Super Vision

1152 1152 Eating

When the demon reveals his true colors, the fiercest beast will also be reduced to food, and it does not take much time, just a blink of an eye.

The energy field of mysterious energy is released, all brain waves within the energy field are captured, and all brains are controlled at that moment.

All the special forces were quiet, and they were so fierce a second ago that they encountered a rapid cold wave that caused Baidu to become the puppet.

A special soldier with a saber ready to pierce Yelena fell, without any wounds.Immediately after another special force fell, there were still no wounds on his body, but there was no breath of life in his eyes, and his eyes were pale and pale ...

The energy in each brain is swallowed, and Xia Lei's brain enters an unprecedentedly active state.It feels like giving birth to a pair of wings and flying in the sky, like sleeping in the world's most beautiful and proud woman, like getting the most powerful force in the world, capable of everything and winning everything .These are of course hallucinations, extremely beautiful hallucinations.Not out of control, in fact, everything is under Xia Lei's control.

For a long time, he controlled his "appetite", preferring to eat energy bars rather than eating the brains of living people.After being completely awakened, the mysterious energy in his body has been in a state of hunger, almost no development.Now, a lot of energy is pouring into his brain, and the mysterious energy that has been hungry has engulfed the energy of predation, and it has developed and reproduced. Although the speed is much slower than the split reproduction of the hell dog virus, the nature of the two is different.The former is just a rat in the gutter, while the latter is a dragon that can fly in the sky.This is just a metaphor, and it can be noted that the strength of the two sides is very different.At the same time when Xia Lei was eating, what ability suddenly became strong and powerful to begin to counter the Hell Dog Virus in his body, and in his body, the places occupied by the Hell Dog Virus were fully recovered ...

The last special soldier also fell.

The corpses, the blood.

The cold wind is still raging, and it is necessary to take away all temperatures and freeze everything.The corpses on the ground were fast and hard, and the blood turned into red ice, which was quickly covered by snowflakes.However, Xia Lei became a most special existence. His clothes were thin, he was covered in blood, but the cold wind and ice and snow could not take away the temperature on his body, because he had no temperature.The snowflakes flying fast from the cold wind cannot even approach him!

His energy field protects him like an eggshell, and before that, his energy field was so weak that he could barely feel it!

There is energy in the existence of everything, and energy is also produced when energy is consumed between material transformations.Energy is everywhere, only the difference in nature is stronger than the difference.Xia Lei's energy field does not belong to this world, it has a mystery that is difficult to explain.

In fact, compared to the secret of the world box and the crystal skull, Xia Lei wanted to unlock the secret of the AE capsule and the mysterious energy in his body, because this is related to him.

Where did the amber filled with AE capsule powder excavated from the pyramid on the belly of Jerusalem come from?

What is the powerful and mysterious energy in the body?

There may be no answer at all in this world.

Xia Lei has always felt that the only prehistoric person and Zhu Xuanyue knew the answer, but after what happened tonight, he began to doubt this.

Daddy, let ’s leave him alone. Whether it ’s his own father or not, as far as Daddy has the same immunity to mysterious energy as Kestin, Daddy must be inseparable from the only prehistoric or Zhu Xuanyue.For the time being, to characterize Dad as the only prehistoric or Zhu Xuanyue's men, then everything he has experienced is a scam, and it is to force him to this step!

Before this, the father said in a state of excitement that his mission is to crack the secrets of the world box and the crystal skull, which is very important for prehistoric only and Zhu Xuanyue.Suppose, if the only person in prehistoric history and Zhu Xuanyue knew the secret of the world box and the crystal skull, how could there be what he experienced and what he had in front of him?

Is Dad the only person in prehistoric time or Zhu Xuanyue, or is he the only "one piece of clothing" between Zhu Xuanyue and prehistoric?This answer can be obtained from the father.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the direction of his father's hiding place.That rock still stood quietly on the hillside, letting the wind and snow blow.His eyes instantly penetrated the thick rock and saw the scene behind.

The back of the rock was empty, with only white snow and no footprints.

Daddy still left while he was eating, and Daddy's purpose has been achieved.

Will Dad come back to Xia Xue's wedding?

Obviously not.

Father and son turned against each other tonight.Seeing each other again, Xia Lei did not know if he could regard Dad as an enemy.After all, the man used to be his father and raised him.Before taking this hurdle, he couldn't treat Dad as the kind of enemy who would kill him quickly.This is the difference between humans and beasts. Humans have feelings.If a person's six relatives don't recognize it, anyone can hurt, what is the difference from a beast?

At this moment of thinking and observation, Xia Lei clearly felt that the signs of fire-like virus infection in his body had become lighter.The hell dog virus in his body was dying and was killed by mysterious energy.The injury to his leg is also recovering at a rapid rate, and the only trouble now is the bullet that hit the left leg.He had to deal with it before going down the mountain and leaving here.

Xia Lei picked up Yelena and put it back in the leeward place.Then he picked up a saber, prepared to cut the bullet hole in his left leg, and pryed out the bullet stuck in his muscle.When he was ready to do so, his eyes instantly locked the warhead in flesh and blood.

It was only then that he discovered that, after eating madly tonight, his eyes unknowingly merged.Previously, his left eye was perspective hyperopia, and his right eye was scanning and inputting scanned data into the brain.Now, the abilities of the two eyes are completely fused, no longer distinguishing each other.Right now, as soon as his thoughts moved, images of flesh and blood emerged in his brain, without the slightest segmentation and damping.

Xia Lei glanced at the body, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Is this a blessing due to misfortune?

No, the Hellhound virus was eliminated, and his ability became stronger, but he was not happy at all, but the opposite feeling of eating the same kind of disgusting feeling became stronger and stronger.He actually wanted to vomit in the face of those corpses, but he just kept trying hard.

The sharp saber cut the bullet hole and pryed out the warhead.Blood ran out of the wound and wet his thighs and the snow on the ground.But after a few seconds, the blood in the wound stopped automatically and no longer flowed out.His physical self and the ability to regulate and repair have also become stronger.

This situation saved Xia Lei from the trouble of dressing the wound. He picked up Yelena and walked down the hillside from the past.But before he left the slope, Yelena suddenly woke up.

After opening his eyes and seeing that he was being held by a man, Yelena struggled instinctively.

"It's me, don't be nervous." Xia Lei said.

"Boss, you ..." Yelena could only see Xia Lei. She suddenly fell silent and no longer struggled.

Xia Lei put her on the ground.

Yelena saw Xia Lei's blood, and a large body behind Xia Lei. She opened her mouth suddenly and couldn't close it.

"Let's go, go back." Xia Lei said.

"Wait." Yelena stopped Xia Lei. "What happened?"

"You encountered an attack, and then I killed these people." Xia Lei said.This is the simplest explanation he can think of.

Yelena was obviously dissatisfied with this explanation. "Boss, I only got here after receiving my father's message. How could there be a killer ambush here? Did you ... follow me?"

She said politely, but it means the same thing-are you following me?

What she was worried about was not that Xia Lei followed her, but that Xia Lei no longer trusted her.

Xia Lei looked at her, but her eyes were moistened inexplicably.

"Boss, you ..." Yelena has never seen Xia Lei so sad, let alone tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Oh!" Xia Lei smiled bitterly, not looking away, avoiding Yelena's sight, "I did follow you, but I did not aim at you, but I wanted to see my father. . He does n’t see me, but wants to see you, is this strange?

"He ..." Yelena looked at the body again. "He wants to kill me? Why?"

Xia Lei could not tell her the truth, he said: "I don't know, but this is a trap. I have seen him, he has changed, and he is no longer the old father. After that, no matter what he receives Do not respond to the signal. If you can avoid him, avoid him. Otherwise, you will die. "

"I don't understand."

"Do you believe me?" Xia Lei's eyes moved to Yelena's face.

Yelena froze for a while before speaking out, "Boss, is this true?"

This is certainly not true, but Xia Lei nodded, "If you believe me, then this is true. If you don't believe me, then this is false."

"Of course I believe in you." Yelena said, and after a pause she said, "But ... I still don't understand why Dad did it. He adopted me, he taught me a lot, what did he ask me to do? I ’ll do anything, what will he do to kill me? "

Xia Lei grabbed Yelena's shoulder, "Don't think about it, some things are better than understanding. He is my father, and I am the one who should be in pain. Do you see my leg hurt? "He pointed to the right leg that was pierced by the saber and the left leg that was shot." These were all given to me by him before the battle with those guys. "

"Why did he treat you like this? And when you hurt your legs ..." Ye Lena looked at the seventy or eighty corpses with a horrified look.

"Don't think about it, let's go. I promise you, if I find the answer one day, I will tell you." Xia Lei said, and then went down the hillside.Although the injury on his leg recovered quickly, it did not heal, and his walking posture was lame.

Yelena caught up with Xia Lei's footsteps and reached out to hold Xia Lei's right arm. "I'll help you go. Well, I can actually carry you down the mountain. Do you need me to carry you?"

"No, no, just like that, I'm fine, I can go." Although Xia Lei's steps were a little lame, he was still very stable, and the speed of this reply was very fast, so there was no problem at all.

Snow was still falling, and the body lying on the ground was gradually covered by the snow.

Just as Xia Lei and Ye Lena went away and disappeared in the snow, a man appeared on the battlefield. He looked at the direction Xia Lei and Ye Lena left, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, " It's finally started! "

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