Super Vision

1137 1137 Flame and Ditch

A Brahmos missile dropped from the sky with a dazzling fire tail.Beyond the speed of sound, with a 300-kilogram warhead, the Brahmos missile, which was jointly researched by Russia and India, crashed into the center of the slum.


The tremor trembles and the fire rises into the sky.The simple hut was destroyed by the explosion shock wave and fuel, and a large shack area was razed to the ground!

At that moment, living people, infected people, dead bodies, flies, cats and dogs ... everything was burned!

While running, Xia Lei couldn't help but glance back.A heat wave suddenly rolled over, burning the skin and burning pain.

Another three BrahMos missiles fell from the sky and hit different places in the slums respectively.With a more violent explosion, a more violent tremor, and a more terrible heat wave, Xia Lei flew forward and plunged into a gutter.The foul-smelling sewage flooded his body and the mud.A sea of ​​heat waves rushed past his back, and everything was pushed down and burned, including air.

There is only one living creature in the entire explosion range, that is Xia Lei.He doesn't need air.

Five minutes later, the heat wave subsided.Xia Lei climbed up from the drain and looked at the ruins of the slum after the explosion.In his vision, there were no houses still standing in the slums that were originally lined with houses.The view is full of broken walls, burned into coke-like bodies.

Can the Hell Dog Virus be eliminated in this way?

no one knows.

But the Indian government still did this. In this democratic country with a strict racial system, these poor people living in slums are like pigs or dogs slaughtered at the same time. They will be slaughtered. No one will care about them. They It will soon be forgotten.Whether in the past or the present, or even the future, their rights are not guaranteed.

I don't know why, Xia Lei's heart is heavy, like a piece of lead hanging.

Xili Lili Lili ...

A strange voice came from the multifunctional watch, and Xia Lei's thoughts were dragged back.The multifunctional watch is covered with mud, and the scene inside the display cannot be seen at all.

Xia Lei did not have the ability to use perspective, he wiped off the mud on the screen of the multi-function watch with one finger.

On the screen of the multifunctional watch, Super Xiaoqian now takes a shower under a shower head.The white and plump chest trembles under the wash of the bath water, just like two naughty white rabbits, and the ass like white jade also has a beautiful ripple.

This scene suddenly shocked Xia Lei.

"Yeah!" Super Xiaoqian covered her chest and tightened her legs, looking very scared and very shy. "Master, what are you doing? How can you peek at someone's bath?"

Xia Lei, "..."

The screen of the multi-function watch returned to normal, the shower head disappeared, and Super Xiaoqian also had clothes on her body. It was a military green uniform that wrapped her body tightly.

Xia Lei finally recovered, he smiled bitterly: "How come you take a bath in my watch?"

Super Xiaoqian looked aggrieved, "Didn't it just fall into the gutter? People's body is going to die, and of course they have to take a bath."

Faced with such a reason, Xia Lei was speechless.

The silk thread of Xia Lei entered by an Arjun tank followed a large group of Indian Special Forces soldiers behind the Arjun tank.They wear gas masks on their heads, protective clothing on their bodies, and rifles and flamethrowers.These Indian soldiers are clearly about to clear the field.Although Xia Lei pretended to be an Indian monk, he did not dare to be discovered by these people.He squatted down again and then moved forward slowly.

The outlet of the gutter is on the Ganges, and Xia Lei has decided that when he reaches the Ganges, he will take a bath in the Ganges.

This is to follow the customs.

The night came quietly, New Delhi was shining brightly, a bustling scene.The tragedy that occurred during the day has no effect on the city. Rich people enter the Opera House to appreciate the elegant opera art, or enter the high-end Western restaurant to enjoy the cuisine prepared by top chefs, and tell them to steak and pre-dinner desserts. Add a little curry ...

The Icon Hotel New Delhi.

In a luxurious presidential suite, Xia Lei lay on the sofa watching TV.A real-time news program is playing on the TV on the wall, and the hostess with a small red dot on her forehead is standing on a scorched land, and behind her is the slum that was blown up.

"There was a fire in a slum area on the western outskirts of New Delhi. The specific cause of the fire is still under investigation. However, the police have found fragments of explosive devices in the rubble and traces of a large amount of gunpowder burned. The New Delhi police claimed that this The fire accident was suspected of involving terrorists, but so far no terrorist has claimed responsibility for the incident ... "

This is politics, and sometimes he makes people sick and angry.

The voice of Super Xiaoqian suddenly came from the hacker laptop on the coffee table, "Master, I have found a suitable laboratory for you."

Xia Lei looked at the hacker's computer monitor. She saw a super uniform in military uniform and a picture of the University of New Delhi.He froze for a moment, "Are you looking for a laboratory at the University of New Delhi?"

Super Xiaoqian said: "Yes, the security level in that place is the lowest, and we do not need to do anything to dive in. In addition, the biological laboratory of the University of New Delhi has very advanced equipment to meet your needs in this regard. "

"Bring very dangerous samples into schools for experiments, no, I don't like doing that, are there any other laboratories?" Xia Lei said: "India's pharmaceutical industry is very developed, I don't believe I can't find one A suitable laboratory. "

Super Xiaoqian said: "Of course there are, I have prepared you a backup option long ago. Green Algae Biotechnology Company, this is an emerging Indian pharmaceutical company, with investment and technical support from US capital, their laboratory should be The most advanced laboratory in India. But their security is also the most stringent, and it is almost impossible to mix in under normal circumstances. "

Xia Lei thought for a while, "Then the green algae biotechnology company, let's go there. As for their security system, I don't believe that their security system can make you difficult."

"Um ..." Super Xiaoqian gave a lovely smile, "In fact, I just took over their security system."

Xia Lei glared at her, "So what else do you say very tightly? Very high level?"

"They just want you to think it's hard for people to do this kind of thing."

Xia Lei, "..."

She is so naughty, who can blame?

If you want to blame, you can only blame the person who created her, Xia Lei.

An hour later, a bald young man came to an industrial development zone in New Delhi.

The largest and most luxurious building in this industrial development zone is the multi-purpose building of Chlorella Biotech.It looks like a Dubai hotel, but it is much shorter and smaller.

Four armed guards stood in front of the door of the green algae company. Although they were wearing casual clothes, they used American weapons.The four armed guards are also all white, not Indian.

This company is a bit abnormal.

This is Xia Lei's first instinct to be close to Chlorella.

Xia Lei parked an Indian-made second mobile phone in the green belt on the roadside, and then he walked towards the green algae company's wall.

The green algae company's wall is at least five meters high and very smooth. There is an anti-theft net on the wall. There is a camera every few meters and there are almost no dead ends.

But even if the algae company installed 10,000 cameras, it was useless.

"Master, all the cameras can't shoot you. You can enter from anywhere except the door." Super Xiaoqian's voice came from the multi-function watch.

Xia Lei suddenly started and accelerated to sprint towards the green algae company's fence.When it was one meter and five meters away from the fence, his body was generally shot by two-footed projectiles, and he only clicked at the height of three meters of the fence, then rumbling, and jumped in a flipped pose. The anti-theft net is at least six meters high.

Xia Lei's feet fell to the ground, his body didn't even shake.

Super Xiaoqian's voice came again from the multifunctional watch, "Master, I have drawn a safe route to the laboratory for you. You have five minutes to pass it."

A map emerged on the multi-function watch, which is the internal map of the multi-function building of the green algae company. Super Xiaoqian has marked the route to be passed with a red line.

Xia Lei sorted out the slightly crooked backpack and walked to a safety gate.He had just approached the security door that required password and fingerprint verification, and the door opened automatically.

Xia Lei passed the first level easily.Although Super Xiaoqian's assistant is sometimes naughty and noisy, his ability is super powerful.With her help, it is even more useful than the zodiac team plus four female knights in some ways.

Entering the building, surveillance cameras can be seen everywhere, but with the evil appearance of Super Xiaoqian, they are almost useless.Because it is late at night, there is no staff in the building, only some security personnel patrolling.However, in the route planned by Super Xiaoqian, even a security guard did not see it.

Four and a half minutes, Xia Lei came to the laboratory on the ground floor.

In the same situation, the laboratory door needs a pass and communication password, as well as fingerprint verification and pupil scanning to pass, but it is such a troublesome procedure, they opened automatically when Xia Lei was just near the door.

"Welcome to Chlorella's laboratory."

This is of course not the intelligent voice of the laboratory, but the voice of Super Xiaoqian.

Xia Lei had a headache, "Xiaoqian, can't you be quieter? Your voice may attract the security guard."

Super Xiaoqian said: "They will not come, I have closed all the security doors leading to this place, you can sing here while doing experiments."

Xia Lei, "..."

Entering the laboratory, Xia Lei immediately entered a working state.He took the samples collected from the slums, blood, brain tissue, skin and muscles, etc. from his backpack, and analyzed them with the equipment in the laboratory.

It would be wrong to think that he was doing experiments. Super Xiaoqian is playing a very important role.Although she is not in the real world, she is in the network cable, acting as an assistant to Xia Lei in every instrument.

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