Super Vision

1254 Chapter 1254 Junk Yard

An hour later, Xia Lei followed the team of Ping An Village to a hilltop.At the foot of the mountain is a dividing line, behind the mountain is a dense forest, and in front of the mountain is a scorched black land.

Looking around, on that scorched land, there was a pile of metal trash as high as a mountain.The blue moon on the sky mountain reflects the stellar light and sprinkles on the pieces of cold metal, a cold blue light.

A huge transport spaceship hovered over the garbage dump, continuously dumping the metal garbage in the fuselage downward, making a loud noise.

"Is that place a garbage dump?" Xia Lei asked.

"Yes, that is the Blue Moon People's dump, where we are going. But this is not the Blue Moon people's only dump, there are many other places on the planet." Li Ni said.

"What are the blue moon people doing for so many garbage dumps?" Xia Lei was curious and seemed to smell something unusual.

Li Ni shook her head. "I don't know this. No one can ever enter Blue Moon. That place is a restricted area for humans."


Large pieces of metal trash fell from the sky and hit the ground, causing a shock like a bomb explosion.

Xia Lei looked at him. Although his eyes could not be compared with the state of being able to use the power of branding power, his body always entered a super-advanced body, his sight distance and ability to see in the dark Still far beyond normal people.Therefore, even if the distance is more than two kilometers, he can still see the hatch opened by the transport ship and the metal garbage falling down from the hatch.It was at this time that he saw some box-shaped metal trash falling from the hatch and then falling into the dump.

At this time, a team of people suddenly rushed from the side of the mountain, sprinting towards the space where the garbage dumped.

Ramona looked at it with an optical telescope, then said aloud: "It's a person from the Naishi Tribe, led by the Yellow War!"

"Huang Zhan, they must have obtained some intelligence, otherwise they would not rush past it at such a big risk." Black Tiger said.

"Is it garbage on the battlefield?" Big Bear's eyes lighted up and said: "If it is, maybe we will find a gun, or even the equipment of the Blue Moon. The village head, what are we waiting for? Let's rush over, if it's late We get nothing. "

"Yes, village head, what are we waiting for? Rush up!" Someone echoed.

"Village chief, if you let the people of the Stone Clan get more equipment, it is not a good thing for us. The Huang Zhan has asked us to join their tribe more than once." Some people said.

"Don't panic! Quiet, equipment is important, but our lives are more valuable. If we die in battle, who will protect our village?" Li Ni said.

"Really, this is too timid? Is it just an unmanned transport spaceship." Big Bear grunted.Although he did not name the surname, the timid person in his mouth clearly referred to Li Ni.

Li Ni Zou frowned, but there was no seizure.Ping An Village was built by her parents, and she had to consider not only the immediate interests, but also the safety of the old and young in the village.She didn't think about herself a bit, but some people still misunderstood her. She was actually very bitter in her heart and had no object to talk to.

Xia Lei was sitting behind Li Ni. He could not see her face or her eyes, but he could feel the grievance and sadness in her heart.He wanted to comfort her, but he didn't say it in the end.

Handle the relationship between men and women carefully. He set this standard for himself, and he must carry it out.

"It's battlefield trash!" Ramona observed with an optical telescope excitedly said: "I saw that kind of box!"

"What are you waiting for? Charge!" The big bear roared excitedly.

The soldiers in Ping'an Village will charge.

"Wait!" Li Ni said with a sigh: "If this time the Blue Moon people who prey follow, we will die."

"Village head! This is a dump. The Blue Moon people who prey will not come here generally. Listen to me, let's rush over!" Said Big Bear.

Li Ni hesitated.

Ramona said: "The people of the Hard Rock Tribe have arrived. I saw ... they got a box!"

"Forget it! She won't go to us." Black Tiger said, and then pinched the horse's abdomen, Cema rushed down the hillside.

A large group of soldiers from Ping An Village rushed up.

Big Bear looked back at Li Ni with a look of contempt and dissatisfaction.

Li Ni bit her cherry lips. "Let's go too."

Ramona said: "Don't worry, Li Ni, those guys are a group of rude barbarians. Don't forget, you are a literate person."

Li Ni smiled bitterly, "What's the use? Maybe they are right. I am a timid person who is not suitable for being the village head, and the black tiger is the most suitable person."

"Don't say that, if the Black Tiger guy becomes the village head, I will leave here." Ramona said.

Li Ni said: "Let's go! Otherwise, those guys really think we are cowards."

"Wait!" Xia Lei suddenly took Li Ni's hand and prevented her from pulling the rein.

Li Ni looked back at Xia Lei, "What are you doing?"

Ramona raised her lips, "He is a coward."

Xia Lei didn't care, he said lightly: "There has never been a pie in the sky, I have an intuition, this is not a good opportunity to get equipment, this may be a trap."

"What do you know?" Ramona's mouth showed a hint of disdain, "You came here, you didn't understand it at all, you didn't know anything."

Li Ni said: "If you are timid, you will dismount. I don't blame you. You are a technician. It's normal for you to be afraid of fighting."

Xia Lei smiled bitterly.

"Get off the horse," Li Ni urged.

Xia Lei jumped off his horse.

"Coward." Ramona glanced at Xia Lei, a pair of long legs pinched on the horse's belly, and the warhorse under her hip rushed out.

Li Ni followed behind Ramona, and the two women sprinted towards the center of the dump.

"Am I a timid person? Ha ha." Xia Lei couldn't help but smiled bitterly.

If the two women knew how many people died in his hands, and what did he do, would the two women think he was a coward?

While waiting for the two women to ride away, Xia Lei also ran down the hillside.

The blue moon man's boots are really good things. When running, he feels the gravity of the earth. The speed is very fast, and it is very labor-saving.Running in this kind of combat boots gave him the feeling that he had achieved the ultimate skill.

"The Blue Moon's infantry boots are already so advanced. What is the Blue Moon's weapon? What is the Blue Moon's interior?" During the fast running, Xia Lei looked up and hung in the night. On the blue moon last time, he secretly made a decision, and he must go up and see!

In just a few minutes Xia Lei ran down the hillside.

Didi, Didi ...

A strange sound suddenly came out of the boots on the feet, much like a warning sound of some kind of equipment failure.Xia Leimeng stopped and checked the boots on his feet.He soon found two red lights at the bottom of the boots, and a text prompt appeared beside the red lights.

What is displayed is not Chinese or English, but the text of the Blue Moon people.Because Casia Ruiz and Isitab, Xia Lei had been in contact with this text, so he could interpret it.

The content of the text prompt is: Energy is about to run out.

"I rely on ..." Xia Lei could not help but scold someone.

However, this situation is also normal, after all, the boots on the feet are garbage thrown away by the Blue Moon.If the energy stick in the combat boots stores a lot of energy, the Blue Moon people will definitely take it off, and it will not be left to humans on this planet.

"What is the energy used in the boots? If it can be supplemented, it will be fine." Xia Lei thought of this question, and approached the center of the dump.He slowed down, on the one hand, to save the energy of the boots, on the one hand, because of the need to observe the environment.

The closer to the center of the dump, the more uneasy Xia Lei felt.This is a field-intuitive instinct, an experience soaked in blood.He believed his instinct because it never missed.

Moving a further distance, Xia Lei saw the soldiers in Ping'an Village, and they were approaching a pile of metal garbage carefully.Li Ni and Ramona have joined the soldiers in Ping'an Village, but they did not participate in the direct action, but watched the horses in a more hidden place behind.

On another huge pile of metal trash stood a group of armed men, people from the stubborn stone tribe.They have been very productive and have picked up a few square boxes.

Xia Lei took a closer look. The square boxes were not real metal boxes, but were fenced with iron bars, and then the fence was used to form a box.The box was filled with garbage, but the garbage was crumpled and it was impossible to tell what type of garbage.

There are obviously more armed men in the Pangshi tribe than in Ping'an Village, and they are more well-equipped. They almost have a gun in their hands, and more than half of the Ping An Village's cold weapons are used.If the two sides are fighting hard, this person in Ping'an Village is not enough to watch.

Xia Lei's eyes moved again to the garbage dump that the people in Ping'an Village were about to reach. There was a square iron fence box in the middle of the garbage dump.Judging from the current position and attention of the people in Ping'an Village, their purpose is obviously that box.

The people of the Wanshi tribe did not seem to find the people of Ping'an Village, they were busy carrying the harvested boxes.

Xia Lei raised his head, and on top of his head was Lan Yueren's transport ship.It is very large, like a mobile air fortress.It is silver overall and looks like it was made of X Secret Gold.But he has a feeling that if it is X Secret Gold, the Blue Moon People's X Secret Gold is definitely more advanced than the X Secret Gold copied by the Rema Group.

"This big spaceship is unmanned, is this true or false?" Xia Lei remembered what the big bear said before, and he didn't believe it.

Suck it!

At this very critical moment, a war horse guarded by Li Ni and Ramona suddenly made a sound.

"Oops!" Xia Lei suddenly shouted in his heart, he had realized what was about to happen.

Sure enough, the sound made by the war horse has already attracted the attention of the people of the stubborn tribe.

"Who's over there?" An armed man from the Naishi tribe shouted loudly: "Get out!"

"Is it a person in Ping'an Village?" A particularly tall and powerful middle-aged man stood up and looked at the direction where Li Ni and Ramona were hiding, then shouted: "Li Ni! Get out!"

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