Super Vision

1206 1206 Battle of the Blind

"If you want to kill me, you have to do it yourself." Xia Lei said.

A slim figure appeared from the darkness, and the money came to Xia Lei.But she is not a real person, because she has no body.It's just that she can be seen from the luminescent white energy body characteristics, and the curves of her chest and buttocks are very obvious.But to say that she is a woman, she seems reluctant, because her face is like a shelled egg, very smooth, without facial features.

It is indeed Ysitabu, and Xia Lei has seen her true face in the paradise.

"What are they?" Xia Lei pointed at a large group of identical Kirsten and tried out the tunnel.

"They are soldiers, soldiers of the Black Moon Legion." Isitab's voice, "In my world, I am a general, and I lead the Black Moon Legion."

"You set up the Black Moon Legion in Asia, what do you want to do?" Charlie suddenly became nervous.These Kristin Kron warriors are not afraid of death, and they have no fear of death at all. If you arm them, I am afraid that the world's most powerful special forces are not their opponents!

"Hehehe ..." Isitab smiled, "What do I want to do? Did you know that this world will become our hunting ground early in the morning. However, before my compatriots arrive, I will build a safe place for them Environment, after all, our number is too small, and we can no longer bear a lot of casualties. And you are too much, and some of your weapons also pose a certain threat to us, so I want to first make the strongest in the world The destruction of a large army will cleanse the world. "

The most powerful army has few countries that meet this standard. The United States is clearly ranked first, followed by China and then Russia.If we continue to rank, Germany, Britain and France will also be selected.But Xia Lei is only concerned with China, because Yixi Tabu has set up the base for "production" soldiers in South Korea, which is close to China.

"Purify? Huh! Speaking so elegantly, you are just a butcher. Your population is so small, don't you want to think about why? I think it's retribution." Xia Lei said.

"Retribution? Ha ha." Isitab said disdainfully: "You can't change anything at all, Xia Lei, no matter how hard you struggle, you have to accept your destiny. This world also has its destiny, everything is destined."

Xia Lei sneered, "I'm desperate, I can't help it, let alone you."

Isitab in the void suddenly disappeared and could no longer be seen.Her body will glow. It seems to be a phenomenon that appears only when she is willing to show up. If she doesn't want to show up, then she will be invisible like a ball of air.

Perspective has no effect, and the energy field of the branding power is also disturbed. Xia Lei closed his eyes altogether, elevating his binaural abilities to the extreme, and no subtle sound can escape his binaural capture.

The ears of the blind are far more sensitive than the ears of normal people. If normal people close their eyes, their hearing will also be improved a little.In this dark environment, the light from the glow stick that fell on the ground can be ignored.Since this is the case, he simply closed his eyes and fought Isitab only by hearing!

An icy force suddenly rushed from the left side of the body, and Xia Lei reacted to avoidance while capturing the faint sound in both ears.His upper body leaned forward, his feet kicked on the ground, his body was like an arrow shot off the string, and swooped to a place ten meters away.


A corpse lying on the ground was shocked by energy and burst.At that moment, the flesh and flesh of internal organs flew from the ground, and then fell to different places.


Every impact of Yisitabu brings the general power of a grenade explosion, but every Xia Lei escaped ahead of schedule, unscathed!

"Your speed is faster and your skills are stronger than before." In the darkness, Yisitabu appeared again, and she looked at Xia Lei with strange eyes. "There are some places on your body that I can't understand. ,what happened?"

Xia Lei looked at the direction of the voice, "What do you want to say?"

Yixi Tabu did not speak, she looked at Xia Lei, her eyes seemed to penetrate Xia Lei everything.

Xia Lei actually knew exactly what happened to him, that is, he became normal and became stronger under normal conditions.He is also very clear about the reason for this change, that is, he is feeding.But he will not tell Ysitab the secret.

"You didn't prey on a large scale, but you were much stronger than the last time you played against me. What happened to you?" Isitab asked the same question.

Xia Lei said: "Why should I tell you? Let ’s do this, let's exchange their secrets. You tell me what you and Casia Ruiz want from me, and you and Casia Ruiz both regard I am a pawn. You say my fate, what is my fate? Tell me this, and I will tell you what happened to me. "

"I said very clearly, you will know when the time comes, now I will not tell you anything."

Xia Lei shrugged. "So sorry, I won't tell you anything."

"I'll take it myself." Yisitabu said coldly: "The last time you used the box of the world to force me back, I don't know if you brought it with you this time?"

Xia Lei said: "I come to your site, of course I have to do some preparations. Are you afraid of the box of the world? Of course I have to carry it on my body."

Of course, the box of the world is not on her. He cannot come to Incheon, South Korea with such important things, because this is the world of Hellhound virus infected people.If he loses the box of the world, then he may lose the value of "chess pieces". How will Yistab and Cassie deal with him?This is the consequence of his absolute reluctance to face.

"You're lying to me." Yisitabu said: "If you take it with you, you just took it out, didn't you?"

Xia Lei said slightly: "You won't kill me, right?"

Yixi Tabu suddenly disappeared.

A strong wind rushed across the face, this time obviously much faster than the previous few times.Xia Lei caught the sound of the airflow, and a powerful energy shock had reached his chest.It was too late to escape, and Xia Leimeng lifted his fists in a hurry and threw up.

boom!A dull sound rang in the dark space.

Xia Lei's body flew upside down steeply, but he didn't fly far, but stopped just a few meters away.His internal organs rolled in a burst, almost spitting out blood.His strength is still much weaker than Isitab, but he has made significant progress compared to the first time.The first time he had no chance to fight back, Yisitabu's first shot made him vomit blood, but no, he just felt some pain and discomfort, and was not injured!

The wind is rising again, this time from the side, faster than the last time!

Is this the true strength of Isitab?

Xia Lei didn't know. What he knew was that he couldn't dodge at all.But he wasn't standing and beaten. His body flew backwards suddenly, his feet lifted from the ground, and he kicked towards the energy body of Isitab who was rushing towards him.


Another dull impact sound, the energy impact produced by the impact shocked the ground, and the glass containers in the dark space shook.However, it was Xia Lei who was hit the most. This time his body flew out like a cannonball and hit the wall before falling.

As soon as Xia Lei's throat was salty, he almost spit out blood, but in the end he suppressed it.At that time, his hands waved forward, and two cylindrical high-explosive grenades flew in the direction of Isitab attacking him.

He was n’t sure that Isitab was still in that direction, but he still threw his grenade, but his motive was not to kill Isitab, thinking that he knew very well that physical attacks had no effect on Isitab.His motive was the alloy door, and the group of Kristin Kron standing not far away.

Two grenades rolled in the air.

Yixi Tabu suddenly appeared, wrapped the high-explosive grenade flying towards the alloy door, and then pressed it to the ground.



Two high-explosive grenades exploded at almost the same time.

Yisitabu's body was torn into pieces by the explosive shock wave of the high-explosive grenades. The high-explosive grenades she wrapped and pressed under her did not blow up the alloy door, but opened a transparent pit on the floor !

The high-explosive grenade that flew towards the group of Kristin Kron also exploded.At that moment, the arms, thighs, kidneys, and intestines flew in the air, and then fell to the ground.The location of the explosion was near a window. The tempered glass window of that window was also shattered. Some glass fragments fell into the dark space, and some flew out of the building before falling.

The window opened, but strangely, facing the empty window, Xia Lei could not see the image of the building opposite!The mysterious energy field still envelopes this black building like a cover, it isolates the outside world, and also makes the inside of this building a huge prison!

The crushed body of Isitab condenses in the void, and turns into an egg head, the pure energy body of the beauty body.Her body was not hurt at all, as was the grenade, and I am afraid that she was bombarded with cannon.

"You actually want to destroy my base, are you afraid that I will kill you?" Isitab's voice was filled with anger and hatred.

Xia Lei said: "I am a piece between you and Cassia Ruiz. I haven't produced any value for this piece. Are you willing to kill me? I'm leaving now, closing the energy field here and letting me leave. "

"Hahaha ..." Isitab laughed.

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