Super Vision

1150 Question 1150

The cold wind blew screaming, wrapped in snowflakes, and seemed to cover everything.

The two opposite men on the snowy mountain are like two sculptures, motionless.The father and son faced each other, but there seemed to be a gap between their feet that they could not cross.

The two men looked at each other in silence.

A son asks a father who you are. The answer to this question is actually not important. What matters is how this problem exists.

Embarrassment and suspicion spread between the two men.

After a long time, Xia Chang said aloud, "Are you already doubting me?"

"I've never doubted you, but you have to force me on that road." Xia Lei looked very painful. "Tell me, are you my father?"

"Is this answer important to you?"

"Tell me!" Xia Lei shouted.

"I said yes, would you still believe me? I said no, would you still believe it?" Xia Changhe's tone was still plain, without any emotional fluctuations.

Such an answer is obviously not what Xia Lei wanted, but if Xia Changhe gave an answer that he was afraid of, how should he face it?This is the case, he wanted to know the answer, but he was afraid of that answer.

"Your question is boring to me, and what you are doing is also boring." Xia Changhe said.

"what do you mean?"

"The Lehma Group, the fighters and bombers you are researching and manufacturing for China. Do you think you can make the most advanced fighters and bombers to change the fate of this world? You have also seen that hell dog virus is spreading, do you think Can your fighters and bombers solve the problem? "

"The whole world is studying vaccines against the hell dog virus, and I believe that humans will survive this difficulty." Xia Lei said.

Xia Changhe said: "Don't deceive yourself. If you believe that humans can develop vaccines against the hell dog virus, will you build a paradise in this deserted place? Are you creating a difficult place for your wife and children? You do n’t believe that humans can survive this difficulty, but you have to convince me to believe it, do n’t you think it ’s funny? ”

"Enough!" Xia Lei's emotions were out of control again. "I at least know to build a refuge for my wife and children and consider them, but what are you doing? How many things are you hiding from me, tell I!"

"You don't have much time left. Give up those boring things. You have to become strong. Only then can you have a life."

"You know all things, right?" Xia Lei tentatively said.

This time Xia Changhe did not evade the problem, he nodded his head, "Yes, I know all things. It is for this reason that I do these things. You are always emotional, your love for those women, Your love for China is a childish and stupid thing in my opinion. You have more important things to do, because this is your mission. "

"Mission? What mission?" Xia Lei has always been concerned about his destiny, that is, the increasingly close deadline, he never felt that he had any mission.If it does, it is only to help Hua Guo become stronger, so that his wife and children can spend the rest of their lives carefree, nothing more.

"Your mission is ..." Xia Changhe said after a moment of silence: "Your mission is to unlock the secret of the world's box and the crystal skull. But your current ability can't do it at all, you have to become Be strong. "

This is the second time he has said that Xia Lei will become stronger.

The box of the world, the crystal skull, and even the AE capsules are all fans Xia Lei wants to unravel.But he has chased for so many years and paid so much, until now there is no valuable clue.How easy it is to unlock these fans!

"Is it my mission to unravel the mystery of the world's box and crystal skull?" Xia Lei shook his head bitterly. "I don't think these are my missions. Are you just forsaking these children? Are these secrets to you?" Why is it so important? "

An ordinary person has a life span of only a few eleven hundred years. Are these secrets hidden in the universe or time and space really so important to him?

"Huh! You are still so stubborn." Xia Changhe said coldly: "They are important to me, and naturally have my reasons."

"Then give me your reason!"

"It's not the right time. When the time comes, you will know everything. You can hate me now, but one day you will understand me and even thank me."

"Hahaha ..." Xia Lei smiled, but he wanted to cry in his heart.His father always avoided his key questions and did not tell him the truth.Is this a guard that a father should keep to his son?

"Enough! You can't believe me, you can even resent me, but you can't believe me!" Xia Changhe yelled at Xia Lei: "Tonight, I want you to give up those boring people and careers and do the right thing thing!"

"You want me to give up my wife and children, and the Lehma Group?"

"Yes, that's what I asked you to come here. Leave your wife and children, and your Rema group. Your wife and children can live well without you. You have already worked for Rema The group has laid the foundation and it will continue to develop. As for your motherland, it is life or death, I am not important to you! Give up, my son, make yourself stronger, accept your own destiny, and complete yourself Mission! "Xia Changhe was excited.

"Let's go, do what you like to do." Xia Lei calmed down instead, "I can't give up the person you let me give up, and my love for my motherland exceeds your imagination. Understand me, in fact I did not expect you to understand me. You have already seen me, and you have said what you want to say, so be it, we are here to break up. "

Xia Changhe looked at Xia Lei. His eyes were a little cold, and he also had a hint of anger.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly: "Dad, no matter what you do, no matter what secrets are hidden in your heart, I will tell you, in my mind you are always my father. I also want to tell you, Xia If Xue Zhengyue gets married on the first day of the month, if you still recognize my son and your daughter Xia Xue, you will come back to her wedding. If you do n’t recognize my son and your daughter, do n’t come back. "

"Xia Lei, I know it's difficult for me to convince you. I promised you. When Xia Xue got married, I would definitely come back to her wedding, and then look at my grandson and granddaughter." Tired.

"Do you really come back?" Xia Lei felt a little disbelief in her heart.

Xia Changhe said: "What makes you not believe me? I said, I will come back to Xia Xue's wedding, I will definitely come back to Xia Xue's wedding. I have missed your wedding, I don't want to Miss Xia Xue's. "There was a smile on his lips." Also, I already have two grandchildren and two granddaughters. I really want to see them. "

Xia Lei's heart apologized, "I'm sorry, Dad ... I shouldn't say that to you."

"Don't say it." Xia Changhe walked to Xia Lei. He threw away the light sniper rifle in his hand and opened his arms to hold Xia Lei into his chest.

This father's hug Xia Lei has been waiting for a long time.No matter what Xia Changhe does, and no matter how many things Xia Changhe hides from him, he has forgiven him at this moment.After all, the father is the father, the one who gave birth to him.Can he really hate him?Can't.

But when he was immersed in the joy of his father's return, a sudden pain came from his thigh.He pushed Xia Changhe away abruptly, and then he was frightened to find a saber stuck in his thigh.The saber was so deep that it had no handle.But what scared him even more was not the knife wound, but that the saber was a special saber, not a blood-slot in the middle, but a hollow thruster.When Xia Changhe plunged this special saber into his thigh, he didn't know what liquid was pushed into his thigh!

Father, Xia Lei's heart broke in his saber.

Xia Changhe suddenly kicked on Xia Lei's belly.

Xia Lei didn't react at all. Under a heavy leg of Xia Changhe, his body flew off the ground and flew almost ten meters away before falling down and hitting the snow.

His blood stained the snow, so striking and shocking.

He lay on the snow, the night sky was dark, the cold wind screamed, and snowflakes fell from the sky, but his skin, which had lost his temperature, could not melt them.

"Get up!" Xia Changhe shouted from Xia Lei: "Kill me!"

Xia Lei lay motionless on the snow, how can the injury on his body be comparable to the injury on his heart?Xia Changhe's knife, this foot has broken his heart, kicked.

"Aren't you going to protect your wife and children? Get up!" Xia Changhe roared like crazy: "Stand up and kill me! If you don't stand up, your wife and children will die!"

Your wife and children will die.

This sentence is like a rope, pulling Xia Lei alive from the snow.He snapped his pistol pistol out of his waist and pointed the gun at Xia Changhe.However, it is easy to aim at Xia Changhe with a gun, but it is difficult to pull the trigger.He felt as if a large stone weighing a thousand pounds had fallen on his fingers, unable to pull any bit of it.

"Can't you do it?" Xia Changhe's voice was cold. "You only have one way to go! Kill me!"

"Don't force me!" Xia Lei shouted: "Who the hell are you!"

The answer is actually doomed. No father will attack his son.However, he still wanted to hear Xia Changhe say it himself.There was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

Xia Changhe pointed to the saber on Xia Lei's thigh. "Do you know what is hidden in that knife?"

Xia Lei subconsciously glanced at the saber on his thigh, and there was fiery pain in the wound.

"It's the blood of someone infected with the Hell Dog virus. You have been infected." Xia Changhe said.


Xia Lei's brain roared, and his eyes were slightly dizzy.Not because of a thigh injury, or because the blood of a hell dog virus infected person is hidden in the saber, but-his father did this to him!

Xia Changhe said coldly: "I know you have been to India, you have entered the ghetto where hell dog virus broke out, you have also entered the laboratory of Chlorella, but you have not been infected with hell dog virus. With super immunity, your immune system can't kill so many hell dog viruses at all. If you want to survive, you have only one way to go-eat! "

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