Super Vision

1140 1140 My Rules Are No Rules


The viper pistol made a noise, but no bullets were fired.

Augustman pulled the trigger again.


The viper pistol made a louder sound, but no bullets were ejected.

Xia Lei lowered his hand and said lightly: "There is only one bullet in the gun. If you want to kill me with a gun, you better change a gun."

Augustman suddenly smashed the viper pistol in his hand to Xia Lei, and at the same time pounced on the pistol of Yan Buddha who fell to the ground.

He is very good at this.

The poison tongue pistol flies in the air at extremely high speed.If it is hit in the head, it must be a fateful outcome.But for Xia Lei, this speed is not much, in his eyes, even surprisingly slow.

As soon as Xia Lei reached out, he grabbed the poison tongue pistol, squeezed his thumb, the empty magazine slipped out, and a magazine full of bullets was inserted into the viper pistol.The whole process is approaching to the extreme and it is dazzling.Until he loaded the magazine, Augustman grabbed the pistol that fell to the ground.


A bullet was ejected from the muzzle of the viper pistol and instantly plunged into Augustman's ass.A blood flower blooms, the shape is like a golden chrysanthemum.

"Humph!" The spoiler came, and Rao Augustman couldn't help grunting.He took advantage of the situation to roll on the ground, swinging his wrist and moving the muzzle towards Xia Lei.


Another bullet plunged into Augustmanda's wrist, and the pistol he had just caught fell to the ground.

Shooting with Charlebis?

Even Zhu Xuanyue had no such courage, let alone Augustus.

Augustman was shot twice, but neither was a fatal wound.His left hand was only one meter away from the pistol, and he could get it with his hand.He did want to do this, but his hand shook but shrank back.Because he is very clear, he is very fast, but not as fast as bullets, faster than Xia Lei's reaction.He knew more clearly that as soon as he reached out, the third bullet would be inserted into a part of his body.If luck is good, it's the arm. If luck is bad, it's the head.

Yan Fo was also embarrassed, he stared at Xia Lei staring staringly, and Yu Guang at the corner of his eyes also looked at the pistol.His brain is also running fast, looking for ways to resolve the crisis.

"Okay, the game time is over, throw the gun over." Xia Lei said.

Augustman hesitated, but reached for the pistol.

Yan Fo escaped suddenly outside the door.

He is betting his luck, Xia Lei has only one pistol, he can only shoot one target.The one with the gun is Augustman, and he certainly poses a greater threat to Xia Lei than he does.So, in the next round, when Augustman threw the pistol over, he concluded that Xia Lei would not shoot him, but would shoot Augustman.This is a great opportunity to escape!

Yan Fo turned and fled, and Augustman also got a chance.He suddenly raised the muzzle, facing the chest of Xia Lei.


A bullet was ejected from the viper pistol, blasting Augustman's left wrist.

At least the gun fell to the ground again, and the body of the gun was covered with Augustman's blood.

Augustman looked at Xia Lei with a strange look, but did not speak, but his eyes seemed to say, why do you always shoot me?

"Throw the gun over," Xia Lei said.

Augustman used the bloody palm to push the bloody pistol towards Xia Lei, "Yan Buddha is out, you can't escape from here."

"Is he out? Uh ..." Xia Lei patted his forehead with a viper pistol. "Damn, I actually forgot him."

Augustman tilted his head back, protruding out of the door frame, and then he saw Yan Fo standing in front of the security door, constantly typing in passwords, scanning fingerprints, bleeding and sweating.

what's going on?

Super Xiaoqian's voice came again from Xia Lei's watch, "Useless, he can't get out of that fool at all."

"Who is she?" Augustman was inexplicably nervous.

"I'm your aunt!" Said Super Xiaoqian.

Augustman's eyes wanted to kill, but he couldn't see the woman at all.

Xia Lei walked to Augustman, "The time for the game is over."

Augustman moved back subconsciously, but Xia Lei did not move him at all, but walked past him and looked at Yan Buddha.

"Come here," Xia Lei said.

Yan Fo's head shook, then turned and walked over to this side.His eyes were empty, and the whole person seemed to have lost his soul.

"He ..." Augustman's heart was filled with tension and fear. "What did you do to him?"

Xia Lei ignored him.

Yan Fo came to Xia Lei and stood quietly, like a piece of wood.

Augustman's eyes also became hollow.

Memories from Yan Fo and Augustman emerged in Xia Lei's brain.The memories of the two people appeared in his brain at the same time, as if they were two trains traveling side by side, without affecting them at all.

Yan Fo ’s life was revealed in Xia Lei ’s brain. When his parents immigrated to the United States as a child, his parents were robbed and shot by black people.He lived on the street and was taken in by a killer.That killer is the FA organization's killer, maybe he became a member of the FA organization.He was smart, cunning, and ruthless enough. He started at the grassroots and became a FA division.His life can be made into an inspirational drama ...

In Augustusman's memory, he learned the oriental martial arts, Muay Thai, Judo, Japanese swordsmanship and Kung Fu from an Asian martial arts master from an early age.And the martial arts master is the former instructor of FA organization.He worked very hard, stood out among the many disciples of martial arts masters, and finally became the heir to that martial arts master.On a stormy night, he sneaked into the room of an elderly and decayed martial arts master, stabbed the martial arts master with a knife, and then became an instructor of the FA organization ...

Xia Lei stole the memories of the two, the main purpose is to understand the FA organization, and to find out who is the leader of the FA organization.

In the memory of Yan Fo and Augustman, the size of the FA organization has shrunk dramatically under the impact of the war of his agents, less than half of its heyday.The FA organization went to the headquarters and was bombed by him once. The new headquarters was also attacked by war agents and forced to give up.Now, the FA organization has no headquarters, and all the core members are dispersed, with Yan Fo and Augustman remotely directing their operations.Only some cheap cannon fodder remained in the Mexican base camp.More and more killers and members of armed groups have entered Mexico to become agents of war, killing people to earn bonuses, and some people even use the heads of drug dealers in exchange for bonuses, so that the amount of bonuses dives sharply ...

However, Yan Fo and Augustman do not have the answer that Xia Lei first knew, that is the identity of the leader of the FA organization.

In the memory of Yan Fo and Augustman, both of them received instructions through the most primitive way-letters.

The FA organization's chief needs Yan Fo and Augustman to send letters when they do things. Sometimes the person who sends the letter is a child, sometimes the trafficker is a pawn, and not the same person.

In the memory of Yan Fo and Augustman, some letters were kept. There were instructions to send Ye Mosha to Japan to carry out the mission, there were instructions to the Dawang Snow Mountain mission, there were instructions to cooperate with the CIA action ... and this time Instructed to send the dead to carry the Hell Dog Virus to destroy the Lehma Group.

No people, but command all important actions.

Who is the leader of the FA organization?

There is no answer.

Xia Lei lifted control of Yan Fo and Augustman's brain.

A few seconds later, Augustman returned to normal, his eyes full of fear and suspicion, "You, what did you just do to me?"

Yan Fo also returned to normal. His first reaction was to run away, but he gave up in a blink of an eye, because he remembered the matter just now, Xia Lei let him run, but he couldn't open the door.He looked at Xia Lei nervously, filled with fear.He doesn't know what Xia Lei will do to him next, but what is certain is that it will definitely not be a good thing.He actually wanted to know what Xia Lei did to him just now, but he dared not ask.

Asked is also a question in vain.

Xia Lei wouldn't answer any questions from the two at all. He shook the viper pistol in his hand. "I wanted to figure out one thing. If I was given the answer, I would let go, and the other one would die. "

Augustman and Yan Fo couldn't help but glance at each other.

Augustman suddenly angered: "Damn it! If you want to kill--"


At the sound of a gunshot, Augustman's shoulder was filled with a bullet hole.

"I'm talking, you'd better not intervene. I ask you, you answer. Remember?" Xia Lei said.

Augustman gritted his teeth and endured desperately before he cried out.This is already the fourth time Xia Lei has shot him. He really ca n’t understand why he did n’t like Xia Lei so much. Yan Fo got only one shot and he got four shots!

"This is a rush-answer question. You hear it clearly. The rules are simple. As long as one person answers my question, he can leave alive and the other person will be killed." Xia Lei repeated the rules.

Augustman and Yan Fo suddenly tensed, short of breath.Both Augustman and Yan Fo are bloody hands, and the people who died in the hands of the two do not know how many, but it is absolutely two different feelings to kill others and kill themselves.Faced with death, no one can become a truly fearless warrior.

"Who is the leader of the FA organization?" Xia Lei said.

Augustman and Yan Fo glanced at each other, and neither said anything.The two still have a tacit understanding, let's not say, your rules will not be enforced!

Xia Lei's mouth sneered, and suddenly pulled the trigger.


Augustman and Yan Fo shot at the same time in the thighs, and Yan Fo fell to the ground.

"Who is the leader of the FA organization?" Xia Lei asked again.His rules are actually no rules.

Augustman's expression was fierce, but his heart was broken, because this was the fifth shot Xia Lei shot at him, and he didn't know the answer at all!

"Yes ..." Yan Fo suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Your father, Xia Changhe!"

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