Super Vision

1196 1196 Incheon Landing

Incheon, South Korea.

A speedboat drove from the other side of the digital line to Incheon Port while it was dark.There were five people on the speedboat, Giovanna and Teresa of the Gray family, Rosa and Stella of the Russo family.The other person is Xia Lei, the holy thunder in the mind of the four female knights.

The port of Incheon is quiet, and there is no light in sight, it is dark, there are no people walking, and there is no moving boat.The entire Incheon Port is like a dead place, without any vitality.

Giovanna put down the telescope with night vision function in her hand, "Holy Thunder, can't see a person, this place seems like hell, are you sure we want to land?"

Xia Lei said: "It's not us, it's me. After you put me down, you have to leave, wait for my notice and come to meet me."

"San Lei, this place is dangerous, you should take us with us." Stella said, her eyes full of worry.

"Holy Thunder, don't worry, we carry the cross and the Bible, and the devil cannot get close to us," Rosa said.

Theresa is even more exaggerated. She drew out a saber, which is a silver knight one-handed sword, "Holy Thunder, look at me with a silver sword of exorcism, the demon does not dare to approach us. If There are demons near us, and I will use my silver sword to cut off their heads. "

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "The Bible, the Cross, the Silver Sword? Do you think this is a movie? I tell you that the place I am going to is the infected area of ​​the Hell Dog virus. The people here have been infected by the virus. They Not demons, they are more fierce than beasts. The so-called exorcism tools in your hands are useless. Listen to my arrangement, leave here, and wait for my notice to answer me. "

Giovanna said, "But ..."

Xia Lei interrupted her, "Don't talk anymore, listen to my arrangement. If you don't listen to my arrangement, then I won't take you to any action in the future."

The four female knights, look at me, and I look at you. They must be unwilling in their hearts, but Xia Lei said so, and they couldn't stick anymore.

Ten minutes later, the speedboat entered Incheon Port. The speedboat stopped at the pier, but did not turn off.

Xia Lei carried his equipment bag to the pier of Incheon Port, and Giovanna drove the speedboat to the other side of the digital line.They executed Xia Lei's order, they will wait for Xia Lei's notice on the other side of the digital line, and then come to answer him.

Xia Lei saw Qiao Fanna go away until he could no longer see the speedboat before he turned around and walked towards the direction of downtown Incheon.The reason why he did not bring them is simple, because he knows how powerful hell dog virus infected people are, and even a certain number of them even run away, not to mention the four women.

The last time he came to Incheon, he drove the Kunpeng bomber, and in a very arrogant manner, he destroyed the U.S. and South Korean military exercises of the Freedom Guardian.At that time, his purpose was to deter South Korea from allowing the United States to build the Sade anti-missile system in South Korea.This time, his purpose was not to deter anyone, but to investigate.

Xia Lei obtained a very important piece of information from Kestin's mouth, that is, Yixi Tabu asked Kesting to put an energy bar in the city of Incheon.He had to find the energy bar, and then investigate Yisitabu's plan.He had a hunch that the six measuring rods still played a very important role in Isitab's plan.The six measuring rods may be the root of Isitab ’s transformation of this world into a hunting ground. He must investigate.

Going along the road of the port, there are several bodies lying on the side of the road. The bodies have been gnawed by the people of the Hell Dog virus.The corpses were highly decaying, exuding a strong stench.A group of flies eat and ovulate on the corpse. For humans, this is the end of the world. For them, this is a gourmet party.

Buzz ...

The flies eating on the body found Xia Lei, and they suddenly flew from the body and rushed at Xia Lei.Hundreds and thousands of flies swept over like a dark cloud, and the speed was so fast that they blinked close to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei thought these flies were just ordinary flies, but he didn't find out until the flies flew in front of him-these flies were also infected with hell dog virus!

The eyes of these flies are no longer green but blood red, and their skin is also the bloody skin of people infected with Hellhound virus, and there are also fish-scale scales on it, which look particularly grim and particularly weird, as if from Flies flying out!

Bloody flies infected with the Hell Dog virus, this strange thing feels sick at first glance, not to mention entangled with them.

Buzz ...

The bloody fly surrounded Xia Lei.

Xia Lei took off his clothes and waved vigorously, rushing towards the city of Incheon while driving away the bloody flies.

The flies that he had drawn fell on the ground, but in a blink of an eye they flew up again to chase Xia Lei.Their bodies are made of stone and steel, very hard.

Even the flies have become so perverted after being infected with the Hell Dog Virus. South Korea is only a sea away from China, and it cannot prevent the Hell Dog Virus from invading.Murphy's law is fulfilled once again, and the event always goes in the worst direction.

The flies infected with the hell dog virus were left behind by Xia Lei, and the urban area of ​​Incheon was getting closer.More corpses and infected people with Hellhound virus appeared on the road.Xia Lei did not try to open it, and tried to get rid of it if he could not avoid it.

Entering the urban area, the number of people infected with the Hell Dog virus has increased.Xia Lei found a buggy and drove forward.

Some Hell Dog Virus Infectors chased the off-road vehicle he was driving, and Xia Lei increased the speed to 80 yards before throwing them away.

Xia Lei had no driving lights, and the car was aimlessly driving on the dark streets.The news said that the South Korean military blocked most of Incheon, but Xia Lei did not see any South Korean military perform the blockade.He felt that there was no living person in the whole city of Incheon except for those infected with the Hell Dog Virus.This place is a hell on earth.

Seeing such Incheon, Xia Lei could not imagine how many cities would become such a human hell if hell dog virus invaded China.He was scared to think about that scene.

Will the world really be destroyed?

A beam of light suddenly entered Xia Lei's field of vision, which interrupted Xia Lei's thoughts.Looking around, he soon saw a middle-aged man, a woman and a child.These three people seem to be a family.A middle-aged man waved a flashlight in his hand to call for help in a certain direction, while his wife was holding a mobile phone and making a call.

The lights soon attracted people infected with the Hell Dog Virus on the street. Dozens of people infected with the Hell Dog Virus rushed into the building and climbed up the stairs from the stairs.

Xia Lei kicked the throttle and rushed down to the office building.He got out of the car and climbed up the stairs with his equipment bag.He actually didn't care about the life and death of the three Koreans. The reason why he decided to save the three Koreans was because the three Koreans were the only living people he saw.The three Koreans may know something. He wants to get some useful information from their mouths.

Hell dog virus infected people are very fast, and when Xia Lei catches up with them, they have already climbed onto the rooftop and are preparing to attack the three Koreans.

The emergence of Xia Lei was suddenly discovered by the group of hell dog virus infected people, and at least half of the hell dog virus infected people rushed at him.

Roar!A Hell Dog Virus Infector rose into the air and opened his blood basin to bite at Xia Lei's neck.

Xia Lei banged up with one punch, he avoided the big mouth of Hellhound virus, and punched red on the forehead of those infected with Hellhound virus.

Click!With the sound of a broken bone, the forehead of the Hellhound virus-infected person suddenly exploded, and the brain tissue inside his head flew out in the direction of Xia Lei's fist impact.At that moment, it was like the shell of the hell dog virus-infected person who was bombarded by a cannonball, and his head was exploded in an instant.

During this time I ate so much milk, and the effect I received was remarkable.His punch has at least a thousand pounds of strength, which was unthinkable before.

Whoosh!Another hellish dog virus rushed up from the side.Xia Lei didn't pause at all, swinging his left arm, his left fist hit the hell dog virus infected chest.

Boom!With a muffled voice, the body of the Hell Dog Virus Infector flew up and flew out of the rooftop after a distance of more than ten meters.The impression is that he was not hit by a fist, but suffered a car accident on the highway.

However, no matter how fierce Xia Lei behaves, those who are infected with Hell Dog Virus don't know the fear at all.On the contrary, Xia Lei's toughness seemed to inspire their animal nature. They gave up the three Koreans and swarmed at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei had a gun, but he did not use it, because the sound of the gun may attract more people infected with the Hell Dog Virus, and may even be discovered by soldiers in South Korea or the United States, causing unnecessary trouble.And he has a simpler and more direct solution to the problem, that is, the energy field of the imprinting power energy.

Faced with the attack of so many Hell Dog Virus Infectors, he could not use the energy field of the imprinting energy.

The energy field of the branding energy energy is released, covering a range of tens of meters square.

The first hell dog virus infected person who fell on him fell to the ground, and then one by one lost all his vitality. The dead dog generally lay on the ground.They are really fierce, but in front of Xia Lei they are like wild deer or wild boar in the hunting ground, and Xia Lei is a hunter, they are just delicious food.

Compared with the difficult predation process of the first time facing the hell dog virus infected person, this time it was much easier to face dozens of hell dog virus infected person Xia Lei. He shuttled before the hell dog virus infected person Go, use your fists to blast away those who are infected with the hell dog virus, and then eat them.This time he faced the Hell Dog Virus Infector, and his predatory actions seemed to be easy.

It seems that the milk of those people during this time is not in vain!

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