That was not after Zhu Xuanyue dissolved the six faceless warrior statues at the AE Research Center to hold energy liquid Alloy container?

The B2 bomber bombarded the AE Research Center indiscriminately. The place was tossed and destroyed several times, but important people and things were not destroyed!

It doesn't make sense to think about what happened then.

"Xia Lei, do you know?" Kestin's tone was ridiculous. "It's not easy to lead you in. I have prepared a large number of Delta Special Forces and SEALs for you, There are also armed men in Boka Holy Land that let you and your people kill. I keep those Chinese workers not to kill, just to let them tell you where they found the rare metal. In order to meet you, I also deliberately withdraw The guard of the mine. You said, why am I so good to you? "

All this has been a trap from the beginning!

Xia Lei suddenly grabbed the gun, depressed the muzzle, and pulled the trigger against Ke Xing.

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