Super Vision

1259 Chapter 1259 Ambush

The blue dragon fell to the bottom of the cliff, all four feet facing the sky, but climbed up a second later.He raised his head and stared at Xia Lei with two small blue eyes. If his eyes could kill someone, Xia Lei had already been killed by it several times.

Xia Lei stood on the edge of the cliff overlooking the Blue Dragon, secretly wondering, "How is such a powerful creature born? I am afraid that only this planet can breed such a monster? If it appears on the earth, it is almost invincible. Exists. "

Each planet has its own species, tens of millions.Immigration to this planet will definitely bring some species that humans are familiar with, but those species, including humans, are obviously just foreigners. There should be aborigines on this planet!

"Go back and ask Li Ni. She may know that there are no aborigines on this planet. If anything, I have to find a way to contact them. They may be able to solve the doubts in my mind." go away.

"Roar!" The blue dragon under the cliff yelled at Xia Lei, seeming unwilling to leave.

Xia Lei turned to look at the blue dragon under the cliff, then waved at it, "Friend, goodbye!"

"Woo ..." A strange voice came out of Blue Dragon's big mouth, not knowing what it meant.

Xia Lei turned away and walked down the hillside.The pair of boots thrown away by him had been crushed by the Blue Dragon and could no longer be repaired. He also gave up.The pair of boots found in the dump were packed in Li Ni ’s bag. I do n’t know if Li Ni and Ramona caught up with the two panicked horses, otherwise he would have to fight bare feet .

Meteor strode when he came, and Xia Lei quickly got up when he went down.He walked on the "road" opened by Blue Dragon, giving him the feeling that a train drove through the forest. The scene shocked him.

Just walking down the hillside, Li Ni and Ramona came back.The two women came over on foot and did not see the war horse.

"Ms. Xia!" Maybe it was because of excitement. At first glance, she was still alive, Li Ni threw a cheer and gave Xia Lei a strong hug.

But this hug ended when she felt the characteristics of the male body, lasting only a few seconds.

Ramona didn't hug Xia Lei, but her eyes were full of excitement and gratitude in Xia Lei's eyes.Both she and Li Ni knew what the result would be when they faced the Blue Dragon, but Xia Lei pulled them back from the death.

"What about horses?" Xia Lei asked, he cared about the pair of shoes he had found.

"What about Blue Dragon?" Li Ni also asked a question she wanted to know the answer almost at the same time.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"You speak first." Xia Lei said.

"We found our horses, and we tied them where we found the Blue Dragon." Li Ni said.

"The blue dragon was led to the cliff by me." Xia Lei said.

Ramona said curiously: "What happened?"

Xia Lei spoke out the passage as he walked.He said it simply, but Ramona and Li Ni still let out a cold sweat.Especially when Xia Lei talked about the exhaustion of his boots when he jumped on the boulder, they felt more immersive and feel the same.

"How could there be a creature like Blue Dragon?" Xia Lei asked after finishing the story with Blue Dragon.

Li Ni said: "They are considered to be one of the aborigines of this planet. They were the masters of this planet before humans came here."

"So long colonial time, have they not been influenced by human colonization?" Xia Lei thinks this is incredible, because humans are the killers of the environment. Although the blue dragon species is very powerful, it cannot be the opponent of humans who have mastered the power of science and technology .If they pose a threat to humans, the most common way for humans is to exterminate them or put them in a zoo instead of letting them continue to pose threats.

"It seems that you really have forgotten everything." Ramona's eyes have a hint of sympathy, "Do you know how big the Star of Hope is? Its area is 500 billion square kilometers. Humans colonize this planet, even It was the heyday under the leadership of Shenglei that it was only a tenth of the area where the Hanwu Weaponry Company opened up the planet. "

Xia Lei couldn't hold his mouth shut. What is the concept of 500 billion square kilometers?The earth is only 500 million square kilometers, this planet is a thousand times the earth!

"Fool." Li Ni smiled. "Look at your expression, this is something everyone knows, is it worth your surprise?"

Xia Lei shrugged. "I have said it many times, and I have forgotten everything."

"All right, we believe you, let's go." Li Ni said.

The three of them walked to the place where the horse was chained, but Xia Lei's brain was still dreaming about the star of hope.A thousand times the volume of the earth, such a big planet, how many magical species should it breed?He couldn't help but imagine, what would happen in those unmanned areas?He couldn't help but guess whether the Blue Moon people explored and opened up those unmanned areas. If so, what kind of attitude did the Blue Moon people treat with the indigenous people?Eat or enslave?

In these imaginations, Xia Lei raised his head again and looked at the blue moon in the sky.

Coming to the horse-horse place, Xia Lei took out the shoes he found in the dump from Li Ni's bag and put them on his feet, which was quite fit.

"Let's go back, we should always face it." Li Ni said.After a series of things tonight, she seemed to have changed a little and became braver.

Xia Leile commented on her change. He was destined to leave Ping'an Village, but she also had to shoulder the responsibility of guarding the village.If she is always so kind and lacks courage, that is not a good thing.

Ramona transferred all the packages to her horse, and then straddled her horse. "Teacher Xia, you and Li Ni ride a horse."

"Change for you to ride." Li Ni said: "You have a strong ability to predict dangerous situations, you will be much safer in front of you."

"Okay, then I will ride." Xia Lei turned his horse and stretched out a hand to Li Ni.

Li Ni grabbed Xia Lei's hand and got on the horse, sitting behind the saddle.She seemed to have the same kind of hesitation that Xia Lei had when she came to the horse.She finally chose the saddle, her choice is the same as that of Xia Lei.

"Driving!" Xia Lei drank and clamped his horse's belly with his legs.

The horse suddenly started and rushed forward.Xia Lei's body suddenly lost his balance and leaned back. Li Ni hurriedly loosened the saddle and hugged Xia Lei's waist, holding him hard, while nervously saying: "Ms. Xia, will you ride?"

"For the first time," Xia Lei said.

Li Ni, "..."

Ramona giggled beside him, and a large citron-like wave shook in front of her, as if she would fall at any time.

The horse was running, and Xia Lei swayed from side to side. Li Ni didn't dare to let him go at all, but hugged him behind him.Xia Lei's strong abdominal muscles made a ripple in her heart.

Xia Lei's feeling is also very subtle. Li Ni's chest pressed tightly against his back. Although it was a little small, it didn't mean it didn't.The soft feeling was still so obvious, and as the horses ran on his back, he was constantly adding trouble to him in some ways.Within a few moments, his body reacted instinctively, and the fabric of his pants became compact.

Women are the best lubricants for men. The tension and fear left in the body by the chase with Blue Dragon's life and death were smoothed by Li Ni's little softness at this time.And her pair of hands holding his waist seemed to be a harbor, allowing him to rest quietly.

Xia Lei's learning ability is very fast, and he has mastered riding skills in just ten minutes.His body is also stable on the horse, no matter whether the crotch horse is running or jumping, he can stabilize the body and operate freely.Li Ni's hand finally left from his waist.At that moment he felt a little relaxed, but he felt a little lost.

"A new world, a new life, we must manage our emotions, we can no longer look like that on the earth ..." Xia Lei said secretly.

He owes a lot of emotional debt on the earth, and he will not go the same way in the new world.

After some time, the two of them came to the stable near Ping'an Village.

Xia Leila raised the horse rein, the crotch horse cried, and then stopped.He jumped off the horse and passed the horse rein to Li Ni. "You are here waiting for me for a while, I will go over and see first."

"Let's go together." Li Ni also jumped from the horse.

"How can this kind of thing save me?" Ramona pulled the assault rifle she seized from the bag, very excited, not afraid of fighting at all.

Xia Lei smiled, "Let's go."

With two beautiful women, the fighting atmosphere is very relaxed.

The three of them marched in the direction of the stable, not very fast.Along the way, Xia Lei's control of the environment reached the extreme, without letting go of any light changes and any subtle noise.When the stable entered his sight, he discovered the soldiers in Heian village ambushing on both sides of the stable in advance.

Xia Lei squatted behind a big tree and said quietly: "They ambush on both sides of the stable. Once we show up, we will be in their firepower range."

Ramona's face showed a disgusted expression, "This is an ambush, they want to kill us! Jerk! I want to kill them!"

Xia Lei pressed Ramona's shoulder, "Leave it to me."

But when Xia Lei and Ramona were talking, Li Ni suddenly walked out from behind the hiding tree trunk, and then strode toward the stable.

Xia Lei found out that it was too late when she went out.

Ramona was about to call Li Ni back, but Xia Lei covered her mouth.

"Woo ... woo!" Ramona struggled, her eyes full of anger.She didn't understand why Xia Lei stopped her from calling Li Ni back.

Xia Lei lowered her voice, "I understand why she did this, and I assure you that she will be fine. I will let you go now. Don't call, do you agree?"

Ramona nodded.

Xia Lei let go of her hand covering her mouth.

Then the voice of the black tiger came from the stable. "The village head, you are back. What about Xia Lei and Ramona?"

Li Ni stopped, "I don't know. We were separated. We were very confused at the time. We were attacked by the Hard Rock Tribe. I finally escaped. Teacher Xia and Ramona ... I don't know, but May they be okay. "

More people came out of the ambush.

Big Bear spit on the ground, "Damn, Li Ni, don't think we don't know anything! We have seen what happened in the garbage!"

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