Super Vision

1236 Chapter 1236 Saints' Blessings


With a bang, the bathroom wall collapsed.The smoke, fire light, and dust were suddenly released, and the whole church was shaking, and it felt like it was about to collapse.

The dust cleared, and a large hole appeared on the bathroom floor.The plastic water pipes disappeared, and the blasted pit was full of mud and rocks.

Although he still can't see the bottom, Xia Lei believes he will soon find his way.The reason is simple. The depth of the plastic water pipe is thousands of kilometers, and it is impossible for drilling equipment and related engineering machinery to come in this place.Some people want to buy a water pipe with a length of thousands of kilometers, which must be empty below.

After a few minutes.


There was another loud noise.

This time the explosion ground collapsed, and a bottomless cave appeared at the bottom of the big pit.The glow stick was buried by mud and rocks, and no longer glowed.

Xia Lei twisted three glow sticks at one time and threw it down.The three glow sticks fell in different positions, illuminating different areas.With a faint fluorescence, Xia Lei saw some things at the bottom of the cave.It was stone stalactites one by one, they pierced the ground like spears.

Endless darkness envelopes the underground space, and no living creatures can be seen. This underground cave looks like an entrance to hell.

Walton wrote the door to hell on the scrap of paper. Before discovering the cave, Xia Lei thought he was an impression based on religious belief. After discovering the cave, he discovered that Walton Describes the cave in front of you and the cave below.

Four female knights came in and walked through a messy ancient room to Xia Lei's side.They looked carefully at the probe, but they couldn't see the underground like they came down. They could only see the faint fluorescence and some white things in the area covered by the fluorescence, but they didn't know it was stalactite.

"God Son, this ..." Helena's voice was full of surprise, "How can there be a big pit here?"

"I have been here more than a hundred times, but I have never found it here," Constantini said.

"Son of God, are we going down?" Jennifer looked worried. "Is the world of demons below?"

Xia Lei was silent for a while before saying, "Your chief commander made it very clear that this is the gate of hell. It's very dangerous. Go and find some rope for me. Then I go down and you leave here."

"Leave here?" Helena said: "We have said the rope very clearly. We are knights and we are not afraid of death."

Constantine also said firmly: "Son of God, we want to fight with you, even if there is a real demon below."

"Don't talk about it again." Xia Lei said: "There is no signal here, you should leave here, and then contact the others in your hospital knight. If your big head and everyone here are dead, the reconstruction of the hospital knight needs. you guys."

"But ..." Julia stopped talking.

Xia Lei said: "Don't say it. It's easy to die. The eyes are closed as soon as it closes. Sometimes it's more difficult to live than death. Do what I said, you have your mission, and I have our mission. "

Four female knights, look at me, I look at you, and finally Constantine said, "Okay, let's find a rope for you."

Xia Lei saw the four female knights leave. He secretly said in his heart: "There is no feast in the world, and you will be difficult to survive with you. My destiny, I will face it myself."

The following is the old nest of Cassia Ruiz, he can't guarantee that he can survive, how can he guarantee the safety of the four female knights?

After the four female knights left, Xia Lei unloaded the equipment bag, put the silver armor on his body, and put the crystal skull and the world box into a special shoulder bag.The weapons in the equipment package were all taken out, but he chose only one blast assault rifle and two high-explosive grenades.Against Cassia Ruiz's opponents, no amount of guns will work.All he can rely on is his brand power, crystal skull and world box.

The four female knights returned only half an hour after leaving.They used four trolleys used by bricklayers to push four carts of rope over.They took all the ropes to Walton's room and connected them by hand.

"We have found all the ropes here, but it is not enough. I estimate that the total length will not exceed 600 meters." Constantini said.

Xia Lei said: "Enough is enough, I will figure out the rest myself."

"How do you do that?" Julia said: "If the rope doesn't go to the bottom, you will be dangerous if you go down."

"It's better to wait for us to go to the Knights Castle and find some more ropes." Jennifer was very anxious, and then put down her hands, "Helena, let's go to the Knights Castle to find the ropes."

"I'll go with you." Helena also stood up.

Xia Lei stopped them, "No, you should leave here after the rope is tied, don't come back."

The eyes of the four female knights gathered on Xia Lei, and their eyes were very complicated.

The man in front of him suddenly broke into their lives, making them unprepared.At first they were just ordered to serve him and please him because the hospital knights couldn't afford him.In their subconscious mind, Xia Lei is actually regarded as an enemy.But after a series of things happened, they suddenly discovered that this man had walked into their hearts and could not forget.Not just because he was the first man to occupy their body, but the main reason is the charm of this man and the glory of the "son of God" shrouded in him.Now that he is leaving, it is very likely that he will never be seen again. How can they just say go?

Xia Lei felt the grief in them and the obvious emotions. He smiled bitterly, "Trust me, I will come back. Then, I go to Italy and invite you to eat pizza. Is that all right?"

Constance suddenly threw the rope in his hand and got into Xia Lei's arms.

Constance's fullness squeezes on his chest, bringing a soft and hot feeling.This is a comfortable hug, but Xia Lei's heart is a bitter feeling.He wasn't actually the kind of kind-hearted man, but the women always threw fire at him.

The four female knights in front of them are typical examples. They were only sent by Walton to please him, and their hearts were definitely unwilling.But how long it was before they were reluctant to leave him.Let them go, they are all sad and sad, making the atmosphere like breaking up.What can he do?

"Promise us, we must come back alive!" Constance said in Xia Lei's ear.

Xia Lei nodded.

The four women tied the rope. One end of the rope was tied to a stud in the room, and the other end was placed in an underground cave.Attentive Julia also attached a glow stick to the end of the rope.The glow stick hangs in the darkness, illuminating only a dozen square feet, and nothing can be seen.This situation worries the four women.

Xia Lei has made all the preparations. He said: "Let's go and leave here. Remember what I said and contact your people. But remember, don't bring anyone in the next three days Here."

"What am I?" The four women spoke out almost simultaneously.

Xia Lei said: "In order to live."

The four women froze for a moment, but they saw the seriousness of the incident from Xia Lei's serious expression.

Xia Lei picked up his helmet and was ready to go.

"Wait, you ..." Julia stopped Xia Lei suddenly, but she kept talking.

Xia Lei smiled, "Don't worry, my life is hard, I can't die. You go, don't look like this, you are knights."

Julia bit her cherry lips, "You can eat a little before you hit the road."

Xia Lei, "..."

Eat a little before you hit the road. In the Chinese world, such words are usually said to people who are going to die.Julia is Italian, she obviously does not know what this sentence represents in the Chinese world.She made it very true, and her actions were in place.Before Xia Lei said anything, she picked up her clothes.

A snow-white landscape was exposed to Xia Lei's sight, and the delicateness seemed to melt when a breath of heat was blown.

The rotten bathroom, the enticing snow-white, these two do not have the slightest conflict, but have a very special beauty, but also touching.

Constantine, Jennifer and Helena also lifted up their clothes and exposed the snow to the air.The mountains rose and fell in the sight of Xia Lei, and his nostrils also smelled the sweet and tantalizing smell.The taste is like a soft little hand grabbing his tongue, and pull his tongue out and put it where it should be.A flame was also burning in his abdomen, the flame was burning quietly, burning ...

"You eat a little bit on the road." Helena said, her eyes were wet, and her eyes were full of anticipation and reluctance.

Xia Lei threw the helmet on the ground, and pulled the blonde Helena into his arms. "Don't talk about going on the road, bad luck."

"What?" Helena didn't understand Xia Lei's meaning.

Xia Lei did not explain, he bowed his head and opened his mouth ...

With a bang, the holy nurturing kicked off.

Fengyuan around is actually nothing, Xia Lei is now Fengyuan around.He can eat whatever he wants, and the feeling of being surrounded by food is so sour.

With milk, Xia Lei also slowly relaxed, and wanted to drive, even if he was going to die, then he would eat enough to die, and he would be enough to die.If he really can't come out alive, he has no regrets.He has a happy life, countless confidants and children in groups.He changed from a kid working on a construction site to become the richest man in the world, even the United States should be afraid of him.A man lives to this extent, it is worth it!

Bang, a crisp sound.

Xia Lei suddenly felt that there was one less armor on his body. He suddenly realized something, and he said in a vague voice: "Aren't you?"

"This is our tradition. During the Crusades, the Virgin wanted to devote herself to the Knights. Our love will give you strength and luck." Constantine said, and then her craftsmanship, There was another loud voice.

"This is our blessing, Son of God, accept our blessing, it can not only bring you pleasure and relaxation, but also bring you courage." Julia's voice, her voice is more ambiguous than Charley's Can't hear clearly.

Is that so magical?However, since the saints said so, what else could he say?

Then accept the blessing.

Xia Lei closed his eyes ...

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