Super Vision

1212 Question 1212

The dawn of dawn dispelled the darkness, and the light returned to the earth. This city is generally silent, without any vitality.

Xia Lei opened his eyes, and after a short sleep, his body returned to normal, and his spirit was in a state of vigour and fullness.The wounds on his back were all right, and all the wounds were scarred.He tentatively peeled off a scar, and then he found that the scar was white and delicate skin, not like wounded skin at all, let alone scars, there were no traces of scars.

What happened last night flashed through my mind one by one, fighting Yixi Tabu's death, and what happened with Yixi Tabu, and the Kelong people in the flesh, all this It seems so unreal, it feels like an absurd dream.He had a dream all night last night, and now he is awake.That's how it feels.

However, when she saw Song Yinxiao's white sports bikini shorts she was wearing, Xia Lei couldn't help but a bit of a wry smile came out, because this tight white sports bikini shorts is evidence, as long as it has Existence, what happened last night is not a dream.It brought him back to reality.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to Quan Zixian and Song Yinxiao. They were opposite him and were sleeping in the corridor like him.Quan Zixian turned his back to him, lying on his side, the curve of the waist and hips was a perfect wavy curve, from low to high, and then from high to bottom.The short skirt was pressed against her waist.Because there was no cloth from her waist and no one coded her, the snow-white and non-snow-white landscapes were so naturally exposed in the air that he could do whatever he wanted.

In Song Yinxiao's posture of sleeping against the wall of the hallway, tilting his head and stretching his legs, and if the long white leg of the white body measures the gap in the middle with a ruler, it is definitely 45 degrees.But her short skirt was crumpled and crumpled ...

Such Song Yin laughs, what other secrets does she have?

There was a fire rising in Xia Lei's lower abdomen, a flame burning slowly but hard to be extinguished.Every morning is the time when a man is most energetic, and the reaction to stimulation at this time is also intense.Looking at the white sports bikini that was becoming tighter and smaller, Xia Lei quickly turned his attention.He dare not look at it anymore. If he looks at it again, he will not be able to control the little Warcraft in his body.He got up from the ground, but did not wake Song Yinxiao and Quan Zixian, he walked to the other side of the corridor.As he walked, he peered into the rooms on both sides of the corridor.Soon he found a wardrobe in a lounge on the left, which contained some clothes.A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he hurried over.

Wearing a woman's sports bikini shorts and facing two Korean beauties, such a thing is always embarrassing. He doesn't want to go out like this.If Giovanna saw the four of them or was photographed by someone, he would be destroyed here.

But before he walked to the door of the lounge, there was a voice of Song Yinxiao behind him, full of tension, "Mr. Xia, are you going to abandon us?"

"Mr. Xia, please don't abandon us." This is Quan Zixian's voice, she cried, "You promised us, we will also give you ... milking!"

Woman!With a sigh in Xia Lei's heart, he turned back and said, "I'm just going to find a dress, and I'll take you out of here when I change my clothes."

"Then, then we will watch you change." Song Yin laughed and climbed up from the ground.

Quan Zixian also climbed up, followed Song Yin with a nervous look and walked here.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, he walked into the lounge, and then took out the clothes he had just seen and fancy from the closet.That is a set of tennis clothes and shoes.If you can have a lounge in an office building like this, the level of the owner of this office will certainly not be low.Nowadays, men with a little identity and achievements like to play golf and tennis, not just to exercise, but more because of communication.I don't know when it started. Golf and tennis have been labeled as noble sports.

Xia Lei didn't have time to put on his tennis clothes. Song Yinxiao and Quan Zixian walked in, staring at him, fearing that he would run through the window and throw them here.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "I really just change clothes, I won't leave you behind, would you please avoid it, OK?"

"Then we just don't look at it." Song Yin smiled and turned to stare at the glass window of the lounge.

Quan Zixian did the same thing, staring directly at the glass window.On the dark glass window, Xia Lei's projection appeared very clear.

The two women seemed to be facing a TV, and they were waiting for the midnight show to begin.

The careful thoughts of the two Korean beauties could cheat Xia Lei's golden eyes and fire eyes. He just saw the sound of Song Yinxiao and Quan Zixian in the glass window with excitement and expectation. They were waiting. He took off that dirty white sports bikini shorts.But even if she knew what they were thinking, Xia Lei was too lazy to bother.He slipped off his white sports bikini shorts and threw it at Song Yinxiao.

The white sports bikini shorts fluttered twice in the air, and then landed right on Song Yinxiao's head.

"Mr. Xia, you ..." Song Yin smiled and grabbed the white sports bikini, then looked back at Xia Lei.She was unable to find a reason to look back. Xia Lei did this because she did not watch the projection and watch the live broadcast.

"Give it back to you," Xia Lei said while wearing pants.He turned his backs on two women, they couldn't see!

The two women immediately frowned.

Xia Lei quickly got his body in place, and he was handsome and sunny in his tennis clothes, and his upright posture was full of vitality.In the end he put the white tennis cap on his head and said, "Come on, I will take you out of here now."

Song Yinxiao and Quan Zixian recovered, and followed Xia Lei out.

Xia Lei glanced at the white sports bikini shorts that Song Yinxiao was holding, "That, Miss Song, why don't you put it on?"

"I ... keep it as a commemoration." Song Yin smiled blushing, and then added a smile, "Mr. Xia Lei, chairman of the Lehma Group, walked through my shorts, and these shorts have supreme value . "

Xia Lei, "..."

It's good at patting.This is also the smart point of Song Yinxiao. When she leaves here safely, if you do some hype, her popularity will soar.Who is Xia Lei?Xia Lei is the only person in the world who dares to challenge the United States head-on!His prestige can be thousands of times higher than those of the so-called first-line big-name stars. There is a scandal with him, and her popularity will fly on the rocket!

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and said secretly in his heart: "When you leave here, you must hypnotize them and let them forget everything that happened."

Entering the corridor, Xia Lei picked an M4A1 assault rifle and several magazines.He also asked Song Yinxiao and Quan Zixian to take their guns and magazines, but he didn't let them take assault rifles, because the recoil was too great, and he worried that they could not control them.Once the gun was fired, it was possible that he would n’t kill the people infected with the Hellhound virus, but injured him by mistake, so he picked them up and took them with a smaller recoil.

The three entered the stairs and walked down.The stairwell did not encounter the Hellhound virus infected person. It was smooth along the way. When entering the hall at the bottom of the building, a dozen Hellhound virus infected people suddenly found three people and then swarmed.

Bang Bang Bang!

Under tension, Song Yinxiao and Quan Zixian fired, but the bullets they shot did not have several targets, all hitting the floor and the wall.

The gunshots attracted people outside the Hellhound virus infection, and more people infected with the Hellhound virus rushed in through the door.Some were particularly hungry and even directly smashed the windows, stepping on the glass shards to charge the three.For a time, a large crowd of people infected with Hellhorse virus in the hall squeezed towards the stairs, and the number was innumerable.

Yesterday, there were tens of thousands of hell dog virus infected people. After Xia Lei destroyed the base of Isitab, the people infected with the hell dog virus gathered here dispersed, but there are at least thousands of hell dog viruses. Infected people are moving around here and have not gone far.Now, the sudden sound of gunshots attracted them, and the scene suddenly lost control.Xia Lei's plan was to pass this central area carefully and then proceed to Incheon Port, but did not expect such a change to happen because of the two women's brazen behavior.

In the hall, the tide of people infected with the Hell Dog Virus generally flowed to the stairs.

Bang Bang Bang!

Xia Lei also shot, one shot, one bullet wasted.But the number of people infected with the Hellhound virus was too much. He shot a bullet and the formation of the charge of the Hellhound virus infected person did not even slow down.


A very strong black infected person jumped up and pressed Xia Lei from the air.

Xia Lei has completed the movement to change the magazine, but he did not shoot.He kicked him up against the black infected person, slammed, and the black infected person weighing at least 180 pounds flew into the group of people infected with the Hellhound virus like a weightless pillow. In the past, wow la la knocked down a large film!

Song Yinxiao and Quan Zixian looked at Xia Lei dumbfounded, couldn't believe their eyes.The feeling for them is that Xia Lei is not an ordinary person at all, but the Asian version of Hulk Hulk.

"Why are you still standing? Go up!" Xia Lei turned back and shouted.

Song Yinxiao and Quan Zixian woke up and turned and ran up.As they climbed the stairs, their short skirts jumped up and down, and every time they jumped, they showed a large piece of plump snow, which was really beautiful.

These two elements are mixed together in the ass of the terrible hell dog virus infection and the South Korean beauty star. The style is really messy.

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