Super Vision

1186 1186 Invincible

The bullet flew over Zhu Xuanyue's cheek and hit a rock behind her.A burst of Mars suddenly splashed on the rock, and the fragments exploded.

A piece of rock hit Zhu Xuanyue's neck, and a mouth suddenly appeared on her neck, and some blood ran out of the wound, which was particularly bright on his snowy white jade neck, just like a snow white gauze. Scarlet flowers.

Zhu Xuanyue was stunned for a moment. She didn't seem to expect that Xia Lei would attack her with love, and Xia Lei's behavior made her a little stunned.But that was only a momentary pause and consternation, after which she suddenly started, rushing towards the paradise at the foot of the mountain at a faster speed.


A bullet flew over Zhu Xuanyue's shoulder and disappeared into the snow.

Zhu Xuanyue did not pause.


A bullet hit the ground in front of Zhu Xuanyue.

Zhu Xuanyue didn't even look at it and continued to sprint.On the hillside, she leaned forward and sprinted like a sprinter on the track.

After one clip hit, Zhu Xuanyue, except for the wound on his neck that was cut by rock fragments, Xia Lei, the world's most powerful sniper, didn't even hit the target.

If we just kill the goddess of suicide from another world, the enemy of all mankind in this world, and solve the crisis that can ruin human civilization, it would be too whimsical.Xia Lei did not expect to kill Zhu Xuanyue in this way, but he knew that the chance of success was zero, so he still had to try it.Even if there is only a one percent chance of success, he can't miss it.

Zhu Xuanyue has disappeared into the forest at the foot of the mountain, and the sniper rifle can no longer threaten her.Xia Lei threw away the sniper rifle, and only took a blast of assault rifle to a guardhouse on the side of the gate.The watchtower made of rock and steel is supported by a Hellfire six-barrel heavy machine gun made by the Rema Group. Its firepower is only as strong as the US-made Minnigang six-barrel heavy machine gun.

On the watchtower, Xia Lei followed the Jiujiang Hellfire six-barreled heavy machine gun to the mountain forest behind the base, and then held down his launch button.


The machine gun fired, second only to the loud sound of the machine gun that shook Xia Lei's eardrum, which made him feel a little pain.The bullets of the machine gun flew to the mountain forest at the foot of the mountain. The trees fell one by one, and even the stones were crushed.

With the power of Hellfire's multi-barreled heavy machine guns, even if it is as strong as Zhu Xuanyue, once hit by a machine gun bullet, her body will be torn apart!

In Xia Lei's field of vision, Zhu Xuanyue moved quickly to the right, and the complex terrain in the forest did not affect her speed at all.The bullets ejected from Hellfire's multi-barreled heavy machine guns chased Zhu Xuanyue, and a tree fell to the ground behind Zhu Xuanyue.Zhu Xuanyue looked a little embarrassed, but only embarrassed. Everyone in this round of attacks did not hurt her.

Several boxes of ammunition were quickly used up. If you want to continue to use Hellfire multi-barreled heavy machine guns, you will have to go back to the arsenal to move the ammunition, but Xia Lei knows clearly that Zhu Xuanyue will definitely not wait for him to replenish ammunition. Approaching, at her speed, she would intercept him when he entered the arsenal again.

When the ammunition of Hellfire's multi-barrel heavy machine gun was exhausted, Zhu Xuanyue suddenly changed direction and cut straight through the forest on the right.Her eyes were full of murderousness, and Xia Lei undoubtedly fired directly at her without saying a word, which had angered her.

Xia Lei didn't hesitate, he abandoned Hellfire's multi-barreled heavy machine gun, turned and jumped out of the watchtower.After his feet landed, his upper body leaned forward. His body was like a locomotive with a full throttle. He started with a bang, and ran to the King Fighter parked on the runway at the fastest speed with the highest horsepower.

The Yanwang fighter parked on the runway is actually the weapon he really wants to use to kill Zhu Xuanyue, and only what level of weapon is the Yanwang fighter capable of killing Zhu Xuanyue.The sniper rifle and hellfire multi-barrel heavy machine gun just now are just a prelude to paralyze Zhu Xuanyue.

If a plan is needed to kill Zhu Xuanyue, then the only King Fighter in the world is his plan.

"I must succeed! I must succeed! I only have this chance ..." Xia Lei's heart kept repeating this sentence during the rapid running, strengthening his confidence to kill Zhu Xuanyue.

The fighter jets parked on the runway are getting closer and closer, 50 meters, 30 meters ...

But when he was about to approach the King Fighter, his body suddenly hit something.That thing is soft, like a woman's chest.But the soft and invisible thing was like an invisible soft wall, and he was knocked off the ground and flew out several meters before falling.

Bang Bang Bang!

Xia Lei's response was extremely fast, and he instantly moved the muzzle of the blast assault rifle to the direction of the "soft wall", and then pulled the trigger.

Several bullets flew away, all striking the body of the King Fighter not far away.The sound of a crisp metal impact sounded, and a burst of Mars burst out, but there was no trace left on the collective of the King Fighter.

However, Xia Lei has no intention to pay attention to how good the fighter's defensive performance is. He stares nervously at the direction of the "soft wall". He can't see where there is anything, but he can feel it-Zhu Xuanyue there!

At this moment of life and death, Xia Lei suddenly thought of another existence, that is the only prehistoric.Before death, the only form of pure energy is not afraid of any physical attack. No gun in this world can hurt him.Zhu Xuanyue used to be a form of pure energy body, but she prefers a beautiful body, so she would create her own body with tranquility and Zhu Xuanyue's body in India.With the body, she is no different from the real woman, but that is also her weakness, because killing his body will hit her hard, and thus get the opportunity to completely kill her.If she can't get rid of her completely, Xia Lei also hopes that she will fall into dormancy, just like the Middle Ages, dormant for hundreds of years.But what is happening now gives a diametrically opposite signal, that is, Zhu Xuanyue has no body, and she becomes a pure energy form!

A desperate emotion suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's heart, because he could fight with the physical body, but he couldn't drink it, and Zhu Xuanyue without the body.

A cold wind suddenly blew from the direction of the King Fighter. Instead of blowing it, it was actually blowing.Xia Lei suddenly realized something, he suddenly wanted to roll over.As soon as his body left where he was, a muffled sound exploded on the ground, and a hole suddenly appeared on the concrete floor, as well as a few cracks!

Before Xia Lei stopped, the icy wind blasted over effectively with a shell.

This time Xia Lei failed to escape.


Under the tremendous impact, Xia Lei's body flew high, hitting heavily on the wings of the King Fighter a dozen meters away.At that moment, his internal organs and bones seemed to be shattered.The moment he hit his body on the concrete floor, he almost fainted.

A familiar voice came, "Don't you want to drive a fighter to kill me? Your fighter is right beside you, why don't you climb up?"

This voice was recognized as the gray Xia Lei, because it was Zhu Xuanyue's voice.She was beside him, but he couldn't see her.

"Cough ... puff!" When Xia Lei got up from the ground, he couldn't help but cough up a sip of blood.But the pain in life is far less than the inner helplessness and pain.The most powerful enemy in his life is in front of him, but he can't even see it. How can he fight with such an opponent?

"Do you want to kill me?"

"Of course." Xia Lei said: "You want to destroy this world, you even want to eat my children, why can't I kill you?"

Zhu Xuanyue's voice disappeared, and he did not continue to attack.

Xia Lei looked around, and then he felt some more carefully, but none of them had any gains.He turned his gaze to the direction of the mountain forest at the bottom of the valley, when he saw a white figure approaching here.No one else is Zhu Xuanyue.He suddenly woke up, no wonder Zhu Xuanyue did not continue to attack him because she returned to her body.

Is this still possible?

Xia Lei's heart was full of surprises and fears, "If this is the case, then she is now stronger than before! Now she can discard her body at any time and fight in the form of pure energy. My weapons and my fists can't. Hurt her, she is almost an invincible existence for me! "

Zhu Xuanyue stepped forward, the person was still that person, beautiful and sexy, but no longer had the same feeling as before.The little girl named Xia Lei as "Uncle Xia" no longer exists.In the past, Xia Lei could still feel the tranquility and ancient Kewen from her body, but now even this feeling is gone.Zhu Xuanyue, who appeared this time, even has a cold and ruthless atmosphere in his bones, which is extremely powerful!

"Do you know where I went to the first stop in Western Province?" Zhu Xuanyue's voice.

Xia Lei did not speak, just looked at her.

Zhu Xuanyue said: "I went to the snow mountain where I rescued you, Dawang Snow Mountain."

Xia Lei's heart moved, and the scene then emerged again.At that time, if it was not Zhu Xuanyue, he and Tang Yuyan would probably die on that snowy mountain.Of course, only roughly.Looking back now, why are those dangerous experiences hardening his piece?If he is destined to unlock the secrets of the Three Realms Box and Crystal Skull, the only prehistoric person may be by his side, and he can't even see it!

"What are you doing there?" Xia Lei's mouth sneered, "At this time, you mention Tidawang Snow Mountain, do you want me to thank you? Don't forget, without me, you can't wake up at all, yes I brought you to this world. "

There is no expression on Zhu Xuanyue's face, "So, you are also an accomplice in ruining this world."

"I resurrected you, you saved me, we don't owe each other. Don't mention any accomplices, I'm not the same as you. You must have some unspeakable secrets when you go to Dawang Snow Mountain?"

"There are no secrets to tell. I went to Dawang Snow Mountain just to have a last will in this dress. Gu Kewen, I think you must remember this woman. Do you know what her last will be?"

The face of a woman, the face of Gu Kewen, appeared in Xia Lei's mind.

Gu Kewen's last wish?This sentence gives a ghastly feeling.

A strange smile appeared on Zhu Xuanyue's face, "Her last wish is to go to that snowy mountain again and lie down where you held her."

Charley suddenly froze on the spot.

"She really loves you and loves the bone marrow. You killed her with your own hands, but she still wanted to go to the place where you killed her. I fulfilled her wish, which means that she was removed. The remnant in this body. You can't feel her now, right? "Zhu Xuanyue looked straight at Xia Lei, his eyes seemed to penetrate Xia Lei's body and soul.

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