Super Vision

1224 1224 Xia Changhe's Story

"Aren't you holding it in your hand?" Xia Changhe said.

Xia Lei's gaze moved to the wooden box in his hand, and the compass in the box was pointing at himself.He took the compass out of the box, but there was no word mark on the compass.

Xia Lei suddenly remembered the compass he had repaired. Was he able to find the fragments of the box of the world?But the bottom of the compass had the words "Emperor Yongle", which was completely different from the one in his hand.He couldn't guess where the compass came from, nor did he know who made it.

Xia Changhe said: "You don't have to guess, I can tell you. The compass you built was made by Yisitabu. In order to hide people's eyes and ears, she added the words of Yongle the emperor. Princess Yongmei, she did It was a princess of the Ming Dynasty, but she changed into Yixi Tabu's clothes hundreds of years ago. What happened later, whether it was the white horse tomorrow city built in the White Huns, or the expedition to the holy city of Jerusalem, it was all Yongle. The Emperor and Princess Yongmei are okay. "

Xia Lei put the compass back into the box, "So how does it provide you with clues?"

"I will go wherever the pointer points."

"Just that?" Xia Lei didn't quite believe it.

Xia Changhe's mouth gleamed with a bitter smile, "You might not believe it when you say it. I am with it. Sometimes I hear some strange sounds. It is a mysterious language that I cannot understand. But Every time I hear that sound, my brain will be like something downloaded, and I will have some dreams while sleeping ... It is a very strange feeling, it is difficult for me to make it clear to you, It ’s like, it ’s like ... the kind of dream that the people said. "

I heard sounds, but I couldn't understand them, but the brain remembered those sounds, and then "decompressed" into a dream while sleeping.This is Xia Changhe's statement, but what is so absurd and strange!

"I know you won't believe it, but this is the truth." Xia Changhe said.

"Can you describe that voice?"

"I can't learn, but I think sometimes it sounds like a dolphin."

Xia Lei's body shuddered suddenly, like the sound of a dolphin. In the memory he stole from Isitab's brain, he also heard a mysterious language, one or two of which was like a dolphin The sound is very sharp!

"How many times have you heard?" Xia Lei said excitedly, as if he had touched something!

Xia Changhe smiled bitterly, "Before and after, a dozen times, sometimes once every few decades, sometimes ... not once in a hundred years."

Xia Lei was dumbfounded.

Xia Changhe said calmly: "I know your next question, I can tell you the answer. I came here to say goodbye to you, this is our last meeting. Before I leave, I will take all I know. Tell you everything. "

Xia Lei is still calculating his age, and his brain actually calculated the results in an instant, but he still can't help repeating the calculation repeatedly, because this is impossible!

Xia Changhe continued, "I am a man of 1400. I am probably the oldest Chinese in the world, over six hundred years old. When I was young, Zhu Di was still alive. I am the guard of Princess Yongmei, I am young When I was handsome, I would write some poems and so on. At that time, it was considered as a civil and military genius. Princess Yongmei likes me very much as a bodyguard. I always take me with me when I am reading books. , Became a couple, and that time was the happiest time in my life ... the way you see Isitab, that is, the princess Yongmei, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, What do you think?"

Xia Lei nodded his head. When he first saw the shadow of Isitab, he was also shocked.

"We are careful to get along, and dare not let anyone discover that in that era, a guard slept the princess, that sin was enough to punish the nine families. It is ridiculous that the Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty did not find my love with Princess Yongmei, but we The good times are suddenly gone. I do n’t know what day it started, I found that Princess Yongmei ’s temperament has changed a lot, and she does n’t have the kind of gentle and intimate feeling that I had before half an hour. She does n’t even let me touch her hand ... … "

"I am humble. At that time, I thought she was bored. I want to end my underground relationship with her. I want to end it, so that's fine. Because I think if I continue, I will be found one day at a time. . At that time, the royal people must punish me of the Nine Clan. I ca n’t hurt my family in order to satisfy my desires. So I also treated them coldly, no longer showing my love for her, and reduced my contact with her ... "

"One day, Princess Yongmei told Zhu Di a story of immortality, saying that there is a medicine that can make people immortal, and she is willing to find medicine for Zhu Di, just like Xu Fu of the Qin Dynasty. Zhu Di is very emotional , And then allowed. With Zhu Di ’s permission, Princess Yongmei selected thousands of elite soldiers and carried grain and grass supplies to start the drug search journey. And I, I was in it. At that time, my heart was secretly happy, because I feel that after leaving the Ming Dynasty, I have a chance to be with her ... "

"It turned out that I was wrong. She was no longer the princess Yongmei. During the march, I took the opportunity of no one beside her to summon the courage to hold her hand. She was furious, one The foot kicked me out of her camp. That foot, she kicked me a dozen meters away. I broke two ribs and almost died. That is the foot, I am sure she is not my heart. The Yongmei princess is now. Because Princess Yongmei is a gentle and weak woman, she has no power to restrain chickens, how come she has such a great strength to kick a martial arts guard like me kick a dozen meters away? Fortunately, She did n’t pursue me, I survived with the help of my robes ... "

"After that time, I dared not show her any favors, nor touch her body. I turned away from her sight, but did not give up my observation. Gradually, I discovered her secret. She eats people, but Not eating human flesh, but eating human soul. But she does not eat soldiers, but the people along the way. After discovering this secret, I was terrified. I thought about running away, but every time I wanted to run away, It reminds me of Princess Yongmei, the beautiful woman who does n’t care about my humble identity. I want to take revenge, I want to find the demon ’s weakness, I want to wait for the opportunity ... "

"The team finally came to the land of the Baixiong tribe today,"

"Later we came to Afghanistan, which is today the land of the Baixiong tribe. There she found some debris, I do n’t know which debris is used for what. I had planned to steal those debris, but I did n’t wait for me to start , Those who have been in contact with the debris first went mad, and then died one by one. I had to dispel the idea of ​​stealing the debris and continue lurking waiting for the opportunity ... "

"Those fragments seem to affect her too. For a while she also became crazy and the whole person looked very weak. I thought that when I got the chance to kill her to avenge the princess, she was too strong, even in her. In the weakest period, I did n’t dare to start hastily, because I had only one chance. Once I missed, I would have to die, but she survived my hesitation ... "

"My ideal opportunity did not appear in the end, and she made a decision that she was going to build a city, and the army that followed her expedition was also named the Black Moon Legion. This was a name as evil as her. Later , She decided to go to Jerusalem, as the most elite guard, I was also in the entourage. On the way to Jerusalem, I finally found that she was using a compass to find fragments. That compass is what you later repaired That compass, and it took you to find those fragments again ... "

"We arrived in Jerusalem, at that time the Kingdom of Jerusalem had already perished, and the Holy City of Jerusalem was in the hands of ***. After we entered Jerusalem, she could use her eyes to find the ancient tomb underground, looking for what she wanted. As a reward, Sometimes he would also ask us to dig up an ancient tomb and take away the funerary items. One day, under her direction, we dug the tomb of Baldwin IV and got a lot of precious jewelry. You send The string of sacred stars for Shen Tu Tianyin was actually taken from Baldwin IV ’s tomb ... "

"Finally we came to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. I still remember her expression at the time. She was very excited. She let us kill those priests and Christians and dig up the Holy Sepulchre. We could n’t resist his orders, but we prepared While doing so, another demon-like presence appeared ... "

"She had a big battle with him in Jerusalem, and both suffered a loss. It was also that tragic battle that completely smashed the illusion in my heart. I have no way in my life to avenge Princess Yongmei and continue to stay with the demon woman By my side, I will not end well. During the battle between the two demons, I secretly escaped ... "

"I escaped from Jerusalem, I don't know where I should go. Back to the Ming Dynasty, it was too far away. I am alone, I can't cross those deserts and mountains, I will die on the road. But stay, I An interracial person couldn't fit behind the people here. I was at a loss, lonely and helpless. Then I didn't know what happened and I came to the barren mountain of Jerusalem's splendid body ... "

Hearing this, Xia Lei couldn't help interrupting Xia Changhe's words, "Is that place where the pyramid in the mountain is?"

Xia Changhe nodded.

"You found this box?"

Xia Changhe said: "No, I met another demon, the only one in prehistoric history, Cassia Ruiz."

Xia Lei was shocked on the spot.

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