Super Vision

1231 Chapter 1231 It's Not That the Enemies Are Not Together

The night was getting deeper, the darkness shrouded the sky and the earth, and there was no glory of the stars and moons.The ancient castle has only a little candle and oil lamps, like a match in the dark night, it will be blown out by the wind at any time.

Without lightning, a rain came.The dense raindrops fell from the dark clouds, knocking on the tiles and windows of the ancient castle, making a bit of noise.This sound has a quiet attribute, which can make people feel calm.

But there is another situation in this room, no one can keep calm.

The silver armor has left Xia Lei's body, one piece here, and the other piece fell on the carpet.The clothes of the four Paladins also fell on the carpet, one here and one there, giving people a messy picture.

An old European-style bed is even more messy.

Drinking milk personally is nothing in itself. This is the first thing a person will meet in life.But Xia Lei is a normal man, and his ability and demand in that respect are also proportional.The stronger the ability, the stronger the demand.Coupled with the milk and more drunk, you can't hold it.The four saints tease and seduce it, and it happened naturally ...

It seems that Xia Lei is the best at turning the chastity saint of the hospital knights into a woman.He has done this once and now he is doing the same thing again.

In fact, he also wanted to control his impulse, but eventually failed, more impulsive than impulsive.The milk of the four virgins brought him a wealth of energy to feed life, and also brought him the desire to create life.This kind of thing actually happened to Giovanna, Stella, Rosa and Teresa, as well as Yueye Kyoko, and it was frequent.

If there is a side effect of drinking milk stronger, then this is probably the case.However, every time he vents, his desire will subside and his body will return to normal.Therefore, such side effects are natural and natural, and there are no "toxic side effects".

The rain was ticking outside the window, endlessly.

There are also many voices in the window, some are praise, some beg for mercy, some are like a moan of pain, and some are like drunk, they are brought together, together with the sound of a strong sense of rhythm, together form a A tribute to life.

After a long time, all the tossing stopped.Passion faded from the bodies of men and women, but the still picture seemed chaotic.

For a time, Helena said aloud, and her voice was soft, "God Son, How are they doing?"

Xia Lei said: "They are doing very well. The rescue will help those who are suffering and suffering. They lead the rescue to do a lot of meaningful things."

"That ..." Constance tentatively said: "The Cavaliers Johnson said they are now multi-millionaires. Is this true?"

Xia Lei said: "Yes, they are my people, I have a responsibility to make them live well."

You look at me, the four saints, and I look at you. Although no one speaks, there is envious light in their eyes.All are saints, the previous generation and the next generation are also slept by the man in front of them. Giovanna and they became multi-millionaires, but they got nothing but that.They are all the saints chosen by the hospital knights. Why is the difference so big?

The energy field of Xia Lei's branding power has long captured the brain waves of four women. What they are thinking in their heads, he knows better than themselves.His eyes swept through four tempting bodies, and the granaries that had fed him, and his heart would inevitably have a trace of gratitude, and he did not want to owe anyone, so he said: "Give me yours Account number, I will give you five million dollars. "

"Five million ... US dollars?" The four virgins were stunned.

Xia Lei said: "You waited for me and gave me breastfeeding, you gave me the best things as a woman, and of course I will return to you. So, I will give you 5 million dollars, I hope you can accept it."

"Wow! Five million dollars, one of us can get it, one hundred and twenty-five hundred thousand dollars!" Constantine was agitated suddenly. She clenched her fists in both hands and waved vigorously. The snow on her chest suddenly jumped.

"We are all millionaires! Haha!" Julia laughed loudly.

Helena and hug together, their snow white squeezed each other as if they were to merge together.Such a hug, how a beautiful word.

Xia Lei's mood also seemed to be infected by them. He smiled and said: "You made a mistake, not the total of 5 million US dollars, but 5 million US dollars per person."

"Ah?" The four women were dumbfounded again.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Four talents are 5 million US dollars, what do you think of me Xia Lei?"

Four women, "..."

If what happened just now is regarded as that kind of transaction, this is probably the most expensive transaction in the world.But this is obviously not a deal. They volunteered for the Knights of the Hospital for the faith and the sacrifice spirit of the Knights.Of course, it is a good thing to make a fortune while devoting yourself to faith and chivalry, so that you can worry about food and clothing for the rest of your life.For Xia Lei, he received the services of others, and it is reasonable to compensate others.

Just when the four saints were dumbfounded, Xia Lei said: "Give me a mobile phone, and then give me your account number, I just send an email."

"I'll get it." Helena jumped out of bed eagerly, then pulled out a cell phone from her dress and handed it to Xia Lei.She bounced back, bounced back, and the abundance and the big white quiver were endless, the scenery was tempting to the extreme.

The four women gave four accounts, and Xia Lei edited the four accounts into an email, and then sent it to Super Xiaoqian, asking her to transfer $ 20 million to the four accounts.Super Xiaoqian will execute his instructions when he receives his email. Such a thing is as simple as pulling something from his pocket.

I bought a full meal for 20 million US dollars, and once I was happy, I am afraid that only Xia Lei has the courage in this world. I can't find a second one.But money has no meaning for him. As long as he wants it, Super Xiaoqian will do it for him.

"It's done, five minutes later, you should check your account." Xia Lei said, he handed back the phone to Helena.

"Thank you, Divine Son, I now find out why Jovana they are willing to follow you heartily. They are so lucky, I envy them." When speaking, Helena opened her arms and gave Xia Lei a violent hug .

The other three women also got together, and the battle was clearly about to start a new war.

Xia Lei said: "You all sleep, I will wake you up tomorrow morning." He smiled. "You have nourishment to prepare breakfast for me."

A shy blush appeared on the cheeks of the four women. How could they sleep in such a situation?The five million dollars burned their bodies like fire. They wanted to return Xia Lei with their pursuit of good things. They also longed for water to extinguish the flames in their bodies.

Xia Lei knew exactly what they wanted, but he was already full, and the air exhaled from his mouth and nose was scented with milk.Looking at the woman full of longing among the four eyes, his eyes darkened quietly, and the voice was full of magical feeling, "Sleep, you need sleep."

This is deep hypnosis. Normally, as long as he does this, the four women will sleep.But this time there was an unexpected situation. He deeply hypnotized these four unsuspecting women, but these four women did not want to sleep.They still stared at him, and their eyes looked very strange.

"You guys?" Xia Lei suddenly realized something, and there was a trace of alertness in his heart.

At that moment Helena rushed at him violently, her open arms covering her left and right to dodge the space.

Constantine also rushed up from behind and hugged Xia Lei's waist.

Julia and Jennifer rushed down from the left and right sides.All of a sudden, the four women seemed to be trapping Xia Lei in a cage, and he could not avoid them no matter which way he dodged.

Suddenly it became like this, what happened to them?Xia Lei didn't have time to think at all. After a second, he was hugged by four women, some holding his waist, some holding his chest, some pinching his neck, some holding it. His legs.

In fact, he can fly one fist and kick them into the bed with one foot, but he didn't do that.When he was entangled by four women, he just stretched his hand and broke Helena's hand around his neck.He ignored the other three women, thinking that they were only imprisoning him and not attacking him.

This is not normal.

Xia Lei suddenly released the energy field of the branding power. When his energy field wrapped the four women, the four women were like toys that lost electricity, and they all fell to the bed at once.Some people are lying on their stomachs, some are lying down, and some are curled up.At that moment, according to the feedback of the energy field, four white energy bodies appeared in Xia Lei's brain, and they were escaping from the bodies of the four women.In an instant, they condensed into a mass on the open space beside the bed, and turned into an energy body with obvious female characteristics.

Her eyes are large, her nose and mouth are small, and she looks like a cute girl in the second dimension.

This face turned into gray Xia Lei also recognized that she was Yixi Tabu.

He expected Yisitabu to come back, but he didn't expect that she would come so fast, so suddenly.

After Yisitubu showed up the energy body, Xia Lei didn't need to use the energy field to sense her existence, his eyes could see her, and it was very clear.

The eyes of Xia Lei and Yixi Tabu are very complicated.

Xia Lei slowly stood up, his legs quietly accumulating, preparing to leap back and jump to the shoulder bag with the crystal skull and the world box.Last time, he was taking advantage of Yisitubu's desire to eat him, only to use his God-given spear to kill Yisitubu, contaminating her energy body.This time, he didn't expect him to repel Yisitabu in the same way!

In the room, there are four virgins with white flowers and a pure energetic body, Yisitabu. She also has high water and low curves. This should have been a very fragrant picture. Kill!

The air seemed to freeze.

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