Super Vision

1210 Chapter 1210 Yixi Tabu's Memory

After a second.

"Ah?" With a scream, Yixitab's mouth also left Xia Lei's lips.Her small mouth opened into a zero shape, and with her surprisingly large eyes and small nose, her face suddenly turned into a wonderful expression.

Xia Lei moved again.

"Don't!" Ysitab roared, her fists suddenly raised, and then hit Xia Lei's chest.

Xia Lei's chest made a boring sound, and severe pain came, almost making him breathless.But it was just pain and concussion, and his bones and internal organs were not damaged.This is the attack of Yixi Tabu, he suddenly found that Yixi Tabu became very unstable under such circumstances, and it was not as powerful as it was just now.

Such a thing looks incredible, but it is inevitable if you analyze it carefully.The reason is very simple. Isitab is a pure energy body. She is clean and spotless, but after that thing enters her body, her cleanness and purity disappear.Not only that, but there is a little more in her pure energy body, and the structure becomes unstable.

This kind of thing is nothing to ordinary women, let alone one hundred times, but it is fatal to Yisitabu, because Xia Lei ’s violation not only destroyed her The balance of the pure energy body also brought her emotional shock, desire shock, and strong sensory stimulation!And these things are exactly what she can't have or experience!

The dad once told him that to improve his evolution, he must abandon all emotions and become indifferent, even to achieve no matter how important relatives and friends are to kill, kill without any hesitation!At that time, he scoffed at his father's claims, and even felt that his father was suspected of being alarmist, but now he found out that what he said was true.Once it evolves into a pure energy body, sensory stimulation, and erotic things that are very good for normal people, it becomes a deadly virus!

For Xia Lei, the feeling is unprecedented and extremely novel.He was like a deer deeply trapped in the world of the second dimension, bouncing on the soft grass and swimming in the spring pond under the cold moonlight.Sometimes he even thinks he is a bee, picking nectar greedily.Her body seems to be a wonderful world, this world is full of various unknown things, each deep understanding will bring a wonderful and novel feeling, so that he has an illusion, that is, he and Isita The soul of cloth is combined.

In fact, this is not an illusion, because Yisitabu itself is a pure energy body, in a sense, she is a soul without a body.What he did to her, of course, was combined with her soul.

"No! No--" Yisitabu yelled wildly, her double fist raindrops usually hit Xia Lei's chest and face.Xia Lei's chest turned into a drum, which was knocked by her.His face was also beaten up by her nose, and her face was swollen, looking like a pig's head, and she couldn't be handsome anymore.

However, Xia Lei insisted on clenching his teeth.He mobilizes the energy of the imprinting force in his body to resist, to avoid damage to the internal organs and brain.At the same time, he always held Yixi Tabu firmly, otherwise she fled.Under normal circumstances, if Yisitabu wants to avoid, she will disappear in one swish.But this time she couldn't do it because her pure energy body became unstable and uncontrollable!She can only hit Xia Lei with her fist like an ordinary woman, but her power is getting smaller and smaller, and she is getting more and more chaotic herself!

Xia Lei's invasion of her really seemed to be an invasion of the flu virus. After being infected with the flu virus, people will become weak and dizzy. Even the toughest people will lie down, and even walking will be a problem.This is the case for her. She wanted to eat Xia Lei when she was alive and well, but at this time she was like a weak girl who was facing a pervert alone.

Yi Xitab's double fist still stubbornly hit Xia Lei's chest, cheeks and head, but the sound is getting smaller and smaller, and what scares her even more is that her pure energy body actually has temperature!

Xia Lei's still did not let go of her. If this could make Yisitabu die, then he would continue even if he gave up his life!Without Isitab, there would be no hell dog virus, and no one like her would come to the world to hunt.His wife and children will live a peaceful life.Although without him, it is better than being eaten as food?

After a few minutes, Isitab was completely quiet, not struggling.

Xia Lei is just the opposite. He is in a state of vigorousness.He did not stop the invasion of Isitab, and he also felt that her pure energy body gradually became warm.And at that wonderful temperature, her pure energy body is slowly diluting, getting lighter and thinner.

"Is she really going to die? Then die!" Xia Lei said secretly.Thinking of her suffering in bringing this world and what she did to him, there was no mercy in his heart.

Not only did he want to kill her, he also wanted the secret in her brain!

The energy of the branding force quietly wrapped Yisitabu to capture her brain waves.The chaotic Isitab couldn't stop Xia Lei's invasion. Her brain was like a room, but the door was opened by Xia Lei with a key.

A picture appeared in Xia Lei's brain. It was a brown planet with no blue oceans or dense forests, and huge mountains and deserts all made up.It is huge, 100 times as large as the earth, but it has no vitality.

"Is that her hometown?" Xia Lei had a thought in her heart.

The picture suddenly changed, and a young girl entered the image in her brain.She was running desperately in a canyon, but she couldn't see anything chasing her behind.She looked like a frightened bird, running and running.Xia Lei's thinking was slightly adjusted, and the girl's face was more clearly shown in his simulated image. Her eyes were surprisingly large, and the deep blue and black pupils looked so special, and she Little nose and mouth ... isn't this Isitab?

Why should she run away?Is there something chasing her?

A black flying object appeared in the canyon. Its shape resembled a plate and its surface was very smooth.

"Is that flying ... UFO? Did the ancient UFO design on the rock murals have caused the flying saucer to appear in Yisitabu?" Xia Lei's brain hole was torn.

Just in Xia Lei's imagination, Yisitabu of girlhood stumbled beside the black flying object on the runway.The hatch opened downwards and turned into a spiral slant upward.She did not stay at all, and rushed up in one breath.The door closed automatically after she went up, and the image in Xia Lei's brain became the image inside the flying object.

The space inside the flying object is large, there is a cockpit, and there are some devices that do not know the purpose.One of the capsule-shaped devices looks a lot like a dorm room in a science fiction movie, but that is just a guess made by Xia Lei based on the shape, not the answer.

The big-eyed girl fell into the cockpit. She muttered to herself, "Dead, all dead ... Why? Why? Why should we do this to us?"

A synthesized voice appeared in the cockpit. It used the same language as the big-eyed girl in the bronze book. "Master, Vanilla is on standby. Will you take off?"

"Take off, coordinate setting!" The big-eyed girl climbed up from the ground.

A three-dimensional starry sky image appeared in front of her. Stars shone in the void, and the nebula was bright and colorful.The three-dimensional starry sky map is constantly moving, and one galaxy is passing by another, which is dazzling.As for the galaxies that flicker, Xia Lei is certain that they have never appeared in the human astronomical history, and those galaxies are unreachable by humans.

After a flicker, the starry sky suddenly stopped, and the big-eyed girl pointed at a blue planet with pale fingers.At a glance, Xia Lei's heart shook, it was the earth.

The voice of the big-eyed three girls, "Give me the information about this asteroid."

The synthesized voice sounded, "Sorry, Master, this is a very primitive planet with no relevant information."


Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded, and the saucer suddenly shook violently.

The girl panicked, "Come! Come! Take off! Coordinate setting ..."

The dish-shaped flying object made a roaring sound, and the legs of the big-eyed girl shook, but it stood firm for a long time.Just then, a white light bloomed in the cockpit.A hand suddenly caught white light, grabbed the big-eyed girl's neck, and stuffed a shiny mineral-like thing into the big-eyed girl's mouth.The glittering mineral-like powder melted in the blink of an eye and entered the body of the big-eyed girl.

A strange voice came from the white light, it was a man's voice, it was powerful and mysterious, penetrating.But Xia Lei didn't understand what he was talking about, it was a language he had never been in contact with.

The white light disappeared, but it was not that the white light disappeared from the dish-shaped flying object, but that the big-eyed girl fainted.Xia Lei didn't know what the man did, or what happened later, because Yisitabu's memory ended here.

Maybe it was because of the tension, or maybe because I wanted Tabita to die. When the white light disappeared, Xia Lei's body shuddered a few times, and then stopped.The terrible memory of Isitab was interrupted, and he was over.

Just as Xia Lei was about to steal more memories and devour her, Yisitabu suddenly opened her big eyes.

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