Super Vision

1216 Chapter 1216 Thunder Strikes Back

The King Fighter landed in a field.Xia Lei took Quan Zixian and Song Yinxiao from the back seat of the cockpit and put it on a meadow.

They slept peacefully, the gentle moonlight falling on them, but their thighs were whiter than the moonlight.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the distance. There was a highway in the distance. Occasionally vehicles passed through the highway, and the light of the lights could be seen from afar.Farther away is Seoul, the capital of South Korea, which is brightly lit and bustling.

He put Quan Zixian and Song Yinxiao here, they can walk on the road on foot, and then take a car to Seoul.This is the best arrangement, and there is no better arrangement than this.He promised them to bring them back to China, but that was just a good lie, and he would never realize it.

"Goodbye." Xia Lei reached out and touched the cheeks of Song Yinxiao and Quan Zixian, and then climbed into the cockpit of the King Fighter, started the fighter, and flew in the direction of China.

After the King Fighter left, the two women woke up.

"Why am I here?" Quan Zixian looked at the field in front with surprise.

"Yeah, me, why are we here?" Song Yinxiao also expressed a shocked expression.

Then the two women found themselves in a mess, no panties, buttocks dirty, and thighs dirty, but these were not things that scared them, they were scared that their abundance was actually Milk is flowing!

"How can I have milk?"

"How do I know that I have milk too ..."

"Damn, I can't remember anything!"

"I must have happened, what must have happened! Ah! I'm crazy, how can I have milk!" Quan Zixian rubbed his hair and lost control.

The two little Korean cows can no longer remember the man who rescued them.

In the sky, Xia Lei, who was driving the King Fighter, didn't have the pleasure to escape.

This time although he destroyed the base of Isitab, or even surprisingly contaminated the pure energy body of Isitab, that was not the destruction of Isitab. He was sure that Isitab would make a comeback. You will face the thunderous anger of Isitab!

Also, he is getting closer and closer to his deadline, but until now he has n’t figured out what Casia Ruiz wants from him, that guy has n’t appeared until now, about that guy All motives can only be guesses.

Xia Lei's mind cannot prevent the memory stolen from Isitab's brain, the chased girl, and the arm protruding from the white light curtain, and the arm The owner forcibly shoved the slightly glowing mineral powder-like substance into Isitab ’s mouth ...

Xia Lei's thinking suddenly stopped here, and he secretly said in his heart: "What did that hand stuff into Isitab's mouth? Is it the AE capsule I have eaten? It looks very similar! But this How is it possible? If Isitab's evolution was also derived from AE capsules, wouldn't her clan have not reached the level of her evolution? Maybe her clan has a real body? "

Although this is only a guess based on that memory, there is no evidence to prove it, but the possibility of such a guess is very great!

"Yes, this is probably the case! If her people are very powerful pure energy bodies like her, she doesn't need to build any Black Moon Legion to destroy the most powerful army in the world. She said that her The clan is already very scarce, and she ca n’t afford another blow. She wants to create a safe environment for her clan! Also, Casia Ruiz once said that her biggest wish is to rebuild their civilization! " Thinking of Xia Lei's mood here, she finally felt a little happy. She always believed that Yixi Tabu's clan, like Yixi Tabu, were extremely powerful pure energy bodies, not afraid of any physical attacks.But if her people also have flesh and blood, it means that they can be eliminated, and it is not very difficult to achieve this with the performance of weapons on earth.

It now appears that he only needs to kill Isitab and destroy her energy bar to help the world survive the crisis!

"Xiaoqian!" Xia Lei shouted.

Xiao Qian appeared in the cockpit, she yawned in her pajamas, "Master, what's the matter, people are sleeping, yawn ..."

"You will be sleepy?" Xia Lei was speechless.

"Of course, people are girls, girls are sleepy." Super Xiaoqian said.

Some lies tell you that you will believe it.Xia Lei designed her to be too perfect, with a humanity almost comparable to real people.It is for this reason that she has no real body to satisfy her desire to become a real woman through such words and deeds.In the final analysis, Xia Lei blamed himself, not Super Xiaoqian.

Xia Lei did not want to talk to Super Xiaoqian, he said: "You act immediately, whether you use our spy satellites or spy satellites hacking into other countries, in short, I want you to use all available channels to transfer Information on the outbreak areas of the Hell Dog Virus in Nigeria, India and Mexico, I want to find the base of Isitab. "

"The virus outbreaks in Nigeria, India and Mexico are all blocked. It is not difficult to obtain relevant information. But master, what do you plan to do after you find it?" Super Xiaoqian asked.

Xia Lei said: "You hacked into their defense system and fired missiles to blow up the base of Isitab. If you can't hack in and fire the missiles, then send our Kunpeng bombers to bomb, in short, destroy the base of Isitab."

"Wow!" Super Xiaoqian snapped her fingers, but there was no voice. "Received!"

There was a terrifying light in Xia Lei's eyes. He contaminated Yixi Tabu. She is now in a period of chasing weakness. This is a precious opportunity to fight back-let her die while she is sick!

The King Fighter did not land at the military base in Weihai, but flew directly back to Kyoto.

When I returned to the Kyoto headquarters of the Reima Group, the sky was still bright.

Xia Lei returned to Ping'an, and came to Fanfan's room without taking a bath.His arrival awakened Fan Fan, but his baby daughter Xia Jianghe was still sleeping in her small bed.

"Husband." Fan Fan got up from the bed.

Xia Lei sat by the bed and opened the door, saying: "I have investigated it clearly, you hear what I said, then sort out what I told you and submit it."

"Well." Fanfan was completely sleepless.

Xia Lei said slowly, "There was CIA participation behind the incident of the Hell Dog Virus in Incheon, South Korea. I saw Williams, the person in charge of the CIA in Incheon ..."

Three days later.

A black Big Mac took off from the Rema Group and took advantage of the night to enter the Indian neckline and dropped a lot of bombs in a satellite city in New Delhi.The target of the bombing was a building, and tens of thousands of people infected with the Hellhound virus gathered around the building.

The bomb that fell from the sky destroyed the target in an instant, and tens of thousands of people infected with the Hellhound virus gathered around the target building were also burnt into coke.

The Indian government immediately responded. All the troops entered a state of war. The fighters searched for invading bombers. The intelligence personnel used all resources to collect relevant intelligence.Diplomats spoke internationally, condemning the invasion.But that's all, nothing more.There must be someone in the Indian government who will guess the Kunpeng bomber from China, but what about that?The present state of China is no longer the former state of China. The state of China with the Yanwang fighter and Kunpeng bomber is no longer able to provoke anyone.

Just as the Indian government did these actions, the Kunpeng bomber had already appeared over the Indian Ocean and was flying towards Nigeria.

At the same time, a Mexican warship fired almost all the missiles into its own territory, and those missiles flew towards a landmark in Leon ...

A few hours later, the Kunpeng bomber flew to Nigeria, dropped a bomb over a city and destroyed the locked target.

In fact, no matter where the target in the region has a distinctive feature, that is, there are tens of thousands of people infected with the Hell Dog virus around a landmark building, so there is no need to worry about the wrong place.

Xia Lei destroyed all the bases of Yisitabu in one day, and he, he was not on the Kunpeng bomber on the mission.The Kunpeng bomber was fully controlled by Super Xiaoqian.When Super Xiaoqian controlled the Kunpeng bomber to drop the bomb in Nigeria, Xia Lei was watching a picture of the bomb explosion returned by Super Xiaoqian in a secret room at the headquarters of the Rema Group.

This secret room was established after the birth of Kunpeng bomber and King Fighter. It is actually a miniature combat command center.Here he can see all the scenes detected by the San Lei spy satellites, and can also control the Leima Group fighters to take off to perform missions.Not only the Yanwang fighter and Kunpeng bomber, but also the Jing Ke unmanned machine and the ghost unmanned machine of the Rema Group.

Do n’t look at this is just a small square of twenty square meters, it is the most advanced and terrible combat command center in the world, because here Xia Lei can bomb as much as he wants, even the American Pentagon is no exception. !

Seeing the fire light rise in the three-dimensional projection, the building built by Yixi Tabu into a base collapsed, and those infected with the hell dog virus circled around the building were instantly scorched, and Xia Lei finally breathed a sigh of relief, because He can be sure that he destroyed at least three energy bars.

Xia Lei knew the secret of Yishitab after his trip to Incheon, South Korea, so as long as those infected with Hellhound virus circled around the base, then Yishitab ’s energy bar was in operation.The bombing of the Kunpeng bomber destroys those energy bars.

Yixi Tabu took an energy bar from Incheon, and with two unused, she should still have three energy bars in her hand.It is impossible to know what impact three missing energy bars will have on her plan.But in any case, it was in the fight of Isitab, this time he was the upper hand!

Toot, toot ...

The quiet room suddenly reminded me of the ringtone of the satellite phone.

Xia Lei took out the satellite phone and then slid the answer button.

"Boss, I have sent something to your mailbox, please check it out." The voice of Qianjun came from the satellite phone.

"I know, come back." Xia Lei said.

"Okay." Qian Jun hung up the phone.

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