Super Vision

1148 Chapter 1148 Snow Night

Five hours later, West Province.

A helicopter landed in a wilderness, and after laying down a man, it flew in the direction of Lhasa.

"We are here." Xia Lei looked at the rolling snow mountains in the distance, excitedly said: "Xiao Qian, can you come out here?"

A second later, a woman in military uniform appeared beside Xia Lei.With a height of 1.8 meters, a forward-curved body, and a military uniform of Yingwu, when she appeared, she suddenly became the most eye-catching place on this grassland.

Super Xiaoqian opened her arms and turned a circle on Ruyin's grass. Her movement was like a bird flying on the grassland. Ah! Uh ... why are there no cattle and sheep? "

She was still so naughty and even a little nervous.

Xia Lei shrugged helplessly, "I don't let you come out to catch the sheep, give me a map, I'm going to a paradise."

"Why not let the helicopter send us directly?" Super Xiaoqian looked a little curious, but when she asked this question, she still released a satellite map and marked the location of Xanadu on the map. The shortest and fastest route marking to reach Xanadu.

Xia Lei looked at the map, remembering the road map, and said, "I don't want them to know that I am here. I want to see my father, and he is the most difficult person to track in the world, so I have to be careful."

"I understand. But what I want to tell you is that after entering the Himalayas, there will be no signal. I will disappear. I can't help you to do anything. You can only rely on yourself." Super Xiaoqian said. There was a hint of worry in her eyes.In fact, as it has existed longer and longer, she has learned more and more things, and she is more and more like a person, a woman.

"Okay, I already remember the road map." Xia Lei walked over to a snow peak in the distance. In the road map drawn by Super Xiaoqian, he needed to cross that snow peak, and then left. It ’s almost twenty kilometers to see the paradise.

Helicopters can actually send him close to Xanadu, but Xanadu has anti-aircraft radar and it is easy to spot helicopters.If Dad Xia Changhe is near the paradise, he may also see the helicopter and leave early.Therefore, he would rather climb the steep snow peaks and take the difficult mountain road only to see Xia Changhe.

Why did dad see Yelena?

This problem has been circling in Xia Lei's mind until now, lingering and lingering.

Super Xiaoqian followed Xia Lei on foot. She jumped around and ran forward.In the end, she turned herself into a sheep, and ran and ran around Xia Lei, while making a "bleep" sheep cry.

Hiking in the uninhabited uninhabited area of ​​the western province, there is such a teasing super Xiaoqian, the journey is not lonely.

All the way across the mountains, Xia Lei came to a mountain at 12 midnight.Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, it is a canyon surrounded by mountains, and a military and civilian base is under construction.Even at night there are several construction machines at work, a busy scene.

That is the paradise, Xia Lei created a refuge for his wife and children, his relatives and friends.

After the visual inspection, Xia Lei determined the straight-line distance between the mountain peak and the paradise. The accurate data was 5122.32 meters.In the past, this distance has exceeded his effective sight distance, but now it is not his sight distance limit at all.He could easily see the situation throughout the base.

After observing the entire Xanadu, Xia Lei awakened the ability of perspective, and conducted a perspective scan of a residential area of ​​Xanadu.More than 5,000 meters, this is a very long distance, which has a certain effect on the perspective scanning ability of both eyes, but he can still see the situation in the temporary residence.

Soon, Xia Lei saw the members of the Chinese zodiac team, Yue Ye Kyoko, Angu Mihan, Saimu, Arecio, Qianjun, as well as Giovanna, Stella, Theresa and Rosa, but nothing See Yelena.

Xia Lei followed up with a second perspective scan, but Yelena was still not found.

"Oops, didn't I come a little late, she already left early?" Xia Lei felt a little regret in his heart because he was worried about being detected by Yelena or his father, so he didn't ask when Yelena would see his father. But he was estimated to be in the night, so he came by helicopter, but did not expect that he was still a little late.

At this time, Super Xiaoqian suddenly came out of the multifunctional watch.Not a female general, but a sheep.

Xia Lei silently looked at the big fat sheep standing beside him, but he knew that there was a signal covered by the paradise in this place.

"Huh ..." Super Xiaoqian Yang cried before speaking, "Master, are you looking for the woman named Yelena?"

"Yes, do you know where she went?"

"Of course I know." Super Xiaoqian said: "There are surveillance cameras in the paradise, and the security system there is also my site. I can call up all surveillance videos for you at any time."

"Then check it quickly to see where she left and when she left." Xia Lei was anxious.

There was hardly any waiting time. Xia Lei made the request, and she gave the result. It seems that the execution time in the middle does not exist.

An image of Yelena appeared in the air. She left the paradise and walked west with her equipment bag.She left at 10 o'clock in the evening, more than two hours have passed since now.

"She has gone west and has been away for more than two hours. Can we catch up with her?" Super Xiaoqian said.

Xia Lei said, "Yes." The words fell, and he was already running.

In such a harsh environment, even Yelena couldn't go far.As long as he walked in her direction, he would not be able to catch up with her in a long time.Because he was originally on the mountain, and Yelena still needs time to climb the peak. As long as she finds the right direction, within two hours, Yelena may just climb the west peak of the mountain.

The Himalayas under the darkness are rolling, like a giant dragon that can't see the head or the tail, and can't see the whole picture at a glance.The cold wind was blowing with snowflakes, and the snow on the mountain was thicker and thicker.

"Master, I'm so cold." Super Xiaoqian, who became the big fat sheep, ran in front of Xia Lei. As Xia Lei's arm swayed, she was in the sky and on the ground all at once.

"Why do you have to become a sheep?" Xia Lei couldn't stand it.

"Well, I can see that you have racial discrimination against the sheep." The big white sheep flying in the sky looked back at Xia Lei, his eyes full of grudges.

Xia Lei, "..."

The big white sheep flying in the sky landed on the ground and instantly became a sports girl.A tight sports vest on the upper body, a pair of sports shorts on the lower body, a pair of New Balance running shoes on the feet, and the latest flamingo.

As she ran, a pair of wonderfully bountiful bouncing bouncing around her chest seemed to be able to tap out of the cicada-like white sports vest at any time.The particles of the top of the abundance are clearly visible, whether it is shape or color, plus the round and fat big white ball wrapped in sports shorts, trembling, trembling, her temptation is enough to connect a curved steel pipe Straighten up.

Disclosure of flesh at the disagreement.

"That, Xiaoqian ..." Xia Lei stopped talking.

Super Xiaoqian turned around and ran backwards.She had no body at all, no matter how she ran, no difficulty.But because she changed the running posture, Xia Lei caused considerable confusion, because her pair of abundance jumped up and down in front of Xia Lei.Between her legs, the mature area wrapped in white sports shorts is outlined with a slight appearance, and the shape can make people feel impulsive to commit crimes.

Fortunately, she does not exist. If it is true, the situation is more complicated.

"My master, what do you want to say?" Super Xiaoqian's voice was soft.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "You still turn into a sheep, I actually like sheep."

"you're lying."

Xia Lei, "..."

In fact, he moved his own stone and hit his own feet, because when designing Super Xiaoqian, he not only extracted the advantages of his women ’s physical appearance, but also created it in Super Xiaoqian ’s “brain” The character of his women.So she is so skinny, she is so sticky.

An hour later, Xia Lei went round the hill on the west side of the canyon.

There was a lot of snow on the top of the mountain, and the snow falling from the sky buried everything, including Yelena's footprints.

Xia Lei climbed onto a rock and looked up.

Super Xiaoqian was not idle, and directly released a holographic satellite map, and drew on the map the two routes that Yelena was most likely to walk.These two routes are drawn according to the terrain. If there are no special circumstances, Yelena will definitely choose one to walk.

"Master, the route on the left or right, you choose one." Super Xiaoqian said.

Xia Lei has completed the ultra-long-distance perspective scanning reconnaissance. He embarked on the left route and started to run.

"My master, are you sure you are on the left?" Super Xiaoqian appeared in front of Xia Lei. No matter how fast Xia Lei ran, she was always in front of Xia Lei. The arms swayed, all at once in the sky, all at once on the ground.

The distance of two kilometers passed in an instant, and Super Xiaoqian disappeared.

It has penetrated deep into the Himalayas and there is no signal.

Xia Lei stopped on a hillside with a pile of stones in front of him.Several stones were stacked into a triangular shape, and the top one was a bar-shaped stone with one end pointing west.

This is the signal left by the father.

Xia Lei continued to track westward and saw a white figure in front of him about a kilometer later.It was a woman's back, wearing a snowsuit.She was carrying her equipment bag and stepped on a sledge, and she was sliding fast.

Yelena appeared.

"No wonder I chased for such a long distance, it turned out that she used a sled." Xia Lei chased up.

Seeing Yelena, Xia Lei slowed down.He must maintain a longer distance, thinking that Yelena is the chicken of the Chinese zodiac team and an expert in observing the environment. A little wind and grass will alarm her.If she was alarmed and found out by him, he was really bad at explaining why he would follow her, thinking that no matter how he explained, this behavior would make Yelena think he did not trust her.

One was gliding fast, the other was slowing down deliberately. The straight distance between the two quickly reached four kilometers. At this distance, Xia Lei speeded up and kept parallel to Yelena's speed.His eyes have always locked Ye Lena, and at least two kilometers in front of Ye Lena!

An hour later, a majestic hill rose up among the peaks.Although its height is not as high as Everest, it is the highest in this area.At a glance, Xia Lei visually observed that his height reached 6678 meters, which is more than two thousand meters less than the 8844 meters of Mount Everest.

"What mountain is this?" Xia Lei asked subconsciously.

Super Xiaoqian didn't show up. There was no more signal in this place. She couldn't show up at all.

At this moment, Yelena took off her sleigh and climbed up the mountain.

Where is the meeting place on this mountain?

Confused in Xia Lei's heart, he followed.

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